The first time, the first time, was to go to Alabasta.


After having a good meal and a good drink, the people took the Kalu duck to visit various places.

The first destination was the artificial oasis group.

This artificial oasis group was located in the central area of ​​the desert.

The large oasis was planted with various crops, and a good harvest would be possible after waiting for some time.

Ginny, who was carried by the big bear, looked at the green eyes with excitement in her eyes, and exclaimed: "Oh my God! Oases in the desert? How did you make this, old sand?"

"Using advanced technology and my ability, the desert has been turned into fertile farmland."

Sand crocodile explained without reservation.

"Mr. Crocodile, can these grains completely solve the food problem in Alabasta?"

Drager is more concerned about the harvest.

"We are still working hard, and it will be done soon."

Sand Crocodile waved his hand proudly, pointing to the desert within his sight, "In the future, all places here will be transformed into artificial oases."

"No wonder Mr. Crocodile is Achen's right-hand man." Drrager sighed.

Sand Crocodile realized that he seemed to have dug a hole for himself. Now the artificial oasis can proceed smoothly in large part because of his fruit ability.

If he really finishes the big pie he has drawn, when will he return to the Sky Island headquarters.

"Hahahaha, brother Drrager, just call me Sand Crocodile or Old Sand. The plan just now has not been finalized, not finalized yet--"

"Hahahaha, I understand, I understand."


Then, they came to the newly built trade market.

The market was bustling with people, noisy and orderly, vendors shouted loudly, and all kinds of goods were dazzling.

Fresh fruits, precious spices, handicrafts, cloth, etc. are all available, attracting countless customers to come and buy.

The vendors greeted every customer enthusiastically, and the shouts came one after another, and the whole market was full of vitality and vitality.

Dorag and his revolutionary army members looked at the prosperous scene in front of them and sighed.

They were infected by the lively atmosphere of the market and smiled.

Crocodile introduced: "This is currently the largest trade market in Alabasta. We want to develop the country more prosperously through trade."

"The short-term goal is to complete the internal circulation of the economy through hundreds of large and small markets throughout the country in recent years."

"This is one of the three carriages that the boss often talks about, although I don't quite understand it."

Crocodile scratched his head rarely, after all, sometimes the professional terms that Yi Chen came up with were too advanced.

What are exports, infrastructure, consumption, and investment?

Dorag shook his head when he heard it. Since he came to Alabasta, everything here has broken his fixed thinking.

He felt that he was now an underage child, and everything he saw was new.

This also made him more convinced of Yi Chen, because everything he saw now was something that the world had never had.

Although there are few kingdoms that can get along with the people, there will always be one or two in the long river of history.

However, it is far from enough to rely solely on the short-term happiness brought to the people during the king's term of office. Who can guarantee that the next king will still be wise?

It is not enough to rely solely on the king's charity. The people need to create wealth with their own hands.

The big trade market in front of us can prove this.

Whether it is the vendors or the customers, they are full of vitality, just like the rising sun. This expression can only be emitted by those who have escaped from the confusion of food.

Everything I have seen so far is already something I dared not hope for before.

Powerful people use their abilities to benefit the people just to let them have enough food.

The facts in front of me prove that I still have a lot to learn.

Then, they visited several newly built primary and secondary schools.

These schools have modern buildings and complete facilities. Teachers devote all their knowledge to the podium, and students listen carefully in spacious and bright classrooms with happy smiles on their faces.

"This is the production base of elite talents that the boss reserves for the future, and it will take time to incubate."

Sand Crocodile proudly introduced, "The talents produced at present are just enough for Alabasta, but the effect is very significant."

"Talents who have received systematic education can already handle small affairs independently, and we only need to control the big direction."

He added, "The future government system will continue to

It is gradually being improved, and there are still many shortcomings now. "

"This is the most incredible and complete educational facility we have seen so far."

Drag responded.

"While the people of other countries are still worried about pirates, food, and high taxes, the people of Alabasta have already lived a prosperous life, and the new sun is growing vigorously."

"Education is the future of the country, and the children of Alabasta will definitely have a bright future."

He sighed, "This visit really opened the door to a new world for us."

"Please allow me to salute you, Mr. Crocodile."

Drag took the lead in bowing, and the people of the Revolutionary Army followed suit to bow in respect.

Sand Crocodile hurriedly helped him up: "All this is arranged by the boss, and I am just a worker."

"Although, it feels really good to be admired!"

He waved his hand to signal everyone to continue moving forward, "Let's go, Brother Dragon, let's go to meet the real 'king' of this country-'Idle King' Cobra. "

They came to the garden of Arubana. It was full of various flowers, shaded by green trees, and the scenery was pleasant.

King Cobra was sitting on a bench in the garden, enjoying the sunshine with a satisfied smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Dorag, because my brother Sand Crocodile and I must have a decision-maker to stay in the capital, so we can't greet you in person."

Cobra stood up to greet everyone.

"Come on, everyone sit down."

He greeted enthusiastically.

After everyone sat down around the garden, the guards served tea one by one and then withdrew.

Sand Crocodile stood in the middle of the crowd and began his speech: "The boss often says that words are not enough, so I didn't introduce our future ideas and directions to you at the Sky Island Base."

"I believe that after you have finished the tour, you have already had some small shocks."

Everyone nodded like pounding garlic.

"Then next, it's my turn. ”

“The real No. 3 person in the organization, the boss Yi Chen’s right-hand man, Crocodile - Crocodile, will give you a detailed introduction to the future direction.”

“Because of the boss’s special identity, it is not convenient for him to show up frequently.”

It is indeed inconvenient. After all, he only went to pick up a small ship doctor, but he alarmed all the admirals of the Navy Headquarters. It is really the boss’s style.

Crocodile smiled and continued: “First, introduce the long-term plan of the organization.”

“The first five-year plan - to build a superpower on this sea - Alabasta.”


The most handsome reader in the world!

Xiao Yang asks for everything!


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