The new battle is over, and the battle is over.

(Thanks to the readers for the tip! Thank you!)

North Sea.

Mignon Island.

"Achen, we don't have much time left. Kizaru and Garp are on the way."

"Aokiji has also turned back from the West Sea."

"If we delay a little longer, the five admirals of the Navy Headquarters will be here."

Barrett glanced around the battlefield and reported the latest intelligence to Yi Chen with a serious face.

He understood Achen's plan. At first, Achen just wanted to rely on Enelu to bring Luo and others back. He didn't expect the World Government to react so strongly that they sent two admirals to trade the Operation Fruit.

In this way, all combat forces had to be deployed to ensure that the Operation Fruit was foolproof, but what was surprising again was that.

The navy didn't know how to get the news, and the remaining three admirals all rushed here.


Yi Chen was stunned for a moment.

It was tricky. If it really dragged on until Kizaru and Mr. Garp came, things might change again.

In the past year, they have been working hard to build Alabasta. In the future, they will use Alabasta as a pilot country to show it to people in the world who still have justice and goodwill.

Show the changes in the lives of citizens in the countries that have undergone revolutions under the influence of red ideas, and then compare them with the countries ruled by the World Government to increase persuasiveness.

Use this to persuade them to join their camp.

At present, Alabasta has not been built to what they want.

Although the lives of the citizens there have undergone tremendous changes and have gradually become wealthy.

But they have only just solved the problem of food and clothing. After all, although the population in that area was indeed huge at the beginning, the citizens were not wealthy. After so many years of gradual improvement, it has gradually improved.

As the saying goes, "If you want to be rich, build roads first." The major infrastructure projects in his plan have not started yet.

It's not time to invite them to visit.

Besides, he was too busy farming this year and neglected to contact them.

I'm afraid he'll be beaten if he meets them.

Yi Chen thought about the situation again.

Barrett, his biggest helper, has arrived. It's time to think about how to maximize the benefits of this full-scale attack.

There are two options now: the first is that Barrett holds back Yixiao, and he kills Green Bull with all his strength, cutting off a tentacle of the World Government first.

The cost is that it is very likely to make Admiral Yixiao feel disgusted, and it will be much more difficult to recruit him.

And Doflamingo will definitely take this opportunity to slip away.

The injured Enel and Sauro plus Robin can't keep them, and they still need to protect Law and others.

Another option is to intimidate Fujitora and Green Bull himself, and Barrett captures all of Mingo and his men.

In this case, Green Bull will have no chance to kill this time.

Think about how Old Sand complains about Cobra all the time for basking in the sun and not working.

Although Robin can help Old Sand deal with many problems, she spends more time with herself and will definitely not go to Alabasta.

More political talents are indeed needed.

Mingge is a wise and brave type, no need to hesitate!

Xiao Ming, be my subordinate, get on board!

"Enelu, take your people back to the Black Pearl first."

"Barrett, persuade all of Mingge and the others to go to the Black Pearl."

"I'll look after the navy."

"We'll withdraw after the mission is completed."

Yi Chen ordered everyone.

"Yeah hahahaha!"

"Red Turkey, surrender obediently!"

"Brother Enelu will take good care of you!"

The top combat power of the Longyuan Pirates gathered here.

Enelu was immediately full of confidence, and his voice became louder again, shouting and commanding everyone to retreat.

Doflamingo almost couldn't stop his anger after hearing this, but he looked at the mighty and domineering Barrett opposite him and the handsome Yi Chen next to him, clenched his fist and swallowed his anger.

Standing still, he dared not act rashly.


Yi Chen put the Taogui back into the sheath, spread his hands, and made a harmless gesture, but the powerful momentum still permeated around him, making people shudder.

Yixiao keenly felt this momentum, and his eyes were fixed on Yi Chen, without any slack.

He glanced at Barrett who turned around and walked towards Doflamingo, and had no intention of taking action.

Whether it is the Don Quixote family or the Longyuan Pirates, they are currently unstable factors on the sea.

Let them eat


I don't agree with the concept of the World Government. As a Celestial Dragon, Doflamingo is on his own.

For now, let's save the injured Green Bull and wait for the rescue of the Navy Headquarters.

There may be room for maneuver in the matter of the Operation Fruit.

As for the retreating members of the Ryugen Pirates, there is really no spare energy to care about them.

"Mr. Yixiao, why don't we talk about it."

Yi Chen took the initiative to start the topic.

"Mr. Yichen, what do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know what Mr. Yixiao thinks of these countries. Are their citizens really happy? Even some countries can be called 'superpowers'."

Yi Chen deliberately emphasized the word "superpower" to lay the groundwork for guiding Yixiao to visit Alabasta in the future.

"As a defected major general of the navy, does Mr. Yi Chen have any unique insights?

"There are indeed some--"

Yi Chen smiled mysteriously.

Seeing is believing, wait until you see it with your own eyes, then make a judgment.


Yi Xiao frowned slightly, not completely believing his words.


Ming Ge's side.

"Doflamingo, I have heard of your name."

Barrett's voice was low and powerful, like a mountain moving slowly.

"Achen wants to invite you to our ship to talk."

He walked over slowly, his momentum as oppressive as a mountain.

"Do you want to go by yourself, or do I carry you up?" "

The cadres behind Mingge took a few steps back, with fear on their faces.

Don't come over here!

But as a rebellious man who can awaken the domineering color of domineering, how could Mingge give up so easily?

He gritted his teeth and took the lead in attacking, trying to dispel the fear in his heart.

"Wild Wave White Line!"

Tens of thousands of transparent white thin lines shot out from between his fingers, arranged horizontally, forming a raging wave-like attack, surging up from below, gradually approaching Barrett in the middle, and finally forming a huge wave-like white line, intending to trap Barrett in the line and crush him.

However, Barrett grabbed the huge wave white line with one hand and punched with the other hand, and the huge wave white line was instantly hammered into pieces and splashed in all directions.

"Damn it! "

A trace of fear flashed across Mingge's eyes. He finally understood that the man in front of him was not on the same level as Enelu.

It was a real monster!

"That means I have to carry you up."

Barrett grinned, revealing a ferocious smile, "kahahaahaha! Your eyes are very good!"

He was in a good mood. Doflamingo's eyes reminded him of the original Crocodile and the later Enelu.

As the first surrender officer of the Ryugen Pirates,

I'm back to work!


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