Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 325: Purpose and Guidance

After hanging up the phone, Mary stood alone on the rooftop blowing the air.

After talking to Weiwei, after arriving at the Revolutionary Army base, and even after her inauguration speech, she already had a vague premonition.

The real decisive battle is about to come, and he will soon meet Zhenzhang with Yin Mu and others' subordinates.

After Gabriel's phone call, her mood became heavier and clearer.

"...The rain clouds overhead are getting heavier and heavier. I don't know when this heavy rain will come down."

Mary whispered.

"Your Excellency Mary, the meeting is about to begin."

At this time, at the door of the rooftop, Sabo looked at Mary quietly.

When Mary was halfway through the call, Sabo had already come to her. But he was very measured and kept a considerable distance while Mary was still on the phone.

Mary nodded and looked away.

He tied his own cloth again and walked towards Sabo.

"Take me there."


In the huge conference room, dozens of people sat in rows on both sides of an exaggeratedly long table.

There are men and women among them, old and young, but their unified characteristic is that they are all very graceful. After entering, everyone found their seats and sat down, remaining silent. The entire venue was silent.

They are all leaders of resistance organizations in this world. Some come from all over the world, some come from the Grand Line, and some even come from the New World. Even Denjiro from Wano Country came to participate in the meeting, but Denjiro only came to represent the position of Wano Country and would not participate in any discussions.

The country of Wano, which was liberated by Mary but was actually in Elio's hands, had no objection to Mary's claims. Denjiro himself was rescued by Elio and others. He is a centrist between Yamato and the Kozuki family and can represent the positions of both parties.

Weiwei sat at the third seat and Long sat at the second seat.

The chief was still vacant. Everyone knew this and was not surprised at all. Because everyone knows that the protagonist this time is not a dragon.

After a while, the door opened, and for a moment, dozens of people's eyes were focused on it.

Sabo opened the door sideways, and a petite woman walked into the conference room with a smile.

She was wearing a white dress and a white cloak, and even her eyes were tied with white cloth belts.

"Are you blind..."

"The guy who fought with the God of Thunder yesterday..."

Several leaders also had some ideas about Mary's image at this time, and they did not underestimate Mary's first impression.

After all, age does not determine everything. Although Mary looks young, basically the leaders here have seen the battle between Mary and Enelu yesterday, and naturally they do not dare to underestimate it.

Mary bowed slightly.

Everyone was silent, and Mary did not stop. She walked to the head of the conference room and sat down slowly.

Sabo also closed the door at this time and stood guard at the door of the conference room with his hands behind his back to prevent anyone from interfering or eavesdropping.

"Ahem, everyone is here."

"Everyone, this is Mr. Wenyue, the editor of "Ten Essays on Revolution" and "On Society."

Long coughed twice and then stood up.

Although he is not the protagonist today, he is the initiator and host of this meeting.

"Then according to the agenda of the meeting, we will first make a basic plan for the future development of the world revolution."

"First of all, I want to introduce two people to you."


After the words fell, Weiwei, who was sitting at the third seat, and Denjiro, who was sitting in the crowd, both stood up.

"My name is Denjiro, one of the Nine Red Scabbard Heroes, and a servant of the General of Wano. I represent Wano at this meeting and fully support the revolutionary army."

Denjiro's speech did not stir up any waves. After all, the image of a samurai was too eye-catching, and Denjiro himself did not do much to cover up. Therefore, before the meeting began, many people speculated that Wano Country had joined forces with the revolutionary army.

In addition, the country of Wano itself is not a member of the World Government, so it makes sense to have such a position.

Therefore, everyone's eyes are on the other person.

The mysterious man sitting at the third seat took off her cloak, and her sea-blue curly hair appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

For a moment, everyone in the conference room exclaimed.

"Everyone." Weiwei showed a confident smile, "I am the desert co-chairman, Neferutali Weiwei. On behalf of the Kingdom of Alabasta, we unite with the desert and support the position of the revolutionary army."

"The Revolutionary Army will join the Desert Alliance and be organized into a regular army, and Mr. Long will become one of the honorary presidents of the Desert Alliance."

"Mr. Morgans, Mr. Xiong, and Yin Renault Chamber of Commerce, as honorary chairmen, all support this resolution."

"And, Wano Country joins the Desert Alliance."

Denjiro added.

Such breaking news was like a bomb exploding in the water, causing an uproar in the conference room.

After Weiwei and Denjiro said these words, they sat down and watched the changes in the atmosphere in the conference room.

Soon after, after the argument died down, silence returned to the room again.

The difference was that compared to the previous situation where everyone had their own thoughts, Long could vaguely feel that a real force of twisting together was beginning to take shape.

'Sure enough, it is still necessary to have strong claims to truly launch a revolution that changes the world. There is a huge difference between political demands in the true sense and ordinary armed attacks. ’

Long narrowed his eyes and then continued:

"Then, next, the suggestions proposed by Sir Weiwei and I will be distributed to everyone, and everyone can discuss them."

The meeting process proceeds normally.

This meeting is not intended to directly finalize various organizational plans. As the saying goes, many things have been discussed before the meeting, and many things can only be planned after the meeting. The so-called meetings are actually mainly exchanges between various existing plans.

It cannot be said that it is impossible to make substantial progress at the meeting, it can only be said that it is more difficult.

Long didn't pay much attention to this aspect. When everyone was discussing the cooperation plan, his eyes looked in Mary's direction from time to time.

The core purpose of this meeting is to unite all the resistance forces and twist them into one rope. And this requires a spiritual leader.

Although Long is strong, his revolutionary army has remained based on violent revolution for many years and cannot form leadership for all resistance organizations. But Mary can do this.

The key to the success of this meeting lies with Mary.

At this time, Mary was facing the conference table with a smile, her eyes were hidden behind the cloth, and no one could see her thoughts.

After about half an hour, the discussion in the venue subsided. The basic liaison has been completed, and the remaining discussions will basically have to be discussed by the leaders of each organization after the meeting.

At this time, eyes focused on the upper three seats again.

Seeing this, Long also knew that the time had come.

He stood up again.

"After this general meeting, the Revolutionary Army Headquarters will hold multiple meetings to further discuss the joint plan."

"Now, the meeting moves on to the next agenda."

After the words fell, everyone was refreshed.

"The next hosting will be handed over to Mr. Wenyue. Please give a brief introduction to Mr. Wenyue."

After Long said this, he sat back down and looked at Mary.

Mary also stood up slowly under the gaze of everyone.

"Then let me tell you something."

She surprised everyone as soon as she opened her mouth.

Mary's voice echoed throughout the venue, as if she was speaking in everyone's ears.

Even the dragon's eyes widened. He couldn't figure out how Mary did this in the first place.

In fact, it is very simple. Mary cannot simply speak directly.

Her inaugural speech had been broadcast live around the world, and everyone knew her voice. If he spoke directly at this time, it would be tantamount to exposing his identity. She doesn't know enough about the navy to be exposed at this time.

Therefore, she chose to spread her blood extremely thinly, so thin that the smell of blood could not be smelled, filling the conference room. As she opened her mouth, the blood mist would vibrate accordingly, and then spread throughout the conference room. Make noise.

This move not only prevents others from hearing her original timbre, but also makes everyone intimidated by her elusive methods.

The magical skill to suppress the situation.

"I am Wenyue, you can call me sir, political commissar, and comrade."

"There is no need to regard me as a leader. I am just an ordinary person. There is no essential difference from you."

"I believe you all know me, or at least have read the two books I compiled, right?"

Everyone nodded and responded.

Mary smiled and then said:

"I am not an authority. If you have any opinions on my concepts and propositions, you can ask questions next. I will answer them one by one. The formation of a theoretical system requires the collision of thinking, and as revolutionaries, we must establish a new system , so I do not reject any well-founded criticism.”

“But before I do that, I want to make some points that I didn’t write about in the book.”

"I would like to ask everyone, what is your opinion on the statement that [Celestial Dragons are gods in the world and are descendants of the Creator]?"

At this time, Mary, who had gone through many storms, already had considerable control over the topic, and was able to use her words to subtly influence the audience's thinking.

Even Long didn't notice that his thoughts had followed Mary. He was also thinking seriously about the question raised by Mary at this time.

And the person who answered this question was Weiwei.

"I think I have the best say in this statement."

She said: "The Nefertari clan was once a royal clan equal to the Draconians. However, we also almost faced annihilation. If the Draconis are all descendants of gods, then why did our clan suffer misfortune? Could it be that Mary Joa Is there any mysterious power?"


Mary raised her hand slightly, and Weiwei nodded and stopped talking.

"Your Excellency Weiwei is right, the Celestial Dragons are also human beings, not gods. But why, no one among the people dares to really harm the Celestial Dragons?"

"No matter what the identity of this Celestial Dragon is, as long as there is still contact between him and Marigio, even the most vicious pirates will not dare to actually kill him. Why?"


Everyone was silent and speechless. They really hadn't thought about this issue before.

It seems like common sense.

"Is it because of strength?" Denjiro frowned and said, "In this period of time, I have also learned about the outer sea situation."

"If I remember correctly, if someone attacks the Tianlong people, they will be attacked by the general."

"The general's strength is immeasurable. With such power to maintain, of course no one would dare to hurt the Tianlong people."

"No, that's not right."

Before Mary could speak, Long denied this view.

Mary, who had just opened her mouth to say something, immediately closed her lips and looked at Long with a half-smile.

Long, on the other hand, knocked on the table and said word by word:

"Violence can suppress them for a while, but it cannot suppress them forever. The rebellious behavior of the Celestial Dragons has made people in many places dissatisfied, but many of them will not resist throughout their lives. The status of the Celestial Dragons is not achieved through pure violence."

"What's more, generals are not invincible. The former Rocks, Pirate King Roger, and even the Four Emperors who were still dominant not long ago, each have strength above that of generals. However, even such a being would not dare to kill Tianlong people."

"...Celestial Dragons cannot be killed. This is not only achieved through the maintenance of power."

"Mr. Long is right."

Mary nodded, and then said solemnly:

"People have their own consciousness, and human behavior is guided by consciousness. This is the so-called purpose."

"When there are more and more such purposes and form a path, life will have meaning."

"And the world government can instill meaning into people. Eight hundred years is enough time for the world government to unify its own purpose with the purpose of the vast majority of the people. Just as the purpose of the navy is [justice], the purpose of the world government does not A simple word can sum it up, but it subtly shapes a common perception.”

"This is the reason for the formation of all values. In essence, religious worship, primitive beliefs, and even the Bushido of Wano are all in this way."

"And the Celestial Dragons are unkillable gods and part of the common understanding shaped by the world government."

"The world government suppressed all forces that resisted them, allowing their invincible and irreversible status to take root in the hearts of the world. Then, it cleverly transferred this nature to the smaller group of Celestial Dragons, through Narrowing the target to strengthen the presence of this nature in the eyes of the world makes this suggestion deeply imprinted in everyone's mind."

"This makes it difficult for some people to make the decision to completely eradicate the Celestial Dragons even if they have the idea of ​​overthrowing the World Government. This is the purpose of the World Government. The Celestial Dragons are the puppets pushed by the World Government. , and their will is actually the will of the World Government. Without the purpose of firmly opposing the Celestial Dragons, there is no way to fundamentally defeat the World Government, because the Celestial Dragons are originally part of the World Government."

After this long speech, the entire conference room was completely silent.

Not all leaders are good at thinking, and many of those who use force as a means look at a loss.

It was fine in the front, but why could I not understand what she was saying at the back?

Even many people who only half-understood the book frowned.

Although Mary's eyes were covered, the blood mist itself was also part of her senses. Even if she didn't release her knowledge, she was well aware of the changes in the conference room.

She clearly observed everyone's reaction.

Those who are confused are the martial arts faction, and those who frown are the literary faction. Those with relaxed expressions either completely trust Mary, such as Weiwei or Denjiro, or have already thought about all this, such as Long.

Of course there are very few such people.

"So, Mr. Wenyue, after saying so much, what do you mean?"

After thinking for a while, a leader of the Wen Dou faction took the lead and asked.

"No need for honorifics." Mary replied, "What I mean is that our revolution is not only to destroy the organizations of the world government, but also to destroy the values ​​​​created by them."

"We must fundamentally deny the statement that [Celestial Dragons are gods], and deny the entire world government on this basis. This is a war of ideas, a battle as intense as a frontal battlefield. Happily, ideas The most important link in the war is the weapon of propaganda, and Mr. Morgans, who masters this weapon, is already on the same front as us."

"This is also the reason why I compiled "Ten Essays on Revolution" and "On Society". These are the weapons we use to attack the world government and create a new era. They are also the values ​​​​for the new government to be based on."

"So, I hope that our next discussion will be centered around the fundamental purpose, okay?"

After the words fell, the whole place fell into silence.

Mary nodded.

"Very well, now it's up to you to ask questions and I'll answer them. Everyone, please think independently."

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