Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 109: Extortion again

"So far, it seems that the healing is going well. It's much better than I thought. Your body is in good shape."

Luo said while helping Paul change the medicine.

"It seems that in about two months at most, your arm can be completely restored to its original state."

Paul heard this and nodded.

Ai Xi was chewing the dried fish obediently on the side. This chewy and flavorful food won her favor.

Dasqi, on the other hand, sat aside and looked at the two of them with strange eyes.

"Um...Luo." After a while, Dasqi finally couldn't help but said, "Why are you still on the island?"

"My patient's condition has not stabilized yet. As a doctor, how can I leave first?"

When Luo heard what Dasqi said, he looked at Dasqi with an incredulous look.

The corners of Dasqi's mouth twitched.

"No...I didn't mean that."

"I mean, aren't you afraid of getting caught?"

"Well, didn't the girl named Mary say that at that time, it would be fine if she didn't see her."

Luo curled his lips: "I can see that he is a principled person, but this kind of person can be quite cute if he is flexible to some extent. Just like now, if I don't take the initiative to tease her, she will not be satisfied. Are you looking for me in the Shampoo Islands?"

"As for you three—"

"I would have been arrested on the first day."

After saying this, Luo just finished changing the medicine.

After simply bandaging the wound, Luo stood up and wiped his sweat.

"OK, that's almost it. After changing the medicine this time, you don't need to apply any more medicine. There are always some medicines listed on the ship. Once you start to feel itchy or sore, just take a dose."

"So be it."

Luo raised his knife, turned and left.

Paul looked at his leaving figure and said, "Goodbye."

"No need," Luo waved his hand without looking back, "Given the character of your boss, it would be better if we never see each other again."

"...We will meet again sooner or later."

Looking at Luo's retreating figure, Paul whispered.

No matter what position a pirate with this character takes in the future, he will meet them again sooner or later.

"Then it's almost time for us to go back." Paul stood up and said to Dusqi: "Dasqi, have you prepared all the supplies Kuhlman told you?"

"Ah, everything is ready." Dasqi nodded and patted the huge package behind him.

"Then let's go back to the ship."

*chewing sound*

"Ash, let's go."


*chewing sound*

"Our next stop is the Capital of the Seven Waters." Mary said while looking at the map. "The Dandelion's firepower is too poor. Although the mini hull has excellent maneuverability, its ability to withstand wind and waves and its naval combat capabilities are too weak. Worse."

"Let's find some outstanding boatmen in the Capital of Seven Waters to give the Dandelion some modifications."

To be honest, Mary wanted to find a few highly skilled boatmen named in the original book to board the ship in the Capital of Seven Waters. But if you think about it carefully, Carrera Company, which has just experienced the invasion of CP9, is afraid that its favorability towards the World Government has dropped to a freezing point, and as a result, the Navy has been implicated.

It's easy for them to build a ship now, but if you want them to get on the ship... I'm afraid it's impossible.

And Mary looked down upon those boatmen with average skills. After much deliberation, I decided to renovate the ship in the Capital of Seven Waters.

It is still necessary to modify the ship, otherwise their small ship may not be able to withstand the impact of the rising current. If the ship is smashed while going up to the sky island, it will be a big deal.

Well, if you think about it carefully, you will pass the terrifying three-masted ship on the way back.

However, Mary had no intention of dealing with Moriah. She already felt that she could beat the most incompetent Shichibukai in a one-on-one fight. Apart from Perona, among his characters, Hogbark is the only one with good skills.

But Hogwubak was a disgusting person. Although he didn't kill anyone, it was still unpleasant.

At this point in time, Perona should have been taken to Hawkeye by the bear, otherwise she might be able to get on the boat for training.

Moria is also quite strange. As a pirate, his subordinates rarely touch human lives. All they did was dig up people's ancestral graves.

Mary didn't want to deal with this guy.

However, there is still one thing worth noting in the Terror Triangle.

That is an existence that is an unsolved mystery even in the original work before he traveled through time——

The Magic Triangle.

That was the terrifying shadow that Luffy and others saw when they left the Triangle Sea. It was a huge creature hidden deep in the fog. It was more than 50,000 meters tall and could not even compare to the Elephant Master.

Moreover, the fog released by them seems to be an important reason for the formation of the Triangular Sea Area.

"Speaking of which, even the terrifying barque itself has a very strange origin..."

Mary murmured as she looked at the map.

The Dread Barque existed long before Moria was occupied, and Brooke once said that this huge ship was once an island in the Western Sea.

Brook himself is a pirate from the Western Sea. In other words, this island had reached the Devil's Triangle at least before Brooke went to sea.

Moreover, the island itself should be quite famous in the West Sea.

So before Moria came to the Devil's Triangle, who was the owner of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, and why did they stay in the Devil's Triangle? None of this is known.

"What are you talking about? Mary?" Coleman looked at Mary suspiciously, wondering about her subconscious gibbering just now.

"Uh, no, it's nothing."

Mary shook her head. She didn't understand these things herself, so she'd better not tell others about them.

"Speaking of which, those cubs haven't come back from seeing a doctor yet."

"We're back!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Dasqi opened the door to the conference room and walked in panting.

"...We're here as we say, why are you so tired?"

"Well, move some things." Dasqi wiped his sweat and briefly talked about the purchased items.

Kuhlman took a document from the main seat in the conference room, listened to Dasqi's report, and compared the document.

"Well, we've bought everything, and the supplies are fully prepared." It wasn't until Dasqi finished speaking that Kullman closed the document and said with a smile.

Mary nodded and looked at Dusky.

"How is Paul's injury doing now?"

"The doctor said he's almost better. At least he'll have no problem sailing with us on the ocean."

"He opened some pharmacies for me and said that if there is any abnormal reaction to the wound, just use medicine..."

"Then you can grab some medicine later."


Mary nodded and asked as if she suddenly remembered something:

"By the way, Dusky, who is the doctor who treated Paul? I'll go and say thank you."

"Uh... this..." Dusqi suddenly hesitated and couldn't speak.

Coleman smiled and shook his head.

Mary frowned deeply and looked at Dusky. After a while, she sighed.

"Dasqi, remember, although Luo is a good person, don't confuse him with other pirates."

"Pirates are pirates. You may think Luo people are good, and I don't object to that. But please don't elevate your personal behavior to the overall level. Don't think that all pirates are people like Luo."

"Yes Yes!"

Dasqi immediately stood still and said.

"Go ahead and buy some medicine."

Mary waved her hand.

As if she had been granted amnesty, Dasqi ran out of the room as fast as she could, without even touching the ground.

"You are really strict." Kuhlman smiled.

Mary shook her head: "This is not strict, this is principle."

"Kulman, we are the navy. Even if we are optimistic about some pirates, we cannot work with them. Unnaturalized pirates are always uncertain factors, there is no doubt about this."

"You mean you can use it after you become naturalized?"

Coleman raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't say that, and the actual situation must be analyzed based on the actual situation."

"Isn't the current Navy just naturalizing some pirates? The Shichibukai, and Tina's Jango. Oh, yes, you may not know who Jango is."

Mary scratched her head, feeling helpless.

"It's just that, from the current point of view, there is obviously a problem with the system of the Shichibukai. It harbors too much dirt and will only destroy the purity of the navy."

"Even if you are naturalized, those who have committed too serious crimes cannot not pay any price. Pirates are fundamentally different from us. I just hope that you all realize this."

"Many pirates do not deserve to be naturalized at all, and death is their only destination."

Coleman took a sip of coffee and said calmly:

"Don't worry, Mary. We all distinguish between public and private matters. But you, there is no need to set your own rules too rigidly."

"... Let's talk about it again, sea man..."

Mary let out an incomprehensible sigh.

This world is surprisingly tolerant of pirates, which Mary doesn't like very much.

However, the concept that all sea men who fight the sea are warriors has been deeply ingrained in the people of the One Piece world, and Mary cannot buck the trend.

"I'm going back to my room first."

She stood up and said casually.

"Aren't you going to take a bath this time?" Coleman raised an eyebrow.

"We have to do business!"

Just kidding, I will meet Long again in a while, but I haven't touched a single word of the thought notes I promised him to take with me.

She vaguely regained the sense of urgency she had when the project in her previous life was approaching a dead end - although it was not a good feeling.

"Oh, wait..." When she reached the door, she suddenly remembered something.

Putting aside the matter of catching up on the manuscript for the time being, she ran off the boat and ran towards the mangrove area No. 13.

"...Why is this guy running away again?" Kuhlman frowned, but didn't say much, just greeted everyone.

"Everyone is ready to set sail."

Mary's figure shuttled through the crowd and arrived at her destination in a short time.

As a result of several days of adjustments, although the Chambord Islands have not completely returned to their former glory, they have once again become crowded with people.

Looking at the sign in front of her, Mary was silent for a moment and walked in.

"Welcome...hey, is it you?"

Just as Xia Qi said hello, she saw Mary walking in.

"What's wrong? Are you here to fulfill your promise?"

Xia Qi said teasingly.

Mary sat on the chair, put her hat on the table, and smoothed her hair.

"No...that's not what I'm doing."

"I don't have enough free time right now."

Mary knocked on the table and said, "Have a glass of milk."

"This is a bar..." Xia Qi shook her head, but turned around to warm a glass of milk and handed it to Mary.

"So, what are you doing here?"

Mary took a sip of milk, looked at Xia Qi and asked:

"Where's Rayleigh?"

The movement of Xia Qi's hand paused slightly, and before she could answer, Mary added:

"No need to beat around the bush, I know everything about Rayleigh fighting the Dragon Emblem Dragons here, and in the huge Block 13, only your area is intact - you can guess it as you like."

"After all, you are the only place here that has the possibility to accommodate Rayleigh."

Mary looked at Xia Qi seriously.

After a while, Xia Qi smiled helplessly.

"Although the logic in your words is still imperfect, you probably won't think that you guessed wrong."

She shook her head: "Rayley has left."

"Where have you gone?" Mary asked immediately, "Did you leave because of Saint Edwine?"

"You know quite a lot." Xia Qi looked at Mary with interest, "And you seem to be particularly concerned about Saint Edved."

"Speaking of which, I actually had some interactions with him this time. Although I didn't get any interesting information, the line was established."

"Little girl, if you need any information about Saint Edved in the future, please come to me."

"..." Mary's mouth twitched slightly.

Xia Qi chuckled, mixed a glass of wine, and started drinking by herself.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. That guy Rayleigh was taken away by the Edweed Covenant. I don't know exactly what he went to do."

"Have you been taken away by Edweed's covenant..."

Mary lowered her head thoughtfully and said.

"Oh, by the way, that Saint Edwin took a little girl with him when he left. She seemed to be a wandering child, right?" Xia Qi recalled, "He actually showed such a smile. I also have a little respect for the Tianlong people. There has been a slight improvement.”

Taken away a little girl?

Mary smiled, Ann should be able to live a good life in the future.

And... the power of the Devil Fruit, the power of the Shasha Fruit, may also be able to help me in the future.

After asking about the last thing she cared about, Mary drank all the milk on the table, stood up, and walked out the door.

"The next time I come back here, I will come back and fulfill my promise to you."

She said as she walked outside.

"...I don't know when I will see you next time?"

Xia Qi smiled and shook her head, put away the cup, and turned towards the depths of the store.

"The Navy brat is so interesting."

After walking out of the door and standing on the edge of the street, Mary took a deep breath and looked at the sky filled with bubbles.

The bizarre scenery is beautiful every time you look at it.

Unfortunately, she didn't have much time to waste. This battle had used up all the spare time she had planned.

With the war looming, she had to seize the time to finish what she planned to do.

"I've never really appreciated the scenery here..."

Mary slowly stretched out her hand toward the sky.

"Next time you come back, let's have some fun."

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