Pioneer Knight

Chapter 622:

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The "puppet technique" practiced by Hughes records a contractual puppet with compulsory binding, that is, "blood sacrifice puppet", which is also a kind of slave puppet, but it is biased towards puppets. It is very harsh. If the object to be displayed is that which is absolutely convincing to oneself, there can be no slight influence in the process of display. When the "blood sacrifice puppet" is displayed, his own willpower must be able to suppress the other party. Otherwise, it is very likely to be bitten, the result of the bite is very serious, the lightest is the anti-blood sacrifice, but most of them are their own deaths.

The silkworm's "silkworm along the endowed sacrifice" gave Hughes a kind of wild hope. If you can control the silkworm, you will have countless silkworm ants, and then you can control others through the silkworm ants. Si will have a powerful force, and he will be able to better protect himself and the people he wants to protect.

"Puppet technique" records many methods of refining puppets. These are some very advanced puppet techniques. Hughes is one of them. Among them, there is one of the most strange contract puppets, blood sacrifice puppets.

Blood sacrifice puppets are direct control puppets through bloodline sacrifices, which have great coercion and binding. All puppets subjected to blood sacrifices completely obey the master's commands and obey the master's commands, but they themselves are There is no difference between other creatures, this is a kind of blood, or spiritual control.

However, the requirements of the blood sacrifice puppet are also very demanding. First of all, you must make your spiritual strength stronger than the other party, and you must be subdued in the spirit. The second is to let the other party release itself in all aspects. This is a rare place. Every kind of creature has an instinct to survive. If you want to trust the other party completely, it is simply impossible. The third is that you can’t have it when you perform the “blood sacrifice puppet”. Any interruption, even if it has a slight interruption, will not work.

Hughes thought that the conditions for "blood sacrifice puppets" were very strict and had melancholy, but the thought of being able to slave to the rich benefits brought by the silkworm, Hughes' heart became very uneasy again, and the result was too tempting. People, Hughes finally thought, high returns are accompanied by high risks, how much risk you want to get.

"I want to perform a powerful move, but it takes an hour to travel in this hour. Don’t disturb me. Otherwise, everything will be abandoned. If we can succeed, then we don’t have to be afraid of the silkworm ants. "" Hughes said very carefully looking at Mo Yan.

"Please rest assured, we will take good care of you." Mo Yan can feel the solemnity in Hughes's discourse, but now Moyan has no better way, although I don't know what Hughes' so-called big move is. Yes, but Mo Yan feels that Hughes is going to use some kind of forbidden trick. Although he is not sure about the power, he can only use the dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Hughes walked to the side of the silkworm, squeezed the silk armor in his hand, and continued to drip blood. What the Prime Minister Hughes had to do was to let the blood of Hughes flow into the silk armor through the silk armor, forming the most basic bloodline of blood. Hughes intended to use blood directly, but if he wanted to pass the silk armor, it would be very likely to be contaminated with the breath of the silk armor, so that the silkworm would be more acceptable.

There is nothing wrong with Hughes's thinking. The blood is dripped into the body of the silkworm through the silk armor. The silkworm does not have a lot of resistance. It is slowly absorbed. The body of the silkworm seems to enjoy such a breath, comfortable The sound of "squeak" was very cheerful, and soon the body of the silkworm was surrounded by the blood of Hughes. Hughes wrote a word of "sacrifice" with his hand in the sky, and then put the "sacrifice" "The word leads to where the silkworm is. Now all the external kung fu has been done. The next step is the real contract blood sacrifice.

Hughes sits not far from the silkworm, the steps of "blood sacrifice puppet" appear in his mind, and a simulation is carried out in his mind, Hughes breathes a long breath, the next thing is to establish with the silkworm through the blood Contact, and sign the blood sacrifice contract spiritually overwhelming the silkworm. After the release of the spiritual power, the position of the silkworm is well confirmed. Hughes quickly got in touch with the blood on the silkworm, and then Hughes condensed his mind, and allowed his own blood to form a bridge with the spirit and the silkworm. The root of the contract.

Mo Chi saw that Hughes' chest was cracking, and he went to the place where the silkworm was. He seemed to get some connection with the silkworm. Mo Chi's heart was very shocked and asked Mo Yan Tao: "Young Master, that's ~~."

Mo Yan didn't say anything, but looked straight at Hughes. This method was something he hadn't seen before, even if he hadn't heard of it. It seemed that Hughes was really mysterious, hiding many secrets. , Mo Yan said to Mo Chi: "Guard first and then say, if he can succeed, we can be saved, or else ~~~~."

"Yes." Mo Chi said in a deep voice, and looked at Hughes deeply. He didn't expect to hold someone who looked down on him. Now he feels like looking up. Mo Chi's heart has a very bitter feeling. , But now there is no way, only to pray that Hughes will succeed, otherwise the consequences will be very serious. Looking at so many silkworm ants, Mochi feels scalp numbness.

After Hughes’s effort was in contact with the celestial worm, the mental power began to attack the celestial worm’s mind. As long as he could make the celestial worm’s consciousness subdued, everything would be easy to handle. In my mind.

The picture of the celestial silkworm’s mind is a very deep cave with a lot of carrion corpses floating in the spring water flowing in the yin spring. There are many dense black spots on the carrion corpse. The ants continue to eat the carrion, the scene is very cruel and tragic. On top of that Yinquan, there is a throne, sitting in a crown wearing a crown, but the figure of this emperor is very weak, looks like a child, he looked at what happened below, Just looked at it quietly, there was a certain confusion in his eyes, like he was thinking about something.

Hughes’s spiritual power condensed into a god. The **** of Hughes appeared in this cave when he entered the mind of the silkworm. Looking at the emperor on the throne, Hughes knew that it was the consciousness of the silkworm. Hughes was very surprised. He didn't expect that this picture was in the mind of the silkworm. It really made Hughes curious.

"Who are you and how did you come to my country? It's really bold." After the silkworm consciously saw Husse, the confusion in his eyes became very sharp, and he spurred the mind of Huss.

Any creature has a strong domain. This sentence is indeed correct. Hughes can't help but think of it in his heart, but Hughes has a doubt in his heart. He frowned and asked, "Do you not know that I am Who?"

In Hughes's understanding, since it summoned a group of silkworm ants to become a "silkworm along the endowed sacrifice", it should be a sense. Isn't the behavior of the silkworm not controlled by its consciousness at all, but is this possible? Hughes really didn't believe it, or did he say that his spirit condensed into the breath that God didn't contaminate the silk armor, making the celestial worm's feeling different.

"Well." The celestial worm's consciousness was obvious for a moment, but he didn't expect Hughes to say so. It pondered for a moment, and said with some uncertainty: "I feel a very familiar feeling in you, you are The silkworm family."

Hughes was somewhat childish by the words of the celestial consciousness. It seems that age is indeed its biggest flaw now. Hughes thought about whether he could start from this aspect, but this is a good breakthrough point.

"Boldly, since you are a silkworm family, why don't you salute you when you see this emperor? Be careful, I want you to taste the pain of Wan Ant's heart, hum." Skyworm consciously pointed at Hughes.

"Yes, I want to salute, but this is not a place where salute is very prudent. If that is the case, it will humiliate your identity. So, I will take you to a better place. I see this carrion every day. There is no fun at all." Hughes said it was "smoggy". The current consciousness of the silkworm is still in its infancy. It is best if it can be easily deceived. The provincial Hughes is too wasteful. Strength.

"You're right, but there are seals around here, I can't go out without adulthood, hum." Skyworm consciousness said very uncomfortably.

"I always have a way, but I have pain. As long as you relax your mind and let me enter your consciousness, then I will be able to take you out of the seal here. You don’t see anything when I come in. Obstacles, just let these seals treat you like me." Hughes continued to deceive.

"Well, it makes sense." Skyworm consciously said, thinking.

The silkworm consciousness thought very seriously, and then looked at it with very puzzled eyes, saying, "You wouldn't want to deceive me."

"How is this possible, you are the emperor, the **** of the silkworm family, how dare I deceive you, I am not profaning my faith, profaning the gods?" Hughes said very sadly, but also used The hand touched his own heart, and there was a very painful expression on his face, which looked like a very sad heart.

"I believe you can't do it, okay, I relax, you take me out of this seal, hum, it's really boring here." The silkworm consciously saw the behavior of Hughes and said immediately.

"Is this ridiculous." Hughes said with a smile on his face.

Hughes did not expect that things were going so smoothly. Although the silkworm consciousness has a certain momentum, but his knowledge and his mentality are still very low. This is definitely his fatal flaw. Hughes saw the silkworm consciousness. Opening, he entered the body of the silkworm consciousness.


The moment when the spirit of Hughes entered the body of the silkworm consciousness, the silkworm consciousness felt a severe pain throughout the whole body. That was the pain of the soul consciousness, like the whole body was torn, the silkworm consciousness was where his soul was. The direct entry of Hughes is the tearing of the soul, the soul is the most vulnerable to the human body, and the pain is of course unbearable.

"Strong hold back, just need to hold on for a while." Hughes felt the shaking of the celestial worm's consciousness, and immediately shouted to resist his entry.

Hearing the shouting of Hughes, the celestial worm’s consciousness temporarily stagnate, but then the celestial worm’s consciousness was very difficult to say: "It is really painful, it hurts into the soul, and it can't be tolerated at all."

"You shift your mind and think about some other things. In that case, it will be better." Hughes said quickly. Once the blood sacrifice puppet was put into play, it could not be stopped. Otherwise, it would be likely to be defeated and repaired. Si made the celestial worm conscious of other things without suffering such a strong pain.

"I try." Skyworm's consciousness was very painful, and he shifted his will. This trick is still of great use. The celestial worm consciousness did not continue to tremble, and Hughes carried out the "blood sacrifice puppet" with all his strength.

The silkworm consciousness is sealed in this place, and it is impossible to go out at all. The outside body is not controlled by itself at all. It can only be regarded as an instinct. In this endless years, the silkworm consciousness is really too boring. Now it has An opportunity to go out, naturally the silkworm consciousness cannot be let go. Whenever there is pain, the silkworm consciousness imagines the beauty outside, and the silkworm consciousness gritts his teeth fiercely. He is too longing for the outside world. .

In this way, after half an hour, the blood sacrifice puppet finally completed the first step, and then needed more action. Hughes was really worried about the current situation of the silkworm consciousness. Hughes said quietly to the silkworm consciousness. : "The next step may be more painful, you have to continue to endure, otherwise, the two of us are likely to be distracted."

"Ah, it's more painful next." The silkworm consciousness said very weakly. The pale face and the trembling of the body have shown that the silkworm consciousness has reached a limit, but now Hughes is on the arrow and has to send it. Things have progressed. At this point, it is not that Hughes said that he could stop.

"I'm here." Hughes said to the silkworm consciousness, and then began to extract the silkworm's spiritual consciousness from the silkworm's consciousness very violently. The second step is to send the silkworm's consciousness into his soul. I can establish a connection with the celestial worm, and this is to split the soul of the celestial worm. That kind of pain is really hard to bear. This is more than a thousand times more painful than the instillation of spiritual consciousness.

The celestial consciousness burst out in a moment of miserable screams, and made a terrible roar. The celestial consciousness did not expect such a pain, and felt that it was not himself. The split of the soul made the silkworm consciousness fall into a state of madness. With constant tremors, Hughes' spirit condensed into God was greatly affected, and it was difficult to concentrate on the following steps.

The silkworm ants above the rotting corpses under the cave heard the strong and sharp cries of the silkworm and stopped everything in their hands. In order to protect their emperor, the army of silkworm ants attacked Huss.

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