Pioneer Knight

Chapter 1016:

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This is the dictum of the three-inspired spiritual formula.

I saw that Hughes' right index finger and **** were both set up, and the left hand assisted the right hand. His mouth narrated this spiritual formula, but his mind also flashed.

As soon as this recipe was finished, I saw a soft blue light between Hughes's fingers. This blue light appeared extremely fast, and a layer of light was formed on Hughes's hands.

But seeing this light appeared in Hughes, his mind was ethereal, and his heart was overjoyed. It felt like he was in the endless spiritual veins, and he was very comfortable.


Seeing that the light was accumulating more and more, Hughes seemed to have reached a limit at this moment, but suddenly snorted, his fingers retracted, and his hands quickly formed a zen state, but this action is also at this moment, zen After that, I suddenly thought about hitting forward, but the blue light I saw did not disappear with this series of actions by Hughes, but it was pushed with the palms of Hughes so violently thinking about the space in front. Going out, a blue halo circle was formed, and the halo circle gradually became farther away from the body of Hughes, and the halo circle formed therefrom became larger and larger.

Seeing this, Hughes couldn't help but be happy.

"It's done!"

Hughes whispered secretly.

At this moment, Hughes' heart suddenly looked forward to, and what would be summoned in that spirit world this time.

"Quak quack!"

The halo formed the summoning power in the front space. The channel knew that Hughes heard two croaks.

As soon as this cry came out, Hughes was stunned, but he was randomly ashamed.

Because after the halo disappeared, a palm-sized toad appeared in front of him.

But when I saw the toad's cheeks bulging, his two eyeballs protruded so badly, from time to time there were several croaking sounds.


Hughes was shocked now, shouting.

The enlightenment that he practiced for so long before actually practiced was to summon a toad. This is because Hughes is hard to accept.

"I'm not a toad, I am a prince of the frog family of the spirit world, don't look down on frogs!"

Unexpectedly, Hughes was so helplessly exclaimed that he heard the toad's voice.

When Hughes heard it, he was astonished again. He looked at the toad in a daze, and then looked around.

"You are talking!"

Hughes opened his mouth and said inexplicably

"Why, haven't you seen frogs speak, who are you, kid? If I remember correctly, this kind of summoning technique hasn't been seen in the spirit world for a long time, you are human!"

At this time, the toad said again.

"You really can speak!" Hughes could not help but exclaim: "It hasn't appeared in a long time, how many years have you lived!"

"I haven't been able to transform the human form yet, and now it's just an elementary spirit frog, and I have lived 507 years!"

"Five hundred and seven years, nothing!"

Hughes' jaw hardly dropped, saying

"It's very common to live in the spirit world for so many years. Since you can practice the weird prohibition of summoning, but you don't know these things in the spirit world, is it that the prohibition of summoning is already so rampant!"

The Spirit Frog said this, but with a word of panic.

"This is not true. You said that you are a prince of the spirit frog family, but you are really a spirit frog:"

Hughes still couldn't believe that this ugly toad actually said he was a spirit frog.

"Naturally, what are you doing here, kid?"

At this time the spirit frog asked.

"I just practiced this psychic, that's what you said about the prohibition summoning technique, and I just tried it!"

Hughes said.

In Hughes’ mind, he didn’t expect that he actually summoned a toad out of the prince of the spirit frog, who claimed to be the spirit frog family. Boundary souls, but this is no longer within the scope of association.

"Then hurry up and restrain your true strength!"

The Spirit Frog said impatiently.

"how is it!"

Hughes didn't ask.

"I'm going back to the spirit realm. Your true elemental force has inspired the spiritual realm of the lower-order heaven and earth to control the true element in my body!"

The Spirit Frog said more impatiently.

"It turned out to be true!"

Hughes exclaimed, but it was Dan Tian's true introversion, and the spirit frog in between turned into a white light and disappeared within the Xuanyin Valley realm.

After the spirit frog left, Hughes was bored. He did not expect that the first successful call was to summon it in such a case, and it can be seen from the spirit frog's self-report that this spirit frog's cultivation is very low, so low that it can only open. Words, but can not transform the human form.

"Haha, boy, this kind of inferior spiritual creatures are actually summoned by you, haha!"

Just when Hughes was boring, but unexpectedly, the sound of this long-lost divine sound sounded within the Xuanyin Valley Realm.

Hughes was surprised, but the misty figure appeared again in front of him.

"You finally come out!"

Hughes complained when he saw Tianxie appearing.

"Ah! I didn't expect your martial arts Zhenyuan to be so bad, I could only summon those creatures out!"

On this day, he laughed again.

"It's so funny, it's not easy for my martial arts to restore to its original state!"

When Hughes saw such a big laugh, he couldn't help but said uncomfortably that he had never been laughed like this for so long.

Hughes naturally has some talents in his cultivation, but for this talent, he is not saying that Hughes is a gift. He knows everything at a glance and understands it at a glance. After all, Hughes was born of his parents, and his natural ability surpasses that of ordinary people, but there are limitations. Although this kind of certain talent has certain advantages in cultivation, it still has the same limitations and bottlenecks as ordinary people when facing the pursuit of higher power. As Tian said, cultivation is bumpy, there is no Something is going well. Cultivation is against the sky. Against the sky means you are all mortals in front of the heavens and the earth. In this way, those so-called talents are endowed to you by heaven. Then you will not have the slightest advantage before the heavens and the earth. Some have only temporary absolute disadvantages.

"You have completely recovered!"

Hughes inadvertently said that it surprised the day.


Hughes said lightly: "But now I haven't made any progress in the cultivation of the Mo Pojue. I can't find the slightest way of cultivation. If you go on like this, the time of the Xuanyin Valley Realm will be accelerated five times, and I It's hard to reach what you said, martial arts has become a realm!"

Tianxu listened to what Huss said, but didn't speak anymore. It seemed that it was time for meditation.

"You don't have to worry about this. During this time, although you haven't been able to find cultivation, Mo Piaojue's way, this is not a problem of your current cultivation, but a problem of your perception, but now your martial arts are true. It’s still too weak. Although you can use the first form of this psychic tactic, you don’t have enough true elements to maintain this prohibition, so you can’t summon the spirit beasts who have been practicing normally!”

Tianxie didn't seem anxious, but said at this moment.

"Although I practiced martial arts, I didn't understand the true meaning of martial arts, and what you said about martial arts is simply beyond my understanding!"

This is not false, and the understanding of martial arts is crazy. I still can’t break through. When I was in the last world, I only knew that martial arts was a martial art, used to cultivate the body’s true energy, so as to practice some of the tricks of attack and defense. This is somewhat similar to the current technique of fighting energy, but the strength of fighting energy is more powerful than that of martial arts.

"What method do you practice, and why haven't you seen your attack technique!"

Tianxie asked Hughes at the moment.

Although I have heard Hughes say that he is practicing martial arts, he never knows exactly what tactics Hughes practiced.

"I am practicing Yin-Yang Method!"

Hughes said at the moment.

"Yin Yang Method!"

Tian Xie exclaimed here when he heard it.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Tianxian's performance, Hughes asked strangely.

"Did you remember that I told you that before the gods and demons did not fight the Dongling space, there was a different martial art practice in this Dongling space!"

"Know how this is!"

Hughes replied after thinking about it.

"At that time, there were two schools of Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Li, and Yin and Yang on Dongling Road. Among them, this school is the Yin and Yang cultivation method. Although this is also true of the two Yin and Yang schools, the Yin and Yang schools Zong is a branch of the Taoist school. The two yin and yang sects are not the merger of two yin and yang cultivation methods, but only a single type of yin and yang method!"

Tian Xie said again at this moment.

"This is how it is. My Yin-Yang law and the Daoist Yin-Yang sect you said are simply incapable of hitting Baganzi!"

Hughes said indifferently at this moment.

This yin and yang method is the simple meaning of yin and yang, but it is a martial art practice mentality unintentionally obtained by Xius, and it is because this yin and yang simple meaning has this reincarnation time, so the yin and yang simple meaning is Disasters and fortunes depend on each other, but for now, in Hughes' mind, the harm caused by Yin-Yang's simple meaning is not small.

"Your recipe is not from Taoism!"

Asked puzzled.

"Exactly, although my yin and yang discovery is called Yin and Yang, it is about the true Yuan cultivation, but the true Qi cultivation, a method of imperial Qi, so there is no slightest difference with the Daoist cultivation mentioned in your mouth. 'S relationship!"

Hughes said.

"How is it possible that this school is the most rooted martial art sect in the history of Dongling, and then there were major schools of Buddhism and Confucianism, but you said that the Yin-Yang law is not from the Taoist school, nor is it A true elemental cultivation technique is the technique of imperial qi. This technique of imperial qi has long ceased to exist on Dongling Road. It should be!"

Tianxie said to himself.

"This was not originally a cultivation technique on the Dongling Road!"

Unexpectedly, Hughes was amazing at this moment.


Tianxie exclaimed when he couldn't help it.

Hearing Tian Xie's exclamation, Hughes knew about the bad things. He just said this thing a while ago.

"I said that Yin-Yang's simple meaning is not the practice of true Yuan cultivation. Naturally, it is not the cultivation technique on the Dongling Continent. Otherwise, how could I achieve what you call the martial arts cultivation supernatural realm!"

Hughes said in a hurry.

Tian Xie looked suspiciously at Hughes but found nothing strange, and wondered.

"This kind of imperial cultivating technique is what the Tangling Continent said. Although you don't think this is the true cultivating technique, but I can be sure that this yin and yang discovery is the Taoist cultivating technique, and it is an early stage. The cultivation technique of the Taoist school during the period of imperial domination, but why haven’t you heard that the Taoist school has such a cultivation technique before?"

Tianxu seems to be trying to recall the past.

"It turns out like this! It seems that Yin and Yang found out that it is really Daoist's cultivation technique!"

Hughes knows that he can only avoid the suspicions of the heavens by talking down in the direction of the heavens.

"You can actually use this imperial qi to practice to the magical realm, you can see that you have extraordinary training talents in martial arts. During the imperial qi, this cultivating technique can only be used to strengthen the body and then break through the imperial qi. After the middle realm, the cultivation on the Dongling Continent crossed the period of true Yuanli cultivation. This is called the theory of breaking the Tao with Wu Wu, and reached the cultivation and realm of Taoism!"

Tianxie said.

"Is this a kind of breakthrough realm for practicing gasification gods!"

When Hughes heard that Yiwu had broken the way, he was interested, and suddenly said.

"That's the case. The original martial arts practice was to refine refined qi and practise qi to transform the gods, and afterwards the transfiguration was the true elemental cultivation that entered the Taoist realm of law. Realm, which also represents several different realms of martial arts practice!"

Tian Xie should follow what Huss said.

"It turned out to be the case, then my situation is just the state of just breaking the road, which is what you call the magical state!"

"Yes, the first two realms of martial arts practice were originally the realm of martial arts practice, that is, the Qi Qi stage, Qimai is the process of practicing refined Qi, Xuan Qi is the process of Qi practice, Yu Qi is in these two realms, but After the Tangling Daoist realm came to an end, various martial arts cultivation shortcuts were created. In this way, the two major realms were directly skipped. Qimai and Xuanqi no longer appeared in the realm of martial arts cultivation. Specifically, it no longer appears in the realm of Daoist cultivation, and Qi Mai and Xuan Qi are exclusively in this martial arts realm, and then there are no practitioners who have yet to experience the two stages of Qi Mai and Xuan Qi, like you. 'S practitioners almost disappeared throughout the Tanglin Continent!"

Under the words of Tianxie, he seemed a little excited.

"But what can this explain? I have gone through these two processes, which has caused me to be inferior to others in my future practice!"

Hughes puzzled.

"This is a bad word. Although the period of Taoism and Law was ushered in after the breaking of the Dao, but there have not been any practitioners of martial arts cultivation beyond the ancient and modern times, what does this mean? It just shows that although directly entering Daoist cultivation The realm can show the cultivation ability that is different from ordinary people at the beginning, but this kind of cultivation is a kind of solid foundation cultivation. Such a cultivator who directly enters the Taoist legalization of the cultivation is directly destined to the future cultivation and It will be even more difficult if we cannot break through a higher level, or if we want to break through the bottleneck of that higher economic eh!"

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