Pick up an assassin as a wife

Text Chapter 1758 Is the monster a miner?

People eat people?

A shocking scene emerged from the hearts of the brothers, and an unimaginable feeling of horror arose in everyone's heart.

"Is there something eating people here?" A shocking word came out of Tang Xiaolong's mouth.

After he said it, everyone fell silent for a moment.

They all took flashlights and started to shine around... Just as they were shining around in the cave with flashlights, a low and hoarse cry suddenly came from the corner.

The sound was extremely unpleasant, as if it was roaring from the throat.

After all the brothers heard the sound, they were stunned together, and then one by one they quickly and cautiously took their flashlights and shined them towards the dark corner where the roaring sound came from... After the light of their flashlights shone. , all of a sudden everyone shouted "Ah" in horror.

Oh my God, a monster huddled in the corner with a pair of bloody and ferocious eyes stared at them without blinking.

His face was completely distorted, his nose was covered with poisonous sores, his face was even more rugged and deformed, and his teeth were yellow and sharp... He was wearing miner's clothes, but the clothes were completely rotten. Only the miner's helmet on his head was still on.

He roared one after another in his throat, while his bloody eyes stared at the brothers in front of him.

Tang Xiaolong, Chen Qiaozhi and other brothers were stunned when they saw such a "monster" suddenly appear.

They really couldn't believe that there was such a perverted thing in this deep tunnel... "Oh my god, what the hell is this!!!" Xue Wuhen said with a pale face.

Brigadier Wang Zhen held the pistol tightly in his hand and looked at the thing in front of him in horror.

I saw the monster in front of me baring its sharp teeth and looking at the brothers in front of me who couldn't stop roaring. His screams came from his throat...as if he couldn't speak. He screamed and walked towards the brothers. Come.

When Chen Qiaozhi saw this monster walking towards them, he not only said: "No matter what it is... I feel that he seems to be full of hostility towards us."

"Then what should we do...?" Xue Wuhen said cautiously next to her.

"I can't think of any other way except leaving here." Chen Qiaozhi said there.

After he said this, the brothers in front of him all nodded in agreement.

So they held flashlights in their hands to shine on the monster in front of them, and started to retreat step by step... Just when they were about to retreat, the monster in front of them suddenly roared... and screamed wildly, and then the whole body looked like a wild beast. He generally rushed towards Tang Xiaolong at the front.

His ferocious face looked as if he wanted to eat someone, and he bared his teeth and rushed toward Tang Xiaolong.

Tang Xiaolong must be brave enough, but when he encountered such a crazy monster, he was so frightened that he almost froze... Seeing that the monster rushed towards him lifelessly, Brigadier Wang Zhen here suddenly raised his hand gun.

Then his finger decisively pressed the trigger on the pistol.


The whistling bullets shot out of the barrel, and with a whoosh, they shot into the monster... The monster was instantly hit by the bullets and let out a scream, and then fell to the ground all of a sudden. The blood flowing out of his body was filled with disgusting yellow mucus.

After Wang Zhen shot decisively, the monster here was beaten to the ground. Although he fell to the ground, his eyes still exuded endless destructive light and roared... Two Only a shriveled and deformed hand grasped the cold ground fiercely, lying there panting... After the brothers saw the monster fell to the ground after being hit by a bullet, they all stood there in shock.

Tang Xiaolong also regained consciousness for a moment and walked over slowly, only to see that the place where the monster was hit by the bullet was exactly where his heart was... Although the monster was extremely ferocious, after a few ferocious strikes on the ground, , finally let out a roar from his throat, closed his eyes and died.

Looking at the dead monster, the brothers finally breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

"My dear, what on earth is this?" Xue Wuhen said after seeing the monster dead, he stepped forward and kicked the corpse.

The brothers were all looking there with frowns...but seeing the thick yellow mucus flowing out of the monster's body emitting a pungent stench made people feel sick to their stomachs after smelling it.

"Here, how come this monster is wearing miner's clothes?" Tang Xiaolong said, covering his nose and pointing at the monster on the ground.

The brothers were also puzzled.

Everyone couldn't help thinking: This dead mine was sealed to death five years ago, how could there be monsters here?

Could it be... just as they were thinking about it, Xue Wuhen suddenly pointed at the ground and said, "What do you think this is?"

As he said this, the brothers in front of him couldn't help but lower their heads to look, and saw a black wallet suddenly falling from the monster's tattered coat pocket.

The wallet exuded a musty smell... After the brothers saw the wallet that fell from the monster, they couldn't help but be stunned. Then Xue Wuhen pinched his nose and began to slowly pick up the wallet on the ground. wallet.

After he picked it up, he slowly reached out and opened it. The brothers blinked and looked at it one by one.

As Xue Wuhen slowly reached out and opened the wallet, he saw that the inside of the moldy wallet was dirty... but there was a yellowed photo in the innermost place, and another one hidden deep inside. ID card... After seeing this situation, the brothers were stunned for a moment.

I blinked and glanced at the ID card on it. The name written on it was: Wang Yuanshan, male, Han nationality, xxxx.

Then the brothers looked at the photo again. The yellowed old photo showed a family photo of an ordinary family... Among them was a man with a thin face, an ordinary woman, and a child with a crew cut in the middle.

It can be seen from the photos that this was originally a happy family.

"My dear, does this wallet belong to this monster? This monster is from before... is him??" A shocking thought suddenly came out of Tang Xiaolong's mouth in front of him.

Yes, the wallet in front of me did fall from the monster's body, and although the monster's entire face has been completely deformed, his outline is indeed very similar to the man named Wang Yuanshan in the photo, obviously , this man was him.

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