Perfect Feast

Chapter 80 Aim at the intended target and charge

Chapter 80 Aim at the intended target and charge

However, although the story Hu Xiaohong told seemed bizarre, her expression did not seem to be faking.

Although Liu Yang can figure it out with his toes, there are still some things that Hu Xiaohong did not tell the truth, such as the real relationship between her and Sun Qingmei, she must have ambushed herself.

Although Liu Yang still can't figure out what the relationship between them is, but if a woman is still trying her best to maintain it at this time, even if she loses her life, how can the relationship between them be like what she said? In that case, just out of gratitude?

What's more, when Hu Xiaohong told Sun Qingmei that she saved her sister just now, the kind of understatement that pretended to be relaxed, all of which showed that she was deliberately covering up something.

If the two hadn't known each other for a long time, if the two hadn't been inseparable for a long time, how could Sun Qingmei, a majestic county magistrate, go wherever Hu Xiaohong said she wanted to go? What's more, the place they went to was Hu Xiaohong's sister's home? These all explained the unusual relationship between her and Sun Qingmei.

While thinking, Liu Yang said to Hu Xiaohong: Okay, are you done with your story? Hurry up and take out the things. If it's true as you said, Sun Qingmei's problem is not serious, and it's not like I can't help you. Talk to her...

Hu Xiaohong got this sentence, stood up again and walked to the bedroom, just when her hand opened the door of the inner room, Hu Xiaohong suddenly turned around and said: No, I still can't trust you.

This time Liu Yang was really angry. He stared at him viciously, and suddenly he became a little indifferent and said: Believe it or not, I will go out if you talk too much. Those people outside want to do whatever they want. I will definitely do it. Say no more...

Hu Xiaohong blushed fiercely, and said through gritted teeth: My surname Liu, if you dare to lie to me, I will never let you go. I don't care if you agree or not, from now on I will be yours. This body of my old lady is yours, you can do it whenever you want, you'd better find a time to sleep with me these few days, otherwise I'm not sure what I can do. At that time, you will be overwhelmed Walk……

After finishing speaking, Hu Xiaohong pushed the door open and closed it firmly with a bang.

Looking at the tightly closed door, Liu Yang couldn't help but smile wryly, wondering what kind of mentality this woman is in? There is such a blackmailer?

Even if it's really with you, it's not me who suffers, I'm afraid of a fart?

Not long after, Hu Xiaohong opened the door and walked out, holding a red travel bag in one hand and a black plastic bag in the other.

Here, my wealth and life are all in this bag, bank cards, cash, stocks, equity certificates, etc., this is worth 70 to 80 million, if you hack it against my conscience, I have no proof As she spoke, she threw the red travel bag on Liu Yang's body, and then raised the black plastic bag in the other hand: There are three hard drives in here, which are what you want...

Oh? Then...then why did you give this to me? Liu Yang said, pointing to the travel bag that fell on the sofa.

Hu Xiaohong said angrily: Nonsense, do you think my mother is really a fool? I want to take these things and leave, but can I leave? Now my life and life are in your hands, you can just figure it out Bar.

Liu Yang looked at her very seriously, and said very seriously: Okay, since this is the case, I will also give you a solid background. As long as you are not involved deeply, I will try not to let you squat in.

Hu Xiaohong stared at Liu Yang with big almond-like eyes, raised the black plastic bag in his hand and said, Now that you say this, are you not afraid that I will smash it?

I'm scared, but I just don't want to lie to you. Liu Yang smiled and said in a flat tone.

For a while, the room was terribly silent. Hu Xiaohong held the plastic bag and looked at Liu Yang coldly. Liu Yang also kept looking at her intently. The two of them looked like each other, their eyes were facing each other, and the sound of each other's breathing could be heard clearly.

You won... As she said, Hu Xiaohong stretched out her hand, and Liu Yang reached out to take the bag in her hand, but Hu Xiaohong threw herself into his arms.

Baha... Kissed Liu Yang's mouth with a little cool lips, and then heard Hu Xiaohong giggling: This is the deposit, I will ask for the rest when I have a chance...

Damn, who do we owe whom?

Liu Yang stretched out his hand to push her away, wiped his mouth vigorously twice, turned his head and shouted loudly: Come here... call your leader...

He didn't expect that the door was pushed open at the sound, and two brothers and sisters Zhao Guodong and Zhao Jingjing walked in together. As he walked in, Zhao Guodong asked, Have you finished asking? We must hurry up and evacuate. There are more and more people watching outside.

Liu Yang nodded and said, Chief of Staff Zhao, I would like to ask your troops to detain her temporarily. I will report this matter to my superior immediately when I go back.

Zhao Guodong looked at him with great interest, and thought that he could think of imprisoning people in the army, which showed that this kid was not too stupid. But at this time, you go back and report to your leader. Your leader has only been in Rencheng for two and a half days and doesn't have any power in hand. You report to her what she can do?

In fact, it is most appropriate for our army to transfer this matter to the local government. I will personally come forward. Even if the local government is willing to protect Sun Qingmei and his daughter, they are not so courageous...

While thinking about it, Zhao Guodong pretended to be angry and said, What did you call me? You should call me second brother. Have you thought it through? Are you really going to do this?

Yes... Brother Zhao... Second brother, in addition, when your troops are withdrawing, you can let the wind out and say that Hu Xiaohong has been arrested by you because of endangering national security and military secrets... At the beginning, Liu Yang's words were still a bit awkward, but the more he spoke, the smoother his expression became.

Zhao Guodong laughed loudly: Hehe, okay, although I don't know what you want to do, I still choose to support you. As the son-in-law of the Zhao family, you have to act like a man. Don't worry, the sky will not come down, Even if the sky is falling, you will still have your second brother to support you. Hehe...

What Zhao Guodong said was heroic, with the aura of being the best in the world. But someone just poured cold water on him, only to hear Zhao Jingjing sneer from behind: Bragging, you are not afraid of grandpa spanking your ass again?

Zhao Guodong was so choked that he almost lost his breath, and quickly turned his head and said, I said girl, I'm helping you a man. You're the one who talks like that? Let's not leave any pot unopened, shall we?

Zhao Jingjing couldn't buy it at all and said, Hmph, I just can't see your smug look...

Quiet, you take this bag first, the things inside are very important, you must keep it safe, and no one can see it. In order to prevent the two people from quarreling, Liu Yang quickly picked up the bag on the sofa and handed it over. To Zhao Jingjing in order to divert her target.

Oh... what? It's so heavy? After Zhao Jingjing took it, she really stopped talking to his second brother.

Brother, there's yours... Zhao Guodong smiled at Liu Yang, then turned around and shouted: Zheng Jiming, ask someone to send this girl to the logistics warehouse first, and transfer a squad from your guard camp to watch it strictly. Nobody can take people away without my order.

Following Zheng Jiming's order, two soldiers in camouflage uniforms came in and escorted Hu Xiaohong out. When Hu Xiaohong was about to go out, she looked back at Liu Yang, but said nothing, and obediently followed the two soldiers out.

Looking at her back, Liu Yang also felt a little confused. Is this woman his enemy or his own... Well, it seems that the word comrade-in-arms is inappropriate, but for a while, he really couldn't find a precise word to describe it.

Chief of Staff, what should we do with this place? At this time, Zheng Jiming asked in a low voice.

What should I do? You still have to ask me about such a small matter? When did we procrastinate in doing things? Since I have come here in person, there must be some movement? Zhao Guodong turned and walked out while talking.

Liu Yang gave Zhao Jingjing a hand and followed her out.

Behind him, Zheng Jiming's loud voice was heard: Aim at the intended target, charge...

Booming, the tanks started roaring again, and when they turned around, the smoke and dust billowed in, and the row of houses where Liu Yang stood just now had turned into ruins.

It's a pity, with such a large row of good houses, it's not bad for ordinary people to raise pigs here, why are they flattened? Liu Yang said to himself.

Well, that's right, my second brother is a lunatic, I'll tell grandpa when I have time, let grandpa spank his ass... Zhao Jingjing is like a docile little daughter-in-law.

Liu Yang couldn't help laughing when he heard her words, but when he looked at her again, he found Zhao Jingjing much more pleasing to the eye. Perhaps, marrying this girl as a wife will not make me angry every day.

I just don't know, if Zhao Guodong heard this, how would he be angry?

Report to the teacher... the peripheral security stopped several local cadres who wanted to rush in. Among them was a woman who said that she was the mayor of Renzhou City and wanted to see the highest chief of our side... At this time, a Soldiers wearing steel helmets, camouflage uniforms, and red cuffs ran in to report to Guo Binglong that the guards on the perimeter were all soldiers from the guard battalion of his armored division.

After Zhao Guodong heard the report, he looked up to the sky and laughed, and said with a smile: Haha, we made such a fuss on other people's territory, and the parents and officials in the other place didn't want to, so they came to Xingshi to question the crime. Let's go and see See that Mayor Zhang...

When Liu Yang heard that Mayor Zhang had actually found this place, he suddenly remembered that he woke up early in the morning and was busy dealing with his and Zhao Jingjing's affairs, and he hadn't had time to report his whereabouts to Mayor Zhang.

When I came out last night, I was secretly picked up by Sun Qingmei. Mayor Zhang didn't know it at first, but I don't know if she would criticize me for absenteeism?

This novel comes from Reading Wang

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