People trigger treasure chests in Douluo

Chapter 46 Joining the Tiandou Team

"Sure enough, the effect of his first soul skill is only to make the blue silver grass grow quickly, and the effect of his second soul skill is to make the blue silver grass harden.

A flash of light flashed in Oslo's eyes, and his speed increased again. In just two breaths, he had already rushed within two meters of Shi Quan. For Oslo, the distance of these two meters was just one breath.

At this moment, Shi Quan's hand moved upward, and the vines in front of him suddenly rose up, blocking the way between Shi Quan and Oslo.

Oslo's heart tightened, and his figure quickly shifted to the left, without launching an attack rashly.

When Shi Quan saw this, his eyes became more interested.

If Oslo had launched an attack just now, at such a close range, he was confident that the rapidly growing Blue Silver Grass would directly imprison Oslo at the moment when his attack paused.

However, Oslo calmly did not launch an attack and chose to look for opportunities again.

"Can his reflexes keep up with my speed?"

There was a bit of shock in Oslo's eyes, but he still quickly swam among the vines, probing and looking for opportunities to attack.

In the audience, when Yu Tianheng saw this scene, his expression became ugly, and he said in a low voice: "Osluo is going to lose."

"How could it be?" Yu Feng said in disbelief: "Boss, this Shi Quan was just lucky enough to block Oslo. As long as Oslo finds a chance, he will win the battle directly with just one blow. victory."

"The blue silver grass in your stands."

After hearing Yu Tianheng's reminder, everyone's eyes focused on the vines on the soul fighting stage.

Unknowingly, the intertwined vines had engulfed the entire Soul Fighting Arena, and dark blue blue and silver vines began to overlap and overlap on the stage. At this time, the original appearance of the arena was no longer visible, and the entire arena had turned into a sea of ​​vines. And the vines are still growing, as if there is no limit.

"There are too many vines on the platform, and the entire platform becomes uneven, which will have a big impact on Oslo's speed. And I don't think that gear just now was a coincidence..."

Listening to Yu Tianheng's analysis, everyone's expressions couldn't help but change again and again. As the saying goes, bystanders know better. As a spectator, you can always analyze the whole picture from the clearest perspective.

Oslo, who was deep in the battle, only thought that Shi Quan was still wasting his soul power. It didn't matter if there were many blue and silver vines. As long as he couldn't trap him, it was all empty talk.

The level gap in soul power has always been there. Shi Quan Lan Yincao's speed cannot keep up with Oslo. As long as Oslo doesn't make mistakes, this battle will be a protracted one.

"Be careful."

Shi Quan reminded him aloud, then raised his finger and the second soul ring under his body lit up.

A large number of branches and leaves instantly emerged from the clustered Bluesilver Grass vines. With the blessing of the hardening ability, these branches and leaves instantly hardened, all exceeding ten centimeters in length, and they were densely packed, like thorns.

The ability to harden can be used for more than just controlling enemies.

It can also be used as an offensive means.

The hard thorns all over the place made Oslo unable to move.

"I don't lose so easily!"

With a bit of fierceness in his eyes, Oslo landed directly on the thorns, and the sharp branches and leaves pierced the soles of his feet. The severe pain made Osro's figure visibly tremble, but his figure did not Without the slightest pause, the figure suddenly shot out.

As the second soul ring under Oslo's body lit up, the sharp claws in his hands clasped together and drew a black half-moon slash in mid-air, striking towards Shi Quan.

"I can also control the hardened blue silver grass." Shi Quan's voice was very calm. The blue silver vines on the ground suddenly stood up, emitting bursts of ink halo, like an ink stone wall.


A violent collision sounded, and the blue and silver vines trembled violently, but they remained strong.

Oslo on the other side was directly knocked away, and the blue and silver thorns on the table were still emitting a biting ink light.

Because of the obstruction of the blue and silver vine wall, Shi Quan could not clearly see Oslo's current situation. If Oslo fell on the vines full of thorns, he would probably turn into a hedgehog.

When everyone in the Tiandou team below the stage saw this situation, their expressions suddenly changed, even the teacher beside the stage.

The teacher exclaimed: "Shi Quan, stop now!"

In fact, just when the teacher's voice sounded, the ink color on the vines had already begun to dissipate and returned to the soft vines before.

The teacher immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. If someone died in a trial, then he, the teacher, would definitely be responsible.

"Okay, the battle is over here, Oslo, you lose." The teacher came to the stage to stop him, looked at Shi Quan and said: "Shi Quan, you are now a member of the Tiandou team."

"Thank you teacher."

On the other side, Yufeng from the Tiandou team jumped up and quickly walked onto the stage and carried Oslo off the stage.

"Lingling, please help Oslo treat him."

Ye Lingling did not speak, but raised his hand to call out his martial soul, Nine Hearts Begonia. Bursts of white light fell from the flowers and merged into Oslo's body.

It was a pink begonia flower, composed of white and pink petals. The begonia flower was bright in color and graceful in appearance.

"That's Jiuxin Begonia!?" Ning Rongrong in the stands covered her mouth in surprise when she saw this.

Ning Rongrong was aware of the effects of Jiuxin Begonia. Under Ye Lingling's treatment, the injuries on Oslo's feet began to recover quickly, and some color returned to his originally pale face.

"Thank you, Lingling." Oslo's injury was not serious, and he recovered quickly with the help of Ye Lingling, an auxiliary soul master who focused on healing.

Ye Lingling nodded without saying anything.

"I'm sorry, boss. I still lost." Oslo lowered his head and said with disappointment.

Yu Tianheng stepped forward and patted Oslo on the shoulder, "It's not your fault, it's because your opponent is too strong."

"Osluo, work hard." Qin Ming, who was standing next to the Tiandou team, finally spoke from the beginning of the battle until now. "Let's go, welcome your new teammates."

Qin Ming, as the team leader, although Yu Tianheng and others were reluctant to leave, they still had to turn their attention to Shi Shen on the stage.

"Shi Quan, the three major education commissions have informed me of your situation. I am Qin Ming, the leader of the Tiandou Team. Just call me Teacher Qin. I am very happy that you can join the Tiandou Team." Qin Ming stepped forward to greet him enthusiastically. .

"Hello, Teacher Qin." Shi Quan called out.

"Let's go. There are a lot of people here. Let's go to the Tiandou Team training ground first. I'll introduce you to your teammates." Qin Ming patted Shi Quan's shoulder and nodded with satisfaction, taking Shi Quan and Yutian Hengliu with him. People left the fighting spirit arena.

Oslo looked at the six people leaving, his eyes full of unwillingness. Winner and loser, loser is loser. Now he can only work harder and rely on his own ability to return to the Tiandou team.

As for the spirit fighting arena, under the teacher’s announcement and command, the students watching the competition dispersed one by one.

"He joined the Tiandou team so easily?" Ning Rongrong looked at the empty soul fighting field and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

What is the concept of level 22 defeating level 29? Ordinary soul masters, even with her assistance, can only fight at level 3 or 4 at most, but Shi Quan relied on his own ability to easily defeat him who was seven levels above him. opponent.

The deeper she got to know Shi Quan, the more Ning Rongrong felt that she was insignificant in front of Shi Quan.

A dedicated training ground for the Tiandou team.

It is said to be a dedicated training ground, but it is actually the first independent playground. In the middle of the playground is a raised fighting spirit training ground, with several rows of resting seats arranged on both sides.

how to say.


This is how Shi Quan feels. This is the result of a huge Tiandou Royal Academy and the training ground for the strongest Tiandou team?

Fortunately, Shi Quan thought he would be so tall.

But then I thought about it, and what the master meant by training was nothing more than the most basic training method of running with rocks on your back.

The entire Douluo research on physical training can be said to be extremely poor.

Even if it is the cultivation of soul power that is taken seriously, no one talks about studying a cultivation method or anything like that. It is somewhat unscientific.

"Shi Quan, this is Yu Tianheng, he is currently the captain of the Tiandou team, the martial soul blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex..."

Under Qin Ming's introduction, Shi Quan, Yu Tianheng, and Dugu Yan got to know each other for the first time.

Qin Ming nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, let me tell you about Shi Quan's situation. You must be curious about why Shi Quan's second soul ring is a thousand years old."

When everyone heard this, they all looked curious and looked at Qin Ming and Shi Quan.

"Shi Quan has developed a new soul ring limit theory..." Qin Ming slowly told Shi Quan's theory and informed the six members of the Tiandou team about his theory.

At the same time, it also explained to the six people why their physical training during this period suddenly increased dramatically.

"... Shi Quan's theory has become more and more perfect, and he himself is the best proof. In addition, after discussions with the three major education committees, I decided that when Shi Quan joined the Tiandou team, he would also possess the Tiandou team. As the team’s teaching authority, Shi Quan will work with me to formulate the next training plan in the coming days.”

When Qin Ming's voice fell, the six members of Huang Dou's team couldn't help but frown. They were surprised but also admired.

Dugu Yanyu waved her hand and said, "Teacher Qin, although Shi Quan has researched this new martial soul limit theory, it does not mean that he has the ability to teach us."

Qin Ming asked him to participate in the Tiandou Team's training plan without discussing it with him in advance or asking for his opinion. Shi Quan was not interested in this. When Dugu Yan opened his mouth, he walked down the slope and said: "Teacher Qin, what Dugu Yan said is right. I am weak and my theory is only for soul rings. I don't have the ability to teach at all. Just treat me as an ordinary team member."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. No one had thought that Shi Quan would actually try to dismantle him.

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