The soft-shell turtle, also known as the tortoise, is an animal of the family Trionychidae and the genus Trionychidae. The dorsal disc of an ordinary tortoise is about 30 cm long and 25 cm wide, with a medium-sized head and a thin front end. The back of the body is blue-gray, yellow-olive or olive. The belly is milky white or grayish white, with gray-black patches arranged regularly.

This is the appearance of ordinary turtles, but the golden-scaled turtle in front of you is not an ordinary creature. The golden-scaled turtle is a capture level 10 ingredient. Its shell, abdomen, head, limbs, and every part of its body are golden yellow, hence its name. It likes to live in rivers, lakes, ponds, reservoirs and other freshwater areas with slow water flow and abundant fish and shrimps, and likes a quiet environment.

It itself has little attack power and is not very aggressive, but its defense is extremely strong. It will immediately escape or retract into its shell when it encounters danger.

The capture level is set at 10, mainly because its number is small and it likes a quiet environment, making it difficult for gourmet hunters to find it.

Gold is often a symbol of auspiciousness, so gourmet hunters who can capture it are lucky people with excellent food luck.

When seeing this ingredient, Lu Mu immediately thought of a recipe in his mind

"Xinhu, let's use this golden turtle to make soup!" Lu Mu said

"Use turtles to make soup dishes?"

Fei Shazi frowned slightly. Although she had never caught a golden turtle, she had handled a lot of ordinary turtles.

You know, soft-shelled turtles are an important ingredient in medicinal food. As the successor of a medicinal food family, she had been exposed to this ingredient early on and was very familiar with its characteristics. The habitat of turtles is freshwater areas. Food ingredients that live in such places generally have an earthy smell, especially soft-shelled turtles, because they like mud and sand, and they are omnivorous animals.

If it is not specially processed, the turtle used to make soup will have a muddy smell, which will greatly affect the taste of the dish.

Lu Mu also knew the characteristics of the golden turtle and understood what Fei Shazi wanted to say.

"Ha, Xinhu, you are worried about the earthy smell of the golden turtle. It may not be appropriate to use it to make soup. Don't worry, I have thought of a way to remove the fishy smell!" Lu Mu said confidently

"The problem doesn't end there. I heard that although the golden turtle is not aggressive, it has strong defense, which makes many food hunters helpless. Are you sure you can pry open its shell?"Feishazi asked again.

Just as Feishazi said, the golden turtle has an indestructible defense. Even bombs can't leave marks on the golden shell, let alone use ordinary kitchen utensils to deal with it.

"Leave it to me. I don't take this level of beast seriously. You just need to assist me later!"

Lu Mu's confidence made Feishazi hesitate.

This strange man just asked me to decide the menu, and now he is confidently deciding the menu, and he wants to use the hard-to-handle ingredient, the golden turtle.

Just when Feishazi was struggling in his heart whether to trust Lu Mu, Lu Mu shouted and used his food skills


Two golden spoons appeared. Under Feishazi's surprised gaze, the golden turtle was scooped up from the pond by the three-meter-long golden spoons that were put together like clamps before the golden turtle could react.


The golden turtle was thrown heavily to the ground and instinctively shrank into its shell, not daring to show its head.

"Are you turning into a coward immediately? Oh no, a golden turtle... Never mind, that's fine, I'll take it back to the cooking classroom and process it later. Xinhu, let's go find other ingredients, I need other ingredients for my soup."

Xinhu Feishazi came back to his senses, still with surprise in his heart, and followed Lu Mu to find other ingredients.

It took another ten minutes for Lu Mu and Xinhu Feishazi to prepare all the ingredients they needed, and they returned to the cooking classroom with the ingredients.

Lu Mu and Xinhu Feishazi wasted some time in selecting the ingredients, and when they came back, other students in the classroom had already started processing the ingredients.

Most of the ingredients used by the students are ordinary ingredients that are not from the secret realm.

The rarity of the ingredients is important, but the issue of whether they can be processed must also be considered. This assessment only has 2 hours of cooking time, and the time is still relatively tight and not very ample.

Therefore, most of the groups chose ordinary and easy-to-process ingredients for safety reasons.

Lu Mu carried the golden turtle back to the cooking table and immediately attracted the attention of other people in the classroom.

"What is that, a golden turtle?"

"Lu Mu actually chose ingredients from the secret realm. This guy is so bold!"

"Ah, I know this ingredient, it's the golden turtle! In addition to the golden turtle, there are also sweet honeydew melon and crystal plum!"

"These are all ingredients that are only available in the secret realm. Are these ingredients available in the food library?"

"Idiot, the food warehouse has two doors. The one guarded by someone is for storing the food caught in the secret realm."

In the cooking classroom, someone recognized the food in Lu Mu's hand.

Soon, someone sneered.

"Can you handle ingredients like golden turtle? It is said that the hardness of its shell is higher than diamond, and ordinary kitchen utensils can't handle it at all!"

"Just send the ingredients back. You can't pretend to be this strong."

"Maybe he could use his teeth to leave tooth marks on the golden turtle's shell!"


Lu Mu looked over and saw that the people who were laughing were the students with colorfully dyed hair and"avant-garde" clothes. He seemed to have seen this Shamatte style somewhere before.

So that's it, Ruishan's younger brother.

Lu Mu looked at the laughing Shamatte students and chuckled.

"It's a good thing that you can recognize this ingredient, but you only know a little about it. Indeed, the shell of the golden turtle is indestructible and comparable to a diamond, but it also has weaknesses!"

The shell of the golden turtle is the same as other turtle shells. It consists of three main parts, namely the upper carapace, the lower plastron and the"bridge" connecting the upper and lower parts.

The weakness of the golden turtle lies in the"bridge"."

"" Chopsticks!"

Lu Mu raised his left hand, and a pair of golden chopsticks half a meter long and the size of a thumb appeared in his hand.

Fei Shazi saw that Lu Mu's food skills had turned into chopsticks again, and his face was surprised again.

He actually mastered two kinds of food battles! Spoon and chopsticks!

Then he raised his right hand again, and a pair of three-meter-long chopsticks appeared.


Lu Mu shouted, and stabbed the small chopsticks in his left hand towards the bridge of the golden turtle's carapace.


The small chopsticks pierced the golden turtle's body.

Then the bigger chopsticks pierced again, and with Lu Mu's right hand raised up, the chopsticks also suddenly exerted force upwards.

The next moment, the golden turtle's indestructible golden carapace suddenly separated from its body.

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