Gin Dojima is currently the head chef of Totsuki Resort and a member of the board of directors.

He is the graduate with the highest score in the history of Totsuki and ranked first in the 69th Totsuki Ten Outstanding Students.

After graduation, he rejected invitations from 800 major famous restaurants across the country and chose to work at Totsuki Resort, which caused a sensation.

He can be said to be the pinnacle of all graduates and is admired by graduates such as Kojiro Shinomiya, Fuyumi Mizuhara, and Hinatako Inui.

In terms of cooking skills alone, it is difficult for him to have a rival among his peers, and it is also difficult for juniors to surpass him.

Lu Mu also guessed that Gin Dojima's overall strength would be very high, but after gazing at him with the [Eye of Gourmet], he was still surprised.

【Green·Level 4 Activation】

This is the person with the highest cell level that Lu Mu has ever seen, and his overall strength has reached a terrifying 800+.

Whether it is cooking skills or hunter strength, he is really better than anyone else present.

Dojima Gin appeared on the ceremony stage, and the students became even more excited

"He...he is Chef Dojima, such a strong aura!"

"The man who dominates the entire kitchen of Yuanyue Resort is given the important task of creating Yuanyue Recruitment���One of the best chefs!"

"Rumor has it that his cell level broke through the 'green' level half a year ago, and he is exploring the secret realm of the high stars with Totsuki's professional gourmet hunter team!"

"I am so moved. All the Japanese celebrity chefs are gathered here right before my eyes!"

Gin Dojima glanced at all the students below with a sharp look, and after bending down to say something to Chapel, he took the microphone.

"Welcome everyone to our Totsuki Resort. The graduates gathered here today all have their own castles. They are not only store managers, but also chefs. During the 6 days of training, they will treat you as employees working in their own store. You should understand what I mean. If you as an employee do something that makes them dissatisfied, you will be expelled.……"

Dojima Gin made a symbolic speech and then announced the grouping.

After the grouping, the students went to the restaurant next door to enjoy lunch, and then the assessment officially began.

Everyone was given a student number when they entered the school, and the 1,000 students were divided into 20 groups according to their student numbers.

After the grouping was determined, all students"took their seats according to their numbers" and went to the designated cooking classroom or cooking venue.

"See you all later, I must pass the first day's assessment perfectly!"


"Ah, let’s go to Marui’s room tonight and have a poker meeting!"

"Don't come to my room during training!"

Everyone in the Polaris Dormitory basically separated and went to different cooking classrooms.

It took Lu Mu more than ten minutes to find the designated cooking classroom.

"This is it."

Lu Mu walked into the cooking classroom and found that there were already other students in the classroom. There was a very weak-looking woman standing on the podium.

She looked very pitiful at first glance, and her delicate appearance could not help but make people want to protect her. She was different from the softness of Tadokoro Megumi...

Tadokoro Megumi was pure and pitiful, while the woman on the podium had a certain part that made people want to"pity" her.

Among the graduates, the only one with such obvious characteristics was Kikuchi Engo.

Kikuchi Engo, the second seat of the 89th Totsuki Ten Outstanding Students, is currently the head chef of the western restaurant"Harukatei".

Although she looks weak, her personality is indeed weak.

However, she is very strong as a cook. Within two years of graduation, she set up her own business and opened her own store"Harukatei". Together with her senior sister Kadozaki Taki, she was hailed as"a monster who can compete with professional star chefs despite being young."

Under [Eye of Gourmet], Lu Mu checked Kikuchi Engo's information.

"Overall strength 232, red level 5, like most graduates, stuck in the 'red', not breaking through the 'green'? However, under the age of 19, with this strength and 'development', it is indeed good, whether it is D or E, this remains to be seen……"

Lu Mu looked at Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo with an"appreciative" look, and suddenly someone beside him also cast a look of scrutiny.


Lu Mu turned around and found a female student with short pink-purple hair and brown eyes staring at him.

"Hey, isn't this the secretary?"

When Xin Hu Fei Sha saw Lu Mu turn around, he immediately turned his eyes away, pretending nothing had happened.

Lu Mu smiled and walked in front of Xin Hu Fei Sha.

"Hello, classmate Xinhu, I didn’t expect to meet you here!"

Xinhu Feishazi wanted to say"Do we know each other?", but then he thought of what Xinhu Changfeng said, and immediately changed his words:"Hello..."

"The assessment will probably be divided into groups, so if you don't mind, let's be in the same group."

Niito Hisako looked around the cooking classroom and saw that there was no one she knew, so she nodded in agreement.

This was the first time Lu Mu spoke to Niito Hisako.

Lu Mu came up to say hello for no other reason. On the one hand, he thought that Hisako was a nice girl, and on the other hand, he thought of Niito Changfeng.

As for why Niito Hisako agreed to form a partner with Lu Mu, her father's words were one reason, and the other was that she wanted to see how good Lu Mu's cooking skills were.

Seeing that most of the students had arrived, Kikuchi Engo said to everyone,"Well... classmates, please note that our assessment is about to begin."

Although Kikuchi Enko acted very weak and seemed to be easy to"bully" among many graduates, her words were still quite appealing. After all, she now represented Totsuki and she had to look at the face of the Buddha instead of the monk.

Most of the students were prepared seriously, except for a few students in the last row of the cooking classroom who looked absent-minded.

Lu Mu did not pay attention. If he saw these students, he would soon find out that these sloppy students were Eizun's subordinates.

The reason was simple. Eizun's subordinates either had permed hair, wore earrings, necklaces, and were ruffian-like.

Kikuchi Enko had a weak personality, and it was her first time standing here as a lecturer. She couldn't help feeling nervous, and it took her a while to express what she wanted to say clearly.

"Well… well, my topic is… please form a group of two, and you can find a suitable partner. As for the content of the test, this is it."

After saying this, Mu Jiuchi Enguo was about to pick up the whiteboard pen on the table. I don't know if it was because of nervousness, but when he picked it up, his hand slipped and the pen fell out of his hand.

Mu Jiuchi Enguo subconsciously caught it, and his chest shook in anxiety.

Finally, Mu Jiuchi Enguo caught the whiteboard pen, patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Mu watched this process with"relish" and nodded his head.

"Does it look good?"

"It's OK, after all, it's big……"

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