This middle-aged noblewoman is An Tiantian’s mother, Song Yun.

Next to Song Yun stood a middle-aged man, An Tiantian’s father, the chairman of An Group, An Zaishan.

At this moment, An Tiantian’s parents were smiling and looking at their daughter and Lin Chen.

Knowing the daughter Mo Ruomu, in the recent period, Song Yun has noticed her daughter’s abnormality at home.

An Tiantian always has a happy smile on her face, and when she is fine, she always likes to be in a daze.

There is also often a man’s name in his mouth.

Song Yun, as a person who came over, of course knew that her daughter had just opened her emotions.

“Sweet, who is this handsome guy? Don’t you tell your mother about it? Song Yun asked with a smile.

A hint of shyness flashed in An Tiantian’s eyes, and she said, “Mom, he is Lin Chen.” ”

“So he is the Lin Chen you talk about every day.” Song Yun said with a smile.

Song Yun actually knew about Lin Chen’s existence for a long time.

Although Song Yun did not pay as much attention to the Internet as young people, she still learned a lot about Lin Chen from her daughter, and she was also shocked by Lin Chen.

Everything Lin Chen has done before can be said to be shocking and sensational.

Even this banquet tonight was raised because of Lin Chen.

If Lin Chen had not caught the world’s largest bluefin tuna, there would be no dinner.

“Hello Lin Chen, I’ve heard Tian Tian talk about you for a long time, and we finally met today.” Song Yun said to Lin Chen with a smile.

“Hello aunt and uncle.” Lin Chen nodded in greeting.

Song Yun looked Lin Chen up and down, and nodded secretly in his heart.

Lin Chen’s image and temperament are superior to many young talents she has seen before.

No wonder his daughter has a heart for him.

An Tiantian’s father An is in the mountain, and he is also observing Lin Chen.

After all, Lin Chen and his daughter were so close. As a father, he should of course pay attention to Lin Chen.

Although Lin Chen looks very young, his body exudes a sense of calmness and confidence, which An Zaishan appreciates very much.

In general, An Tiantian’s parents’ first impression of Lin Chen was very good.

Moreover, Lin Chen and An Tiantian stood together very well, as if they were a pair of Biren who came out of the scroll.

Song Yun is the mother-in-law watching her son-in-law, and the more she looks at it, the more she likes it!

“I still have things to do with your father, so I won’t disturb you young people to get along.” Song Yun said with a smile.

Song Yun is an enlightened mother and knows that if they are present, An Tiantian and Lin Chen will definitely be a little uncomfortable.

Therefore, he took the initiative to leave An Tiantian and Lin Chen with private space.

Moreover, An Tiantian’s parents do have things to do.

Today’s banquet, many wealthy families in the magic capital have come, including some business partners of the An Group.

Exchanges and exchanges in the business arena are essential.

There are some multi-billion projects that have been achieved on such occasions.

After An Tiantian’s parents left, An Tiantian looked at Lin Chen a little embarrassed and asked, “My parents didn’t scare you, right?” ”

“No, uncles and aunts are very good.” Lin Chen said with a smile.

“That’s good.” An Tiantian said happily.


Just when Lin Chen and An Tiantian were wandering around the banquet talking and laughing, there were also many pairs of eyes on the scene, watching them.

Among them, there are many rich young masters and thousands of gold.

“That Lin Chen looks so handsome! It’s just my ideal type. A young lady with big wavy hair said.

“Not only handsome, but also very manly. I’ve seen videos of him riding a tiger, it’s just so tough. My boyfriend I used to date, compared to him, is a lady. Another rich girl echoed.

“If only he could be my boyfriend!” Big Wave said.

“Go, snatch him from the hands of the eldest lady of the An Group, I support you!” The person next to him egged on.

Hearing this, the big wave Qianjin suddenly stopped talking.

No way, An Tiantian beside Lin Chen is too beautiful.

Not only is he beautiful, but he is also the only heir of the An Group.

Whether it is appearance or family background, the big wave is not comparable to An Tiantian, how can you rob a man with An Tiantian?

This was also the idea of the other rich ladies present, who had no confidence at all to snatch Lin Chen from An Tiantian.

Unlike these golden ladies, some of the rich sons and brothers present were very jealous of Lin Chen.

With an sweet appearance and family background, of course, there is no shortage of suitors.

Suddenly killed a Lin Chen and robbed everyone’s goddess, these rich sons and brothers are of course very unhappy with Lin Chen.

If Lin Chen was just an ordinary person, they would definitely go over and target Lin Chen.

The problem is that Lin Chen broke the world record in bench press, treated tigers as cats, and easily hunted more than 1,000 pounds of bluefin tuna.

With one hand, Lin Chen could hang all of them up and beat them.

When they are full and support, they will run in front of Lin Chen and pretend to be forced, that’s not brain damage!

In the face of Lin Chen’s absolute strength, they didn’t even have the courage to provoke Lin Chen.

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