Since that night after eating with Lin Chen and parting.

In An Tiantian’s mind, Lin Chen’s figure would appear from time to time.

An Tiantian grew up so big, and it was the first time she missed a boy.

An Tiantian was sure that she was really attracted to Lin Chen.

Throughout the day today, An Tiantian couldn’t help but look at her mobile phone, wanting to see if Lin Chen had sent a WeChat message to herself.

You may even have auditory hallucinations and feel like your phone is ringing.

But every time she picked up her phone, there was a burst of disappointment.

Because Lin Chen never contacted her.

“Is it because I’m not beautiful enough?” An Tiantian thought with some suffering and loss.

Immediately, An Tiantian remembered what her best friend Chen Yahan had said.

“A man as good as Lin Chen must have many girls like it.”

“If you like it, take the initiative to pursue, if you don’t take the initiative, when the time comes, you will be taken advantage of by other women, you can only regret it.”

Thinking of this, An Tiantian no longer hesitated, took out her mobile phone and sent a micromessage to Lin Chen.

“What are you doing?” smiley face.jpg”

Lin Chen just sat down at the barbecue restaurant, saw the text message sent by An Tiantian, and replied casually:

“I’m having a barbecue with my classmates.”

An Tiantian: “When I used to go to college, I often went to barbecue with my classmates. After graduation, I haven’t eaten since then, so nostalgic! ”

Lin Chen thought for a while and said, “If you want to eat, you can come over together.” ”

Seeing Lin Chen’s news, An Tiantian was suddenly overjoyed: “Can I really come to you, will it disturb you and your classmates?” ”

“It’s okay, just have a barbecue, what’s disturbing. If you come, I will send you the location of the barbecue restaurant. Lin Chen said.

“Uh-huh, then I’ll come to you right away!” An Tiantian typed quickly.

After putting down the phone, An Tiantian happily circled in place.

Then, start rummaging through the closet for clothes.

After trying several sets in a row, I always felt dissatisfied.

An Tiantian wanted to appear in front of Lin Chen with a perfect image.

However, she was worried about making Lin Chen wait too long.

“Don’t get entangled, just choose this set of Chanel.”

An Tiantian changed her clothes, made up a light makeup, and hurriedly took the car keys and went out.


“Brother Chen, who are you talking to?” Li Boyang asked curiously.

“A friend, come over for a barbecue in a moment.” Lin Chen said.

“Male or female?” Liu Xiaofeng asked.

“Female.” Lin Chen said.

Everyone suddenly showed gossipy eyes: “It won’t be Brother Chen’s girlfriend, right?” ”

Lin Chen shook his head slightly: “No.” ”

“Hehe, even if it’s not, it must have a lot of relationship, and it is likely to become a sister-in-law in the future.” The roommate teased.

Lin Chen smiled and was noncommittal.

The four people in Lin Chen’s bedroom were very happy tonight.

Cui Yang, the squad leader who usually always opposes them, is sitting in a corner of the barbecue restaurant with a lost soul at this time, like a bereaved dog.

“It’s really pleasant, Brother Chen, let’s toast you together.” Li Boyang suggested.

“Come, Brother Jingchen for a drink!”

“Brother Chen drove the car and just drank a drink.”

Seeing this, the other students in the class also stood up with wine glasses.

Cui Yang’s eyes flickered, standing or not standing or not standing, and finally hung his head as if he didn’t see it.

After drinking, everyone sat down again to eat the barbecue.

I have to say, the taste of this barbecue restaurant is really good.


Half an hour later, there was a sudden roar of sports cars from the riverside.

Everyone turned their heads to look and saw a red Ferrari coming and parked next to the barbecue restaurant by the river.

“Crouch! It’s a Ferrari-F12, worth more than 5 million! ”

“Why did so many rich people come to this barbecue restaurant today? Just now came a Porsche 911, even more exaggerated, a Bugatti Veyron, and now a Ferrari. ”

The customers of the barbecue restaurant couldn’t help but talk about it.

I saw the door of the Ferrari-F12 open, and a girl with beautiful white skin and a value of more than 95 points walked out of the car.

“So beautiful!”

“Mom, where is this big beauty, more beautiful than the stars on TV!”

Under everyone’s gaze, the girl walked towards where Lin Chen was.

Lin Chen stood up and said with a smile: “It’s quite fast, I thought it would take a long time for girls to go out.” ”

“Hee hee, I’m afraid you’ll wait too long.” An Tiantian said with a smile.

The students around Lin Chen were all stunned.

An Tiantian is so beautiful!

They had never seen such a beautiful girl.

The other girls present were instantly eclipsed.

“Hello guys.” An Tiantian waved at everyone to say hello.

Everyone woke up like a dream: “You, hello.” ”

“Brother Chen, this is your girlfriend?” Someone asked.

Hearing this, An Tiantian’s heartbeat suddenly slowed down by half a beat, and she glanced at Lin Chen nervously, wanting to hear how Lin Chen answered.

Lin Chen originally wanted to deny it directly, but after noticing An Tiantian’s little eyes, he changed his words and said, “Not for the time being.” ”

“Not yet, means it’s possible in the future?” Got it! ”

The classmates immediately began to boo.

An Tiantian’s face flashed a blush, and she inexplicably felt a little happy in her heart.

“They’re kidding, don’t mind, sit down.” Lin Chen said to An Tiantian.

“It’s okay, I don’t mind.” An Tiantian said in a low voice.

Afterwards, everyone sat down to eat a barbecue.

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