Chapter 97 The Fearful Kidō

"Reciprocity, give me a little lesson."


A blue Reiatsu knife light suddenly flashed across the space, and like a shooting star, it directly rowed towards a boat next to Whitebeard.

If the great swordsman's slash hit, it would undoubtedly split the entire ship into two.


Although Murphy's strength has already surpassed Whitebeard, it would be strange if Whitebeard couldn't react to the slash from such a distance.


Whitebeard swung his knife suddenly, and the huge shock film like a wall slammed down towards the blue Reiatsu's knife light.

The two slashes collided and exploded in the air, leaving a gully more than ten meters long on the sea surface, and seawater continued to fill it in again.

And Whitebeard is looking at Murphy on the distant warship from afar.

"Isn't it a simple observation ship? I didn't expect that kid to be on it." After seeing Murphy's figure, Whitebeard also gave up his plan to continue attacking.

He originally thought it was just an ordinary marine ship used for surveillance, but he didn't expect that Murphy, a level 12 combat power, was on board.

His main target is not the Marine. If it's just an ordinary surveillance ship, it's fine to destroy it easily, but if there is still a very difficult combat force on the ship, then he has no choice.

After all, he was about to fight with the Hunter Guild soon, and he didn't want to cause friction with Marine's high-end combat power.

However, this is nothing more than Whitebeard's own wishful thinking.

"This is not something you can do if you want to, and you can stop if you want to. With this attitude of not taking others seriously, do you still think that you are the strongest in the world where no one can beat you?"

Seeing Whitebeard's self-righteous attitude, thinking that Marine was lucky if he didn't trouble Marine, Murphy sneered.

In terms of arrogance, it seems that no one really can compare to this guy Whitebeard.

But with that cocky look on his face, Murphy is not a kind person to put up with Whitebeard's attitude.

Especially, now his strength has far surpassed Whitebeard.

After fusing with Hōgyoku, his strength is completely different.

An immortal body, a Reiatsu of a higher realm.

Not to mention a Whitebeard, even if the three big pirates work together, Murphy can easily crush and defeat.

"Whitebeard, the world's strongest has long since lost your place, so let's curb this arrogant attitude as soon as possible! Hadō's Fifty-Fourth Waste Flame!"

Without hesitation, a flame formed directly in Murphy's hand, followed by an incomparably hot breath gushing out.

The sea and the air were directly distorted by the burning.

Although it is only Kidō No. 54 of the middle level, Murphy Reiatsu at this time is completely different from the level it used to be.

Even if it's just the fifty-fourth Kidō, its power might not be as powerful as the eighty-nine Kidō he used back then.

The overwhelming flames instantly flooded the Whitebeard pirates.

"The power of this flame!" Seeing this power, Whitebeard was also shocked.

I am afraid that this force is no less powerful than one's own full blow.

Boom one




The terrifying scorching breath passed through the sea surface, and the overwhelming heat instantly evaporated the surface of the sea to the point of bubbling, blasting a large number of sprays, emitting astonishing heat.

When the flame passed by, the scorching water vapor gathered towards the sky, as if distorting people's vision.

All this happened in just an instant

Even most of the pirates on the hull haven't had time to react.

Only the captains and cadres attached to the Whitebeard Pirates reacted immediately.

"Abandon ship!"

However, their voices had just fallen, and everything was already settled.

The scorching flames hit their pirate ship directly.


The terrible explosive flames resounded through the sky in an instant accompanied by a shocking loud noise.

The flame swept across the three pirate groups closest to Whitebeard's main ship, and the hot breath instantly ignited the wooden hull.

Even the deck beneath their feet had begun to burn.


The hull began to vibrate violently continuously, at this moment all the expressions on the faces of the pirates stopped abruptly, staring blankly at everything in front of them.

But there is not much time left for them to be stupid, and the flames of medical fever swallowed everyone in almost instantly.

More than 90% of the people were directly burnt to dry bones by Hokage.

And the boat sank immediately.

Only a very small number of Demon fruit power users with special abilities and slightly stronger Haki users were not instantly killed.

And with his extremely quick reaction, he escaped immediately.

However, even so, the vast majority of these guys who escaped by chance suffered from various burns on their bodies [even their own arms or feet were cut off to barely save their lives 1B3.

look back

The three huge pirate ships fell to the surroundings in an extremely strange way, and then finally broke completely and sank into the bottom of the sea.

They didn't even have a chance to float, and there were only remnants of planks floating on the sea surface, proving that their boat had appeared here before.

Just one blow had such an effect. This time, the original rampant demeanor of these pirates completely dissipated without a trace.

Even with Whitebeard as their back, they were a little scared.

And all of this is just a Kidō casually released by Murphy.

And it's just the mid-level Kidō of No. 54.

You must know that the ships that can sail in the harsh environment of New World are quite strong, and it is difficult for even ordinary swordsmen to cause large-scale damage to them.

PS: 【1】

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