Chapter 63 The Decisive Difference


The huge lion slammed its arms down to the ground not far from Murphy's face.

The towering gigantic figure looked particularly terrifying.

But the other party didn't stretch out his paw directly to Murphy, but landed right in front of him.


Apparently, this Golden Lion flexed his muscles for Murphy, for his provocative demonstrations!

And Murphy can clearly perceive this.

So he turned his attention to the Golden Lion himself.

"It's just a bluff, Golden Lion, which only highlights your weakness. To Golden Lion, Murphy mocked mercilessly.

"Little devil, I hope your strength is as powerful as your mouth."

The inarticulate Golden Lion was stunned by Murphy and could hardly find any words to refute.

However, Golden Lion, who has always regarded strength as his greatest weapon, does not need to rely on language at all, all he needs is to use his own strength to crush the enemy, that's all!

"Go!" Following the Golden Lion's command, the huge three-headed lion directly waved its enormous palm, and slapped down on Murphy in the air.

If the palm with a length of several tens of meters was an ordinary person, it would be impossible to escape its attack range, but for Murphy it was a piece of cake.

At this time, Murphy's figure suddenly disappeared into the air, leaving no trace of Yifu.

And Golden Lion has also experienced the horror of Murphy's speed, and his face is extraordinarily cautious, releasing his Observation Haki to search for Murphy's trace.


Suddenly, Golden Lion found Murphy's trail.

Looking up, I saw Murphy standing on top of the lion's head in the middle of the huge monster.

Every step the huge lion takes can set off bursts of hurricanes, blowing away the large robes on its body and whistling.

"Bakudō no. 63. Lock bar lock "tied"

An extremely peaceful voice resounded in the air, and fell lightly to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, countless chains came out of nowhere and wrapped around the huge lion's body.


Entangled by countless chains, the huge lion fell down in an instant.

"It's not okay for such a huge monster to mess around in our G3 branch. It looks like it needs to be resolved soon."

It seemed that Murphy also felt a bit of a headache when he saw the Golden Lion.

If his unlocking level is higher, it will be fine. Although he can suppress the Golden Lion at this stage, there is no way to completely prevent the Golden Lion from destroying it.

Compared with the 5% experience points on Golden Lion, Murphy valued the Hōgyoku fragments and Hollow experiments under the G3 branch more.

In addition, this level of identity in Marine also brought him a lot of convenience, "making it easier for him to obtain some materials and resources for experiments.

After all, the huge system of Marine is quite scary to use.

In just a few days since he took office, the progress of his Hollow experiment has accelerated a lot.

"Sure enough, Kyōka Suigetsu's strength is still necessary! It's impossible to hold back against the Golden Lion." Thinking of this, Murphy also made a decision.

If possible, he still wants to avoid using Kyōka Suigetsu's power in an open and aboveboard situation as much as possible. Kyōka Suigetsu's Complete Hypnosis power is indeed terrifying, but if it is known, it will be a little troublesome.

And the more you use it, the more likely you are to be exposed.

But now is not the time to think about such things. Without using the power of Kyōka Suigetsu, it is impossible to easily repel the Golden Lion.

After all, this guy is a monster who can destroy half of Marineford in a three-day and three-night battle with Garp and Sengoku.

look away

Murphy fixed his gaze on the Golden Lion with a gloomy expression.

He could feel that the Golden Lion really planned to fight him forever, and it took only so long to face him, the ultimate marine genius, and he had grown to the point where he could fight against him.

Golden Lion didn't want to, and didn't dare to let Murphy continue to grow.

Therefore, Golden Lion has already made a plan. Today, Murphy must be wiped out, even if it means sacrificing his own life right now.

Because he wants to realize his hegemony of conquering the world, then Murphy will be his biggest obstacle. If he doesn't kill him today, he will have no chance in the future.

If he can't realize his hegemony, then Golden Lion would rather die on this road.

So from the moment he saw Murphy's potential, he was determined to fight to the death!

I have to say that a hero like Golden Lion is still worthy of admiration.

Just this point alone, I'm afraid not many people can do this, right?

Being able to put his life on this road, it is no wonder that Golden Lion can achieve such an achievement.


From Murphy's point of view, that's all.

What Golden Lion pursues is hegemony, domination, and power!

But for Murphy, all these are just tools for him to reach his goal. His goal is very simple, that is absolute power!

Possessing absolute power, whether it is hegemony or power, he will appear in front of him by himself.

Giving his life for his own (Nuoma Zhao) domineering may be lamentable, but in Murphy's view it is still extremely stupid.

""Golden Lion! Let me show you the decisive difference between me and you." "


An unimaginably huge Reiatsu was completely released from Murphy's body, and the blue Reiatsu visible to the naked eye was almost solidified, pressing everyone present to the ground indiscriminately.

PS: 【3】

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