“This is animal psychic, signing a contract with the animal in advance, and then summoning it to yourself through psychic.”

“This is my ninja eagle, Gray Cat-sama.”

“Wow, what a cute owl, I want to hug him.”

“Hey, don’t come over, Lord Grey Owl is going to be angry.”

Seeing the light in the eyes of several children, the owl immediately panicked, and then quickly flew up.

“Every time you summon Uncle Ben, this guy is not good.”

In mid-air, the starry ninja eagle couldn’t help but say loudly.

“Oh, it’s funny that you can still speak human language.” Hinata Izumi also said in surprise.

“Well, after signing the contract, you can summon animals to assist you in spying on intelligence.”

“Of course, it can also assist you in fighting, provided that your psychic beast has the ability to fight.”

“So that’s it, it’s amazing.”

“You go back today, each go to find an animal, sign a contract with the animal or something, and the adults in your family should know.”

Xing Zhi said slowly, “This is the homework I have assigned you for the past few days, and three days later, after you sign a contract with the animal, I will teach you in detail as a psychic.” ”

“Yes, teacher.”

The children answered in unison.

After the children left, Xingzhi returned to his residence.

After dinner, he began to cultivate, and in the past three months, he relied on self-cultivation, and the amount of chakra increased a lot.

However, the system does not have a clear data display on the amount of chakra, so it is not clear how much chakra volume has increased.

Three days later, Hoshiji returned to the ninja school.

The first shift gathered on the training ground.

Star Commander taught them to use psychic.

Psychic sealing gestures are relatively simple, so these ten children learned them all in the morning.

So the ten children began to perform it one by one.


A small child with his hands imprinted, and a small cat appeared in front of him.


The little white cat didn’t seem to have woken up yet, and after opening its mouth, it lay on the ground and fell asleep.

“Hahahaha, is this your ninja beast.”

After seeing this kitten, Hinata Izumi immediately laughed, so his hands were immediately sealed.

“Let me show you my ninja beast.”

“Come out, wild goose.”

A black and white wild goose appeared in front of everyone and fluttered its demagogue wings.

“Not bad, ah Quan, what a big wild goose.”

The companions said in surprise.

“Hmph, of course, this is the wild goose I specifically looked for, you can share your vision with it, and the advantages of white eyes can be fully brought into play.”

Hinata Izumi glanced at Itachi with some pride.

“Not bad, wild geese are very suitable for you, fly high, see far, use your white eyes, you can probe intelligence from a distance.”

Xingzhi nodded and said.

After a while, everyone else showed themselves performing psychic techniques one by one, showing their psychic beasts.

Most of them are small animals, and there are small bugs.

“Itachi, it’s your turn.”

Everyone else is psychic, and the ferret is not psychic.

The weasel immediately froze, followed by a pure black crow in front of it.

After looking at this crow, Xing Zhi was not too surprised.

Sure enough, this crow is not an ordinary crow, he is a big way for the ferret to perform magic in the future.

You can cast illusions through the eyes of crows, and you can unknowingly let enemies enter the illusion.

“Ah, it’s actually a crow.”

The other children looked at the pitch-black crow with some surprise.

This crow is a little agile, but also a little eerie.

“Wow, wow…”

The crow yelled twice, then spread its wings and flew onto the ferret’s shoulder.

“I heard that the crow is an ominous animal.”

“Itachi, wouldn’t it be bad for you to treat a crow as a ninja?”

A child said.

“It’s okay, I like crows a lot.”

Itachi shook his head with a smile.

Hearing this, Xingzhi said with a smile: “How can there be such a statement, we ninjas are afraid of ominous.” ”

Xing Zhi looked at the ten children with a smile: “You all did a good job, this is your first psychic beast, and as your strength grows in the future, there will be more and more powerful psychic beasts, so come on.” ”

“Yes, teacher.” Ten children immediately answered loudly.

The day’s teaching work ended again.

Three days later, the members of the dark department who went out to investigate the invasion of the Land of Thunder sent back news.

The Land of Thunder has officially waged war against the Nation of Fire.

Xing Zhi seemed to see a huge amount of points pouring into his system.

PS, is there anyone, someone’s words, let me see, thank you

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