The war is raging, the shells are roaring!

The content of the lyrics sung before leaving the school was vividly staged in front of everyone’s eyes.

The first to suffer were the infantry who served as the cover of the two wings, and these young soldiers, before they could pull the bolt, were beaten into meat mud by heavy fire machine guns, and bullets rained through their youthful bodies.

In the scattered blood flowers, the soldiers fell one by one.

This was followed by self-propelled guns and self-propelled howitzers, not to mention whether their elevation angle could hit the enemy, just the time-lapse grenades and terrifying individual rocket launchers thrown from a high place were enough for them to drink a pot.

“Damn, everyone, don’t panic, fight back freely!”

Mike is worthy of being the proud son of the army, and he can keep a cool head after suffering such a sudden setback.

The reason is simple, although the infantry is almost hanging, his firepower establishment has not been destroyed.

Sure enough, the advantages of Shen Long’s batch of arms were quickly played by him, especially the Red Devil main battle tank he drove, which was simply Zhao Zilong in the army, and every shell could cause a lot of trouble to the rebels, and the only two dark bunkers destroyed by the enemy were also shot down by him.

Even after being hit twice by anti-tank artillery, its outer suspension armor was only blasted out of two holes, not to mention the intact depleted uranium armor inside. In terms of modern military technology, this is no longer a tank, but an invincible steel monster.

“Boss, the other side has a new type of tank, the shell is so hard that even anti-tank guns can’t take it.” Hannah was constantly observing the situation on the battlefield, and the only thing that caught her attention was the special tank piloted by Mike.

“Yes, pull up the giant cannon we captured, I won’t believe it, see if its ghost shell is hard, or my cannonball is hard.” The giant cannon that One-Eyed Hogg calls is actually a custom-built special cannon that can fire ship-class rotating armor-breaking shells specifically designed to deal with the world’s most resistant tanks.

Its principle is to rely on metal jets formed after the outbreak of shaped explosives to cause superfire destruction at a single point on the armored body.

“Fire!” Although One-eyed Hogg has one eye, he has more accurate vision than pirates.

The spinning armor-breaking bullets burst out with a series of piercing and air-flowing explosions, hitting the outer armor of the Red Devil’s main battle tank without deviation.

The already scarred outer suspension armor was torn, and the magma-like metal jet collided with the depleted uranium armor, causing an earth-shattering explosion.

Mike and several of his deputies, for a while, were thrown up by a huge recoil force, and after their heads hit the top cover, they fell heavily on the bottom plate, and in front of his eyes, there was a large raised cylindrical metal, and it had been burned red, and the inside of the tank car flashed red lights for warning.

It can be said that if it were not for the external suspension armor unloading some of the force of the rotating armor-breaking bullets, he and his subordinates would have lined up long ago to go to God.

“Retreat! The whole army retreats! ”

Mike, who was shocked, only then remembered to give the order to retreat.

And where will the one-eyed Hogg give him the opportunity to retreat with his whole body, under his command, the rocketry soldiers, relying on flexible battlefield action, launched a chase battle against Mike’s special battalion to beat the falling water dogs.

This caused him to lose a few more self-propelled howitzers, and Mack smashed his fist into the steel plate to vent his incompetent fury.

Post-war statistics, the batch of ammunition that had just been handed over with Shen Long was destroyed by at least one-third, and the combined loss was at least more than $100 million, plus the seriously injured Red Devil main battle tanks and soldiers who died on the battlefield.

And such a large amount of money, just one morning, was burned by Mike.

When he saw Colonel Mack, whose head was covered with gauze and returned with feathers, Shen Long did not laugh at him as Mike expected, but gave him a big hug, and smiled cordially: “To borrow an old saying from the flower planter, victory and defeat are common things in soldiers.” ”

“Dragon, I’m sorry.” In the face of Shen Long’s encouragement, Mike finally lowered his haughty head: “I think I fell into a serious misunderstanding in the matter of professional or amateur, and I formally apologize to you for my recklessness.” ”

“Ahem, Colonel Mack, it’s not me who you really should apologize, it’s the soldiers who didn’t come back alive.” Shen Long smiled bitterly: “I think their corpses should have been doused with gasoline by the rebels by now, and under your bad command, they didn’t even have the opportunity to see their parents and lovers one last time.” ”

“Don’t say it, dragon.” Mike crouched on the ground holding his head in pain, a catastrophe that had suffered during his professional military career.

What led to this evil result was only because of fighting with others, simply because of his ridiculous self-righteous professional arrogance.

“Dragon, help me take revenge!” Mike jerked his head up, his eyes bloodshot: “I need your help, I’m going to make the damn one-eyed Hogg, pay for my brothers!” You make a price, even if the family is bankrupt, I will not hesitate! “_

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