However, under Shen Long’s calculation, the strategic investment in Penguin is not only limited to the long-term, but also has a short-term within reach.

That is, he effortlessly planted a reliable pawn by Fishmooney’s side.

After all, Penguin is just an umbrella boy on the surface, but in fact it is the secret secretary of the fish mother.

What the fish mother didn’t expect was that her desire to control the penguin’s perversion was like a sword of Damocles, hanging high above her head.

From now on, her every move will be exposed to Shen Long’s surveillance.

Once there is any wind, Shen Long can get the news as soon as possible and make himself invincible.

Anyway, in his eyes, Fishmooney is by no means a woman who is easily subdued, otherwise he would not have mixed up to the point where he is now, so it is right to prevent her.

“Dragon, do you want me to be your eyeliner?” Penguin thought about it and felt that what Shen Long expressed to him was exactly what he meant.

“For God’s sake, don’t say it so bluntly.” Shen Long looked calm: “Tell you the truth, brother, I don’t like a partner like Fishmooney, her brutal rule over you will become the fulcrum of her fall sooner or later, so before the building will fall, I don’t need to be with her, stay in the house and wait to be smashed alive.” ”

“So who do you think will take Fishmooney’s place, Butch?” Penguin asked cautiously, even though he already had the answer in his heart.

“What a joke, it’s here to manage the gang.” Shen Long pointed to the penguin’s brain, he knew that it was full of all kinds of bad ideas.

“Hahaha, you are right, only the smartest people are qualified to be the boss, and not to use force.”

“Okay man, I don’t have much time to chat with you, I still have business to find you.” After giving Penguin many hints, Shen Long can’t wait to see his superpowers.

He threw the prepared composite diagram to Penguin, falsely claiming that the man with a red spider on the back of his head had defrauded him of a sum of money. When Penguin asked why there was no frontal photo, Shen Long replied that the man had been wearing a mask during the transaction, leaving only such a trace to follow.

“Dragon, you’ve really found the right person.”

I saw the penguin man with an umbrella, limping to the wall, opening the window, putting his thumb and forefinger into his mouth, and blowing a sharp whistle.

The unthinkable happened, and the birds passing by nearby, as if they had heard the order, rushed into his room.

The penguin, on the other hand, stretches out his arms as if on a pilgrimage, and allows the birds to fall all over his body and surround him.

“Oh man, it’s a little too much.” In the small space, the birds gathered more and more, forcing Shen Long to move almost impossible, and now above his head, there were two canaries standing, making cheerful birdsong.

And from the mouth of the penguin, a series of strange tones of depression and frustration came out, like some kind of ancient spell.

“Oh my God, have you learned bird language?” Although Shen Long knew that penguins were talented in bird training, he was still frightened.

Gotham two treasures, Catwoman’s cat, Penguin’s bird, it’s really not blowing.

“Go, my cute little ones.” After the division of labor, the penguins pointed out the window with umbrellas, and the birds flew out in flocks.

Shen Long couldn’t help but slap his face, looked at his handsome back, and said: “Honest man, if you turn over the surface of the earth and can’t find a good bird trainer like you, haven’t you considered making a living in the circus in the past?” I believe that with your ability, those regimental commanders will sneak their scalps for this. ”

“You don’t know how to do it, brother.” The penguin shook his head and smiled bitterly: “They are all my family, who will make money with their own family?” ”

Shen Long didn’t know how to respond to his words, after all, he had never experienced a life accompanied by birds.

It wasn’t until Shen Long was about to leave that Mrs. Ron came back from outside with a few sea fish, and she planned to make delicious fish soup for lunch to treat Shen Long, a distinguished guest.

But after tasting Mrs. Ron’s coffee, Shen Long had a clear understanding of her cooking level, but before he could make up a reasonable reason to escape, Oswald showed strong dissatisfaction with his mother.

It turns out that his special constitution will cause him to suffer different degrees of allergies when eating any fish.

In the arrangement of lunch, Mrs. Ron apparently only considered Shen Long’s taste and neglected her precious son.

“Listen, penguin.” For the first time, Shen Long shouted this unfriendly title to him, and then leaned close to his ear and said quietly: “Penguins are born to eat fish, penguins who can’t learn to eat fish, they will only starve themselves to death, so you have to try to taste the delicacy called fish, believe me, every inch of her meat is great, once you like it, you can’t stop anymore.” ”

fish? Fish? Fishmoone?

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