People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 381 Survival Day 381: We are waiting for you

Because according to the conventions of horror movies, there must be fraud in it.

For example, after lifting the cloth, you see that you are not in the mirror, or someone else appears in it.

Then unknowingly fell into hallucinations and so on.

So just don’t watch it and just do it!

Xu Zhijian kicked the debris that flew to his feet, and then left to check the other two rooms.


I returned to the living room, went to the window and looked outside, but still didn't see any cats.

But there’s no rush.

If one vision appears, there will be a second one. Just continue to wait. I don't believe Gaoyao can bear it.

Xu Zhijian lay back on the sofa, drank Coke and continued to watch Xiaowanzi.

One hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.

However, after waiting until one o'clock at midnight, nothing new happened.

This is beyond unexpected.

According to the rhythm of the "Grudge" movie, as long as you dare to enter the house, you will encounter something unexpected that day.

For example, Shunsuke Kobayashi.

Even though he came during the day, he still died tragically within a few hours.

The victims who moved in from the second family were of course recruited and killed one after another at night.

The same goes for the protagonists who moved in in "The Grudge: The White Old Woman". They saw a mirror appear in the house that day.

The male protagonist didn't know what was going on, so he lifted the cloth and took a look, and then he was directly cursed.


Basically, they were targeted by Kayako and Toshio within one day.

So what's going on now... is the time too short? ?

After thinking about it, Xu Zhijian felt that maybe the time had not come yet and she had to wait.

Can't we allow other people's evil spirits to have personal affairs?

For example, if your aunt is here and you are in a bad mood, you should rest for two days before taking action.


Just wait.

At 2:30 in the morning, he felt hungry, so he opened the food packed from the restaurant and ate while watching.

Around five o'clock, he deliberately pretended to be asleep in an attempt to lure the ghost out.

Unfortunately, nothing happened until daybreak and the warm sunshine illuminated the house.

Waiting all night in vain.

He walked out of the room to the yard, stretching and feeling the fresh morning air.

Then he pulled the recliner to a shady corner and began to fall asleep.

Soon he fell asleep.

Not long after, a neighbor woman not far away stood on the balcony watering the flowers and plants.

After seeing this scene, I couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, feeling confused and surprised.

Good guy.

How dare anyone go to this haunted house? ?

Counting the time, at least it has been idle for almost ten years and no one dares to approach it.

Alas, something should happen now.

Those damn real estate agents really don't care about anything just to make money.

So do you want to remind yourself?

The woman thought for a while and finally gave up.

After all, life is important.

That haunted house is so sinister that, let alone living in it, you may encounter misfortune even if you get even close to it.

By four o'clock in the afternoon.

Xu Zhijian slept until he woke up naturally, tidied up and went for a walk again.

Before leaving, he secretly placed a video recorder under the sofa cushions to take pictures.

I want to see if anything happens in the house when I leave.

At 8:30 pm, he strolled back with a bag full of snacks and dinner.

When passing by an alley, I found a girl wearing a high school uniform sitting on a chair.

He lowered his head, hugged his knees, and placed a note with a note of acceptance beside him.

Xu Zhijian immediately understood that this was the legendary girl treated by gods.

This term refers to young girls who leave their families for various reasons and live on the streets.

Because of their age, they are unable to work normally, so they hope that someone can provide them with accommodation and food.

Therefore, she is called "the girl waiting for the gods".

They may leave home because of their adolescent rebelliousness and conflicts with their parents.

Or they are forced to live on the streets due to family breakdown and no one to take care of them.

They are often penniless, have no support from relatives and friends, and have no ability to support themselves.

Therefore, they will post requests for shelter online, hoping to find someone who can provide them with food, clothing, housing, and transportation.

That is the "god" in their eyes.

This phenomenon began to rise at the end of the 20th century, especially during the economic downturn after the bubble economy burst.

reached its peak in the early 21st century.

It is estimated that more than 100,000 people are involved, a quarter of whom are young girls aged 10-19.

Therefore, this phenomenon has also become an unspoken X transaction.

After all, if you want to live and eat for free, how is it possible?

What happened later became even more outrageous.

Some men want to take advantage, while some women also "advance with the times" and start playing dirty.

I'll eat you up first, explode the gold coins, and then accuse you of rape.

Twenty years of skill in this punch can't be stopped at all.

So Xu Zhijian pretended not to see him and left.

But a few minutes later, a middle-aged man in his mid-thirties, wearing glasses and with a slovenly appearance stopped.

He looked at the girl with expectation and longing, as if he was considering whether to take the opportunity to take her home.

Then can it develop like some anime plots?

Thinking about it, he said nervously: "Hello... hello, can you please come home with me?"

The female student slowly raised her head after hearing this.

Although he looked depressed, his facial features were indeed good.

When she saw the man in front of her, she was stunned for a moment, revealing a look of obvious disgust and disappointment.


She said as she hurriedly picked up her schoolbag and the paper and ran away like the wind.

The man was left standing in the wind in a mess.

What a sad story.


He should thank the girl for not killing him, maybe because of this he escaped the charge of rape.

Otherwise, the end would be even worse.

Tsk, after all, we can't let the small-headed son control the big-headed father.

Back home.

Xu Zhijian put the things on the coffee table and couldn't wait to take out the video recorder to check.

From 4 to 8 o'clock, there was no problem.

Until 8:21, there was finally something.

The screen was pitch black, as if something was blocking the lens.

It lasted for about five seconds before it returned to normal, and then something flashed by quickly.

He immediately pressed pause, then backed up and slowed down five times to watch again.

This time he could see it clearly.

The thing that flashed by was a face.

And... it was his face!

He approached the camera with a blank expression and a gloomy face and then ran away quickly.


Xu Zhijian said coldly when he saw this, without any psychological fluctuations.

If he was a rookie, he would feel tingling and scared when encountering such a weird situation.

But now he is basically immune.

Not only did he not panic, but he was also very excited and expectant.

Finally, the strange phenomena began to appear, which means that the evil spirit is about to show up.

Okay, okay.

Hurry up!

He put away the VCR, turned on the TV, and ate dinner while watching.

At this time, a supernatural talk show was being broadcast, introducing the legends that happened in China.

For example, the Sendagaya Tunnel supernatural incident.

This is a subway tunnel located in Shibuya District, Tokyo, Japan, connecting Sendagaya Station and National Stadium Station.

The history can be traced back to 1964, and it was built to host the Tokyo Olympics.

At the same time, it is one of the most bizarre tunnels in Japan.

It often appears in horror games, supernatural shows, and supernatural reports.

It is said that many accidents occurred during the construction process, resulting in the death or injury of dozens of workers.

Some people believe that the ghosts of these workers are attached to the tunnel, making the tunnel extremely gloomy and terrifying.

Some people claim that they can hear the workers crying, calling for help, etc.

Or see their ghosts appear on the wall.

In addition, there are some more bizarre legends.

When taking the subway in the tunnel, if you accidentally see the scenery outside the window, you will see something that should not exist.

For example, the headless knight, bloody corpses, scary faces, etc.

Some people get off the train in the tunnel and find that they have entered a parallel world and cannot return to their original place.

Some people are even more unfortunate and disappear completely in the tunnel and never come back.

Another example is the supernatural incident at Takakonuma Amusement Park.

This is the place known as the "most terrifying amusement park in Japan".

It opened in 1973, but it was closed in just two years until it reopened in 1986.

Unexpectedly, it caused the death of tourists in 1999 and has been closed again until now.

It is almost difficult for ordinary people to find its existence.

There is little information available about this abandoned amusement park.

We only know that it is in Fukushima, Japan, and is now abandoned and surrounded by thick fog. To the outside world, the horror of this place is no different from that of a haunted house.

It is said that some people saw the statues inside, and as a result, they had a short-term mental disorder when they returned.

There are also people standing on the observation deck who suddenly have suicidal thoughts and see tourists falling to their deaths from the roller coaster.

A British man named Bill took a photo of a little girl staring at the camera in 2007 with an extremely terrifying face.

And so on.

At this time, this haunted house, watching these supernatural stories is really a different flavor.

After eating and drinking and resting for a while, it was already past three o'clock in the morning.

Xu Zhijian continued to pretend to sleep and wait for an opportunity.

At this time, everything was quiet, the moon was hanging, and there were no pedestrians or vehicles on the street.

Only sporadic street lights were on.

I don't know when, a black shadow came quietly from the darkness.

It was black from head to toe, and no features could be seen.

Holding a wooden box in his hand, he came to the door of the haunted house quietly.

He put the wooden box at the door and turned away without knocking.

He quickly disappeared into the dark night.

It seemed that nothing had ever happened.

The next morning.

Xu Zhijian walked out yawning, thinking that it was another night of wasted time.

Tsk, what happened? ?

It shouldn't be like this.

It's totally unlike Kayako and Toshio's style. They can hold it in all the time?

Just thinking about it, he saw the wooden box on the ground.

He suddenly woke up.


He looked around to see that no one was paying attention, and immediately grabbed the box and closed the door.

What is this?

He put the thing on the table and looked at it nervously and curiously.

The box was black and gray, with strange patterns and designs engraved on it, and the specific shape and meaning could not be seen.


He opened the lid of the box carefully.

However, when he saw the situation inside, he was stunned.

Hmm... What's going on?

I thought it would contain the ghost doll or other scary things.

In the end, there were only old photos that were torn and glued together.

There were three people on it.

A middle-aged man, a little boy, and a middle-aged woman.

Both men had heads, while the woman's head was removed, revealing a hole.

Xu Zhijian immediately recognized their identities.

It was Junxiong, his father, and his mother.

That is Kayako!

But who quietly put it at the door, and what does it mean? ?

He couldn't figure it out, but he knew that there must be something wrong when things are abnormal, and there is obviously a conspiracy.

Very good.

Although Kayako has not come out, there are more and more strange things.

It's also a good sign.

He put the photo in his pocket and put the box aside.

Then he left home and walked to the beach, lying under the parasol to blow the sea breeze and drink a cup of ice cola.

It was very comfortable.

Then, he fell asleep slowly without knowing it.

I had a dream in a trance.

In the dream, I found myself in a dark room, with a candle emitting a faint light that flickered.

In front of me, there was a familiar face sitting.

It was Pennywise.

It said in a low voice: "Hey~~ You finally woke up, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Xu Zhijian was puzzled and shocked: "You... Didn't I kill you? Where am I?"

Pennywise said: "NONONO, you are wrong, I still exist, and I am an existence that cannot be destroyed."

He sneered: "Oh really? Then I will kill you again!"

Pennywise also smiled evilly: "You can't kill me, look around you first, you must be surprised."

He turned his head and looked around in confusion, and suddenly got goose bumps all over his body.

I saw a circle of old "acquaintances" around him.

They laughed evilly, with vicious, resentful and greedy eyes.

Freddy, Art the Clown, Chu Renmei and so on.

They are all the evil spirits that have been killed!

Even... there is Cthulhu in it.

His brain couldn't help but buzz: "This... what's going on! What did you do to them?"

Pennywise laughed: "I didn't do anything, we were just waiting for you, hehehe..."

Xu Zhijian asked back: "Wait for me? What do you mean? Wait for me for what?"

"Hehe... it's almost time, you'll know soon."

"Fuck! What does it mean?!"

"Don't worry~ We're waiting for you, we'll know soon~~"

After that, Pennywise disappeared with a smirk.

Those evil spirits also dissipated.

At this point in the dream, Xu Zhijian suddenly woke up.

Splash... splash.

Looking at the sea in the distance, he was stunned for a moment to check the time. It was already past three in the afternoon.

"What does this dream mean?"

He came back to his senses and felt confused. Why did he suddenly have such a dream?

They were waiting for him... what did it mean?

Waiting for him?

Although dreams are usually disordered, absurd, and completely unreasonable.

I have had inexplicable dreams before.

But I don’t know why, I always feel that this time seems to be a little different.

It’s not just a dream.

I always feel that there is something hidden in it, but I just can’t figure it out.

In addition, I thought about the time in the world of "The Mist", I could actually hear the sound of the big alarm clock.

And I could look at it.

I felt that something was very wrong.

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