People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 232 Survival Day 232: ZAZAS

Xu Zhijian deliberately lowered his voice and said, "I know what you want to do, because you are doing exactly what I want to do."

"My true identity is also one of you!"

The three people were a little surprised.

Because according to the normal process, no one in Annie's family would know this except Allen.

They wouldn't even notice it.

The man deliberately said, "What are you talking about? Sorry, we don't know what you mean."

He said a name very seriously: "The Great Baimon!"

Hearing this, the three people were even more shocked, extremely shocked.

Even this is known? !


Did Allen leak it deliberately, he really one of the members? ?

Xu Zhijian added fuel to the fire: "I also know that a male classmate next to Peter is also one of ours."

The three of them looked at each other, although they couldn't see each other's expressions and eyes.

But they all knew what it would be like.

There is really nothing to doubt now, because the fact is indeed like this.

I didn't expect that there would be a hidden companion.

Alan is really good at creating surprises.

However, for the sake of safety, they were still very vigilant and did not fully accept it.

The man whispered: "Do you know that special sentence?"

This question was out of context.

If you are not an insider or someone who has seen the truth, you have no idea what it means.

If you can't say it or answer it wrong, it can prove that you are not one of us.

Xu Zhijian confidently read it out: "ZAZAS-ZAZAS-NASATANADA-ZAZAS!"

As soon as this was said, their eyes lit up, almost like a cat's eye.

They actually knew this, it seems that they are undoubtedly companions.

No need to doubt it anymore.

Because this tongue-twisting ZAZAS is actually a spell to summon demons by black magic.

Chuzi is a famous mystic, and it is difficult to find specific information on the Internet.

So the man said: "COOL! Great, then you can act with us."

"I came here for this, let's go."

Xu Zhijian agreed decisively, walked over and lifted one of Lao Deng's legs, and then left quickly.

He was secretly happy, the plan worked!

The reason why I know the mysterious spell is because there is a photo in the album left by Lao Deng Allen.

The content is this text.

I remember that the same text appeared in the movie, but I didn't remember it.

Now I have a reference, it's easy to do.

The group walked for more than ten minutes to leave the cemetery and got on a truck.

They put the body in the back of the cargo box, and they sat in the front and drove away directly.

At this time, I can finally see the appearance of these three people clearly.

It was the middle-aged man I saw during the day, and the middle-aged woman who smeared something on Lao Deng's mouth.

The other one was also a middle-aged man, a little bald, and I had never seen him.

Xu Zhijian said excitedly: "Thanks to Grandma Allen for telling me the truth, it's great to meet you!"

The middle-aged man drove the car: "We are also very surprised. By the way, what else did Queen Allen say to you?"

Pay attention to this word: Queen.

According to the movie setting, Lao B Deng is the founder of the establishment and development of the cult.

So the members call her Queen Li.

As for why it is Li, such an obvious Chinese surname, it is unknown.

Maybe it's a translation problem?

Xu Zhijian replied: "Not much, grandma just told me to go to the cemetery at night, and I will see you naturally."

"Then, everything will be done according to the previous plan!"

The three nodded at the same time, indicating that they understood what it meant.

Because the plan had been set long ago.

The death of Old B Deng was actually the first step, the beginning of all the terrorist plots!

The middle-aged man continued to ask: "So your early move into Queen Li's house was also a planned plan?"

He nodded: "Yes, it also helps grandma to better bewitch and control Annie and others."

"Long live Baimeng! Long live Queen Li!"

"Long live Baimeng! Long live Queen Li!"

"Long live Baimeng! Long live Queen Li!"

The three of them couldn't help but admire and shout slogans at the same time, and their expressions seemed very excited.

It was full of weirdness.

They chatted and moved forward for a while, and finally reached the mysterious destination.

The middle-aged man drove the car to the woods behind a villa and hid it, and then carried the body into the house together.

There was no one else in the room, and they had no intention of turning on the lights.

They just wanted to keep it dark.

Then they gently placed the body on the floor, and took out the tools they had prepared in advance in the dark.

Xu Zhijian looked out the window and saw a light in the distance.

After a quick look, he immediately understood where it was.

Oh my goodness.

Isn't that Annie's home!

"So that's it"

He snorted in his heart, guessing the truth.

The situation was already obvious.

These members had bought or rented this house early, and then conducted spy surveillance around the clock.

Because it was in the suburbs, each household was far away, and five or six hundred meters was the norm.

There was even only one or two kilometers away.

So they didn't turn on the lights, hid the car, didn't go out during the day, and so on.

Try not to expose any traces as much as possible, and create the illusion that no one lives here.

While observing the situation at all times, you can contact Lao Deng at any time to discuss countermeasures.

This is more terrifying than encountering a ghost.

Imagine that you think you are living a normal life every day, but in fact there is a group of people spying on you all the time.

The purpose is also to make you and your family a sacrifice.

It was late at night.

When you were sleeping soundly, a pair of eyes appeared outside the window quietly, watching you silently.

What's more terrifying is that when you are in the mood, you are also seen in detail...


Xu Zhijian deliberately asked: "Is this our gathering place?"

The middle-aged man whispered: "YES, it is the location specially selected by Queen Li, didn't she tell you?"

"No, she only said there is a secret base, not the specific location."

"Well, okay, let's act quickly."

The middle-aged man and the others did not discuss this issue too much, and they had to get down to business quickly.

Although he hadn't started yet, Xu Zhijian already knew what to do specifically.

That is to chop off Lao Deng's head!

Then he quietly put it in Annie's attic and drew the Baimon prayer pattern with blood.

The first step of the ritual was completed.

Once the beheading was successful, the matter would be irreversible and there was no way to stop it.

Now that the cult's base was successfully known, the three of them were useless.

Xu Zhijian took out his pistol and fired without hesitation.

Bang bang bang! !

After a few gunshots, the bodies of the three people fell straight to the ground and died.

He deliberately approached them one by one and touched them. Very good, all of them were headshots.

Killing these bastards in this way was really a bargain for them.

He wiped the sticky blood and brains on their clothes and began to study how to deal with Lao Deng's body.

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