At this moment, the undulating sea was cut open.

The furious sword qi ploughed out two unfathomable sword marks on the surface of the sea, and the sea water could not heal, spreading all the way to the bow of the Moby Dick.

Seeing it, he was about to be cut on the main ship of Whitebeard.

At this time, a figure as strong as an ox suddenly rushed up from behind the deck.


Running to the bow of the beluga whale, he stepped sharply, and the whole person jumped high, rushing up to meet the sword qi that was enough to split the sea.

“Can’t let you hurt Daddy!”

With a roar.

I saw the strong body of the person who came, covered with brilliant diamonds, shimmering under the sunlight.

It looks like a mountain of diamonds rushing past.

Captain of the third team of the Whitebeard Pirates!

Superman is the Devil Fruit, the diamond man Joz of the Diamond Fruit!


The giant sword qi collided with Diamond Joz, bursting into a blazing light.

The powerful impact caused the sea surface of the bow of the Moby Dick to sink several meters and sink into a deep pit.

At the same time, the sword qi collapsed, forming a terrifying hurricane that ravaged the sea.

Diamond Joz’s huge body flew upside down and smashed down the deck of the Moby Dick.


The dust rose, the solid deck, almost through the hole.

I saw Diamond Joz grimacious, just landing at the feet of Whitebeard, but quickly climbed up.

It has to be said that as the hardest substance diamond in the world.

In the top war of the original book, even the current world’s number one sword hawkeye is difficult to break through Joz’s defenses.

It can be imagined that the golden lion sword qi is blocked with his body.

It is clearly the wisest choice at the moment.


“It’s risky, fortunately Joz is here!”

“Is this the power of the Golden Lion? Even the sea can be cut off! ”

“It’s terrible!”

The crew only breathed a sigh of relief until then.

The two giant sword qi that had just been cut could be said to give everyone a great sense of crisis.


“Gollum! Grunt! ”

As the captain of the entire pirate group, Whitebeard carried the wine barrel and raised his head to drink wildly.

All the while, he didn’t even blink his eyelids.

And because of that.

The panic brought by Inkaido and the Golden Lion gradually dispersed in the hearts of the crew.

“Shhh! Is this the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates? ”

Above the sky, Hiru looked at the picture below, and his heart was shocked.

Gelz and Nami next to them, as two little rookies, have long been scared silly.

The battle was as terrifying as destroying the heavens and the earth.

“Huh~~ This is just the beginning!”

In this regard, Luo Chen laughed.

He put his hands on the hilt of the sword at his waist, his gaze lowered, and the focus fell on the burly body sitting on the throne.

Haven’t shot yet.

But the blood cells in the body have long been boiling and cheering.

Just wait for the moment to come, and you can instantly enter the state of limit.

The sea below.

In the fleet of the Hundred Beast Pirates, Kaido carried a mace and stood against the fierce wind.

“Pass the order down, prepare to engage Whitebeard’s fleet!”

Seeing this, he turned and jumped off the bow of the ship and ordered the three plagues who were standing on the side.


The eyes of the three major Kanban boards lit up, and they led the way away nervously and excitedly.

And the other side.

The fleet of whitebeards, did not give them time to relax.

At this moment, the golden lion had approached a distance of fifty meters.

“Don’t let him touch our ship!”

Above the mast of the Moby Dick, Marko suddenly thought of something and quickly leaned over and shouted.

The voice fell!

Behind Whitebeard, a figure suddenly burst out.

Dressed in a kimono, he pulled out two pistols from his sleeves, lifted them and pulled the trigger on the golden lion.

Bang bang –

The bullet shot out, but was easily dodged by the golden lion.

The golden burly figure jumped and flew over the Moby Dick.

“Oh? Is it finally here? ”

The whitebeard raised his eyelids and grinned: “But it’s late, the wine has already been drunk!” ”


The empty barrel landed on the ground with a dull sound.

“This welcome ceremony is a little worse!”

The golden lion smiled grimly, and the double knife he held was filled with a strange coldness.

The dialogue between the two legendary powerhouses is full of violent killing intent.

The surrounding air pressure became chaotic and terrifying!

Next second.


The area where the golden lion was located suddenly exploded a cloud of white mist.

It was a vision caused by speed breaking through the sound barrier.

Holding two knives, he pointed at the white-bearded eyebrows, and the whole person turned into a golden streamer, swooping down from the sky.

Seeing it, it’s about to collide with it.

But right now.

The cyan flame of light rises.

The watchtower above the mast suddenly burst out a cyan flame figure, blocking the path of the golden lion.


The two collided, and the loud noise shook.

Cyan flames filled the sky, and the furious sword qi surged as if it were a doomsday terror.

This phenomenon lasted for ten seconds.


The two figures separated.

Marko landed on the top of the Moby Dick’s mast, covered in cyan flames, repairing the damage he had just received.

“Mr. Shiki, can’t you get close to our king!” He shrugged his eyes and said confidently.

Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, the undead bird Marko.

Animal line, phantom beast species, bird fruit, immortal bird form!

Has incredible regenerative power!

No matter how many injuries you receive, you can repair them in an instant.

It can be called a true immortal body!

“Oh, then you guys stop and try!”

The golden lion grinned.

The next moment, he moved.

Swiftly bypassing Marko like lightning, he swooped down again towards Whitebeard, who was sitting on the throne.

“Can’t let you get close to Daddy!”

The silent Diamond Joz rushed out and blocked the golden lion’s slash with the body of a diamond.

Then, Captain Sixteen, standing around the Moby Dick, like a white-bearded guard, resisted the golden lion that kept attacking.

It has to be said.

If only one person, even Marko, will not be able to resist the breakthrough of the golden lion.

But if all captains make a move, the effect is different.

After countless battles cultivated tacit understanding, even the golden lion is difficult to break through in a short time.

And this is the sons of Whitebeard!


The ship suspended at low altitude, Luo Chen lit a huazi, closed his eyes and spit out a mouthful of smoke.

“You all look at the point!”

He smiled lightly, then opened his eyes.


The sound of breaking the void sounded.

In the sight of Hiliu and the others, the captain who was standing at the bow of the ship just now disappeared at this moment.

At the same time, this low-altitude suspended pirate ship sharply raised its height by thousands of meters, far away from the battlefield in the sea below.

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