
This is absolutely impossible!

Higurashi Jusan slammed the table and angrily rejected Takagi Wataru’s fallacy like a frightened bird.

Evil spirit?


Is this something in reality that can be put on the table and openly acknowledged to exist?

As a police captain, and a police captain in Tokyo, Higurashi Jusan is already a person who can reach the ears of the superiors.

There are really things that do not belong to the scientific worldview, and it is impossible for him to be completely clueless about them.

The higher-ups will not allow a fool who knows nothing to sit in the position of Tokyo police captain.


After the materials were collected and he washed up, Kudo Shinichi racked his brains.

He admitted that he was indeed frightened by the horror of the atmosphere just now.

But as a detective who firmly believes that everything in reality can be explained by science, Kudo Shinichi always believes that Seiichiro’s death was some unknown method of murder.

And Kawaguchi Wataru.

Kudo Shinichi has seen the crime scene.

Kawaguchi Wataru, who was in a closed prison, died in exactly the same way as Seiichiro.

This is really……



A good opening

��Under the maku, in an old house in Nakano district, Tokyo.

In places that humans cannot observe with the naked eye, hideous and terrifying demons are densely packed in the room.

Mizunotsuki Kiyofusa is raising a Gu.

He wants to raise a big BOSS that can support the opening show and the closing.

This small scene at the moment is just a greeting to the people of the world.

Nodding and lowering his eyebrows.

I saw that this group of curses were enthusiastically devouring a small number of their own kind who could not resist.

After all, it is a little bit worse.

The real breeding of Gu requires this group of curses to fight selflessly, rather than swallowing gently like now.

But this is enough.

If he really raises a curse that fights, he is worried that Kudo Shinichi will be turned upside down.

This is inevitable.

Mortals cannot see it, and mortals cannot touch it.

With these two points alone, the Neon government is completely at a disadvantage in the face of curses and is in a passive position.

As for Yotsuya Miko.

After a few days, the fish should be hooked.……



The next day, early in the morning, in the Shitamachi district.

Here they are again…

Takeda Mie looked at the two strange little girls curiously.

Yotsuya Mieko and Yurikawa Hana.

But Yotsuya Mieko was the only one who was strange.

Yurikawa Hana was just a bystander.

These two have been visiting the Shitamachi district for several days.


It can’t be said to be visiting.

They are different from other little girls who come out to play after school. These two seem to be looking for something.

They always run to mysterious shops.

Including her psychic shop, Takeda Mie.

Of course.

Takeda Mie claims to be a psychic and a”Shitamachi Goddess”.”、”Grandma Sanzhi is actually no different from her peers.

They all make a little money by defrauding others… by counseling others.


Grandma Sanzhi is a liar.

But this liar has a conscience.

She knows that little girls love to hear nice words, so she always says”Happy marriage” to everyone she meets.”、”Good fortune”、”Friends and relatives are all here.”

Occasionally, she would pretend to be mysterious to scare customers, and then she would put out a few exorcism packages.

It was all a routine.

She got closer.

With a hunched body, her wrinkled old face was full of kindness.

This would bring her many customers who were happy with the initial impression.

Looking at Yotsuya Miko and the other person who were coming towards her.

Takeda Mie seemed to have seen something, and her face was still smiling, but her heart suddenly”clicked”.

Something was wrong…

Yotsuya Miko.

This child looked very tired.

It seemed that she had stayed up late for a long time.

There was a black mark on her forehead.

In almost all religious scriptures, this is an ominous sign.

Her eyes were a little empty, as if she had been disturbed by some ghost.

Her eyebrows were gray, showing that a person’s spirit had been lost a lot.

In addition, Yotsuya Miko had been running to psychic shops after school these days.……


Could it be…


Not likely.

After laughing to herself in self-mockery and a long silence, a particularly heavy sigh sounded.

How could she not know whether there was something mysterious or extraordinary?

Maybe her title of”Shitamachi Goddess” was made up by herself.

But when she was young, she also studied in religions and temples.

Even if she was not old and did not like disturbances, Takeda Sanzhi could lead the entire Japanese religious faction.

She was already a respected elder in the circle.

But this child’s face was too consistent with the description in the scriptures that he was suffering from evil spirits and strange disturbances.

Just like the little nurse always likes to puncture veins for thin people.

The veins are really too standard, as if they ran out of a textbook.

Shake your head.

Suppress the sadness that surged in your heart.


Many people started to call her that.

This is undoubtedly a very heavy blow to a devout seeker.

She gave up her family’s learning.

She gave up worldly pleasures.

When she was young, she even failed to pay enough attention to her own family.


The phrase”There is no mysticism in this world” directly defeated this devout seeker of truth.

So Takeda Mie stepped down and made way for others.

So the famous Shitamachi Goddess lived in the Shitamachi district and opened a shabby psychic shop.


There is no mysticism in this world.

There is no mysticism in this world!

How ridiculous!!

Wouldn’t my lifelong pursuit become a complete joke! ?

Then I…


Takeda Mie, who reacted, couldn’t help but laugh bitterly.

When you get old, you can’t help but think about the past.

He coughed and pounded his back, and his posture seemed to be getting more hunched and old.

He waved to the two little girls who were looking around the store with a smiling face.

“Kids, what are you looking for?”

“Bracelet? Then you’ve come just in time! I just happen to have a treasure of our store here!”

As he said this, he swiftly took out a beautifully decorated small box from the counter.

There’s nothing I can do.

Little girls just love this.

Beautiful things may not be useful, but they are certainly useful in the eyes of little girls.

Yotsuya Miko was about to put the beads on her hand. She had been feeling creepy these past few days as if she was being spied on.


Ever since she encountered something strange at the bus stop that day, she didn’t know if she was just being suspicious or if someone was really spying on her these past few days.

So Yurikawaka brought her here to buy some protective accessories, just to get some psychological comfort.

Seeing Yotsuya Miko put the beads on her wrist, she was about to say a few nice words when

“” Bang!!”


The bead shattered.


It was like a sudden cardiac arrest. In a moment. It was like the pupils dilated.



His breathing suddenly became heavy.

His eyes seemed to hide a fire.

Some kind of”lucky” mentality, some kind of philosophy that he had been pursuing for decades.

Forced Takeda Mie to grab Yotsuya Miko’s arm.


It was actually… really broken!!

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