Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 530: you help me persuade him

  When Ji Ling heard this name, she immediately recognized who it was.

   She asked, "What do you want from me?"

   "Can I take your time to say a few words?"

   Listening to what the other party said, it seems that it is not just a few simple sentences.

  Ji Ling nodded, and finally the two sat down in the nearest teahouse.

"I'm sorry, I came to the door rashly and disturbed you." After sitting down, Dai Baozhi apologized first, "Qian Xiangqian didn't know that I came to you, but I followed him to find you after I came here. I hope you can forgive."

  Dai Baozhi has a gentle voice and a good temper.

  Admitting mistakes again and again, Ji Ling couldn't argue with Qian Xiangqian even for Qian Xiangqian's sake.

  She smiled, "I have a good relationship with Qian Xiangqian. We are not outsiders. You don't have to be so polite. If you need anything, just go to the compound and find me. You should know where my family lives."

"I know, but I always want to come to the door rashly. I'm too lacking. I followed Qian Xiangqian today and saw you, so I had the cheek to stop you." Dai Baozhi lowered his head, "Can I call you Xiaoling? "


"Xiao Ling." Dai Baozhi raised his head, "I have been with Qian Xiangqian for two years, and my family knows him, and my friends and relatives all know him. I thought that after graduation and work, Qian Xiangqian would discuss marriage with me. But he never mentioned it once. After I mentioned it, he said that we are not suitable. If it was another girl, I would have given up after hearing this. But I like him very much, and I want to work harder. "

   "You have a good relationship, can you persuade him for me?"

  Ji Ling refused, "I'm sorry, I really can't talk too much about relationship issues. In fact, I have also persuaded him to get married early in private, and he always said to let nature take its course."

  Dai Baozhi showed disappointment, "I'm sorry to make you difficult."

  Ji Ling smiled.

  This kind of thing is really difficult.

  Afterwards, the two sat for a while and got up to leave. Ji Ling wanted to send Dai Baozhi, but she refused.

  Ji Ling didn't say much, because she was still very unfamiliar after all.

  Besides, Dai Baozhi is alienated, even if she wants to get close, she can't get close.

  After returning home, Ji Ling didn't take this matter to heart, and didn't plan to talk to Qian Xiangqian.

  Dai Baozhi took charge of this matter without authorization, Qian Xiangqian knew that he would be unhappy, and Ji Ling didn't want to affect their relationship because of this matter.

  But that night, after putting her daughter to sleep, she received a call from Zheng Shi, and Dai Baozhi went to the hospital. He heard that he was stabbed twice when he was robbed.

  Ji Ling was taken aback when she heard this, and immediately went downstairs to ask her mother-in-law to take care of her daughter, and rushed to the hospital.

  Zheng Shi was waiting at the entrance of the hospital when he saw Ji Ling approaching, "Sanbiao, Dai Baozhi said he was looking for you, and what happened on the way? Did she look for you?"

  Ji Ling nodded, and briefly explained the matter, "How is he doing now?"

   "It's okay, the operation has been completed and moved to the ward, otherwise how would I know that you have seen her." Zheng Shi said with a serious face, "It seems that you saw someone following her, but you didn't say anything."

  Ji Ling staggered and almost fell.

   "She said?"

  Zheng Shi had a bad face, "I scolded her on the spot, and was kicked out by the police. She is still taking notes."

  Ji Ling nodded, "No wonder you called me here in the middle of the night, it's because of this."

"Let him deal with the matter that Qian Xiangqian provoked. We have a good relationship with you. My wife doesn't care, but Dai Baozhi looks gentle and is the most narrow-minded. He always feels that you and Qian Xiangqian have something shady. It was a public matter that we liked you at the beginning, but now she cares about this, why did you go there?"

  Ji Ling glared at him, "Shut your mouth."

  This person just has a bad mouth, good words coming out of his mouth can stink you to death.

  Zheng Shi chuckled, "Who didn't do stupid things when they were young, aren't they all grown up now?"

  Ji Ling simply refused to answer his words, she was afraid that she would be mad at herself.

  She strode towards the hospital, halfway through, she turned and called Zheng Shi, "Which ward are you in?"

  Zheng Shi then rushed over to lead the way.

   When we arrived at the ward, there was indeed a policeman asking questions inside. After hearing Ji Ling's name, he asked her to wait.

  Ji Ling glanced at Dai Baozhi on the hospital bed indifferently, and sat and walked in the corridor outside.

   Qian Xiangqian saw the person coming and got up.

  Dai Baozhi called to stop him, "Xiang Qian, I'm scared, you can accompany me."

  Qian Xiangqian glanced at her lightly, turned and left without hesitation.

  Dai Baozhi turned pale.

  Outside the corridor, Ji Ling was sitting on a long chair and saw Qian Xiangqian coming out, "What are you doing here?"

   "It's annoying to see her." Qian Xiangqian walked to the side and sat down, "Make trouble yourself."

  Ji Ling raised her eyebrows. Although Qian Xiangqian didn't talk much, these few words already showed that he saw the truth of the matter clearly.

  She didn't have much to say.

  The three of them didn't sit outside for too long, when the police came out and asked Ji Ling to talk to them.

   Of course Ji Ling had to cooperate with the investigation, Qian Xiangqian's expression was even worse, and the two drove to accompany Ji Ling.

On the way, Ji Ling said, "Dai Baozhi did such a thing out of jealousy. Although we are friends, it may be that I didn't keep a certain distance from you, which caused the incident. In her position, she can do such a thing." I can understand extreme things, but my character prevents me from doing such things."

  An irrelevant and nervous person, Ji Ling didn't get angry because of her. Seeing that Qian Xiangqian was out of breath, she came to persuade him instead.

  Zheng Shi didn't dislike small things when he watched the excitement, "What did I say at the time? You just didn't listen, are you causing trouble for Sanbiao now?"

  Ji Ling: "Shut up."

  Qian Xiangqian nodded seriously, "You are indeed right, I thought it was simple."

Seeing him admitting his mistake, Zheng Shi was not used to it, "Actually, it's not your fault, it's Dai Baozhi who is too thoughtful, let's just forget about it if you can't get along. What does the relationship between the two of you have with Xiaoling? What's the matter with Xiaoling? Go in, the character is not good, it has nothing to do with you."

"you're right."

  Zheng Shi: Why does he think he has been fooled?

  When they arrived at the Public Security Bureau, Ji Ling cooperated to take notes, but the police still regarded Ji Ling as a suspicious accomplice, because Ji Ling said that she did not see anyone following Dai Baozhi, and could not find any witnesses to come out.

  Ji Ling laughed angrily, "How can I find witnesses at night? A passer-by, should I ask his name?"

  Ji Ling didn't care about that, and bluntly said that she would call her family, "Since I cooperate with you in the investigation and evidence collection, my family will be worried if I don't go home so late, I want to call my family."

  When the other party saw that Ji Ling's attitude suddenly became tough, he was also very rude, so he simply refused to let anyone call and asked them repeatedly.

  Ji Ling finally stopped talking.

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