Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 321: A Grade Relic - Golden Crow Remnant

Life is lost.

This is obviously a problem - you must know that Gu Qingyuan is only meditating in a remote place, and he does not need to have high-intensity contact with the outside world.

But why did it end up like this?

I saw Gu Qingyuan chuckled twice at this moment, and filled himself with another half glass after considering himself.

"Sure enough... this thing is still hidden from the eyes of the king."

"Yuan Ying, I just heard about it before. But I really need to start practicing, and then I know... What kind of a road to heaven is this."

"This is a narrow chain of iron chains going straight to the clouds."

What he said was fine, and his eyes were even more erratic.

On the other hand, Wang Hao followed the curve of Gu Qingyuan's face, and then slid to both sides of his face.

He could see that Brother Gu's fine white hair now, and the deep tiredness hidden in the flesh.

This kind of appearance is not unfamiliar to him, but it is mostly the temperament that can only be seen from some monks who are very old and even have little time.

Gu Qingyuan should be far from reaching the end of his lifespan, but in this case, he was born early, which means that...

He has been in contact with some more 'dangerous' things recently.

A simple question.

In such a safe environment, why does Gu Qingyuan need to touch such dangerous things, and even damage his lifespan?

I am afraid there is only one way to practice.

And according to his own account, there are still a few words, Wang Hao probably also calculated it...

The problem with Gu Qingyu has an inevitable connection with the 'relic' distributed by the Gu family!

There's definitely something to this thing.

'And the two dragons who are implicated in the insect people, their purpose is also for this relic. ’

The note reminded in a timely manner, but also reminded Wang Hao of the interrogation not long ago - Gu Qingyuan had no good face in the face of these two scum who almost killed himself.

It was only about half an hour's work, and they all recruited.

That Sun Ye was indeed from Ye Luzi's family, but the other masked man was more interesting. He was actually a guest secretary under the veteran Gu family!


This guy is actually from the same clan as Gu Qingyuan, and it can even be said to be the origin of the 'family'.

After reviewing the information, Gu Qingyuan seemed to be quite shocked, and quickly left by himself to rest his emotions.

This way, when the two meet again...

It's the current liquor store.

In the subsequent processing, Wang Hao also knew that the two unlucky **** were not bugmen, but characters who were slightly implicated in bugs.

'It should be an individual who has been in contact with insects many times, otherwise there will be no such obvious breath. ’

'Since these two are the subordinates of the Gu family, does that mean...'

'Is there a problem with the Gu family? ’

The reasoning in the notes is well-founded, but in Wang Hao's view, this matter may not be that simple.

There are insects in the clan, and they murdered the lives of other people of the same clan, and in the end it was just to seize the relics distributed...

Combining these key information in series, Wang Hao roughly deduced a general trend.

There are not only bugs lurking in the Gu family, but there should be factions at the same time - after all, from the previous situation, the 'Shuanglong' attacked to kill.

Whether Gu Qingyuan or Gu Qingshu, the lives of these two people don't seem to be in their eyes.

Acting so violently, this would have explained a lot of problems!

'They have been disdainful of acting in secret...indicating that they are ready? ’

Or they are ready to frame the blame and have a complete preparation.

But no matter what, from the results... it seems that some disputes within the Gu family are about to come to the fore.

This is subtle.

Because now the reputation of the Gu family is out, it is not possible that he will be the founding emperor tomorrow. And at such a critical juncture, there is still his own family making trouble...

This seems to be very involved.

Wang Hao's thoughts continued, and he thought of many things in an instant. And in the end, there are still a lot of things involved right now.

On Gu Qingyuan's side, it may even be just a 'little wave' that is not worthy of attention.

In this case, Gu Qingyuan must also correct his position and think clearly so that he can protect himself and not affect other family members.

It's just that Wang Hao didn't care too much about these things.

After all... he has killed a lot of things like worms, and now he is not surprised at all when he hears it.

Moreover, the Gu family was not involved much with him. It seemed to be such an intricate force that Wang Hao couldn't even be interested in Nascent Soul-level prey for the time being.

Because if the force is inserted horizontally, the personal connections, organizations, and even a lot of troubles here will be entangled together.

Wang Hao has not yet reached the point where he can completely ignore worldly opinions, so taking care of the family, for him...

Attraction is low.

'Yes, and the Gu family is still in charge of Zong Lao, so when the sky falls, they must bear it first. ’

In this way, the matter of the 'Shuanglong' is obviously not worth discussing at the moment and looking into it.

As an alternative, what is most worthy of discussion between the two, and what interests Wang Hao the most...

It was the relic distributed by the Gu family.

I have to say that this time I really came out and walked on it, and it was considered a thorough knowledge. Wang Hao can feel so emotional, and the reason... is also because of what has happened in recent days.

Gonggong's remains can be found on islands outside Qingzhou.

Fragments of gold can be found in the East Kingdom outside Muyun.

Zhongzhou is rich in land and resources, and this Gu family is also a big family.

The relics that can be taken out can help people break through the Nascent Soul, and there must be more intelligence and information on this thing!

If conditions permit, Wang Hao does not want to miss it at all.

Just thinking of this, Wang Hao was calm. He just thought about it for a moment, and then said.

"Brother Gu, some of your family affairs are indeed difficult to explain. I can understand these... If it is inconvenient, today you and I will have a good time and have a good drink."

People from aristocratic families usually have clear boundaries. But it seems to involve something that is based on a foothold, needless to say...

Gu Qingyuan naturally has a steel scale in his heart.

Of course he knew what could be said and what could not be said.

In the current situation, if you don't plan to go into details, today's topic can only stop there.

How could Wang Hao not see this?

Therefore, when opening his mouth, it is also to give in to him, so as not to let this brother Gu find someone unhappy, so that he is not a person inside or outside.

Both of them are considered active minds, and now hearing Wang Hao's words, Gu Qingyuan's face is also blushing.

He hesitated for a while, and finally seemed to have made a decision.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he opened his mouth and said.

"Brother Wang, it's not that I'm stingy, it's just me..."

Gu Qingyuan felt uncomfortably suffocated, beat his feet and stifled his chest for a while, and then seemed to be discouraged, and he let out a long sigh.

"Hey, that's fine. With so many rules in the clan, how many people still obeyed in the end?"

"Seriously, if there is no brother Wang present today. I'm afraid I will lose my life... This relic will have to be taken away at that time. What else should I be embarrassed about?"

"Brother Wang, come with me, let me talk to you slowly..."

Gu Qingyuan staggered to his feet and declined Wang Hao's help. He walked straight ahead and led Wang Hao out of the house.

'Oh, it's the kind of you that play hard to catch, right? ’

The notes rattled in Wang Hao's mind, but Wang Hao remained calm.

No exaggeration to say.

Wang Hao really didn't mean to embarrass Gu Qingyuan - he knew this guy's temper, he was straight and straight, and he usually said nothing to his friends.

OK is OK, no is not OK.

If Gu Qingyuan really doesn't want to go into detail about this matter, Wang Hao will wait until he returns and look for it again...

Anyway, it's not difficult for people.

"Hey young, you still have too many ideas..."

The two walked all the way through the corridor and entered the side room. Among them, they also passed through the house where Gu Qingshu was temporarily staying, and there were faint sobbing inside.

Gu Qingyuan's face was ugly, he glanced at it, and in the end he just lowered his head and sighed.

"Hey, Qing Shu is also pitiful. He was deceived and married without telling his parents. I only found out after I communicated with my family."

"This silly girl actually ran away from home..."

"Now I have no choice but to let him stay with me for a while. When the matter subsides, I'm trying to find a way to send her back."

Wang Hao nodded silently, not interested in this young lady from a wealthy family.

After all, it seems to be a love story, and now it is a very distant memory for him.

I saw Gu Qingyuan led Wang Hao into the small room and groped on the wall for a while. There was a final bang, and a secret passage was revealed behind the wardrobe.

"Brother Wang, please."

Entering from the middle, and walking for half a column of incense for a long time, the two finally came to a stone room.

There is no means of lighting in this place. Gu Qing originally lit two candlesticks, which completely illuminated the surrounding environment.

At first glance, the place seems spacious.

About 100 square meters away, the surrounding is full of angular and square stone room structures.

There are only some simple settings in sight, and a bed board for people to rest, other than that... only the foreign object placed in the middle of the field is left.

The most striking.

I saw that it was a huge stone about two meters high.

It is pitch-black all over, like gold but not iron. At first glance, it gives people a subtle feeling.

as if...

Is this thing a living thing?

It was just that this thought came up, and Wang Hao suddenly came to a conclusion in his heart.

This thing must be where the relic is!

'Hey, this thing is a bit interesting... Wang Hao, I can't see its structure! ’

At the same time as the note reminded, Gu Qingyuan came over at the right time. There was a trace of sigh on his face, and now he was like Wang Hao.

He stared straight at the big rock.

"Brother Wang, this thing is where the relics distributed from my clan are."

"According to what the patriarch said, if I can fully understand its meaning and break through to the Nascent Soul, it's totally fine."

There was a hint of yearning in Gu Qingyuan's eyes, but turned into an inexplicable wry smile.

"It's just that I can't do it after all. After six years, this relic has continued to torture me, and my body has been hollowed out by most of the bones..."

This made Wang Hao a little strange.

"Why does this relic still hurt people?"

You must know that among the categories of forbidden things, the relic category should be the most gentle category.

Gu Qingyuan is also a native 'local', and there is no such inexplicable identity division as Wang Hao... Logically speaking, even if he is not suitable, it will not damage his life.

While he was thinking about it like this, Wang Hao suddenly froze for a while.

Then, after a long absence, he also showed traces of familiar fonts.

[Detected the appearance of forbidden objects...]

【Analyze the forbidden things...】

[Analysis of taboos, success]

【Golden Crow Remnant】

【Class A】


[In the legend, there used to be many suns in the sky. They were scorching hot and brought vitality to all living beings. After that, this side of the world was invaded, and finally the suns rose up to resist. Under the protracted battle, the scorching sun in the sky was shot one by one]

[The scorching sun that fell to the ground turned into something tangible, the scorching light turned into a black inorganic substance, and finally the essence of the 'sun' was concentrated into this corpse.]

[Hint: The energy of the sun is extremely aggressive. If it is not suitable for this kind of exercise, forcibly touching it... will only hurt the source]

A long list of information poured into his mind, and Wang Hao was immediately taken aback for a moment.

What is this... what?

Golden Crow corpse?

Although I had some expectations for this relic before, but I actually came into contact with it, and this information really startled Wang Hao.

For a while, the information was too much and too complicated, so he was silent for a long time.

It's just that the notes obviously have no hesitation in this regard.

"Sure enough, I guessed correctly, Wang Hao, our inference is correct. ’

‘Four myths are the source of these relics in today’s world! ’

"Gonggong's anger touching Buzhou Mountain is the source of the public remains of the Water God. And so on...'

'Hou Yi shot the sun, and what he left behind was this Golden Crow corpse! ’

indeed. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

As the notes said, from the current point of view, their biggest confusion before has been answered - that is, there is indeed a powerful life in this world.

And Wang Hao also noticed the difference.

The suns formed by the Golden Crow are not the ones that endanger the common people!

According to the content of the subtitles, the scorching sun that they have transformed from is the source of vitality, and they may even be "true gods" to some extent.

And after that...

This side of the world has been invaded.

A protracted battle until the scorching sun in the sky was shot one by one.

In the end, only the only remaining sun in the world is left...

This sentence is worth looking into.

As we all know, in the fairy tales, the gods who once shot the sun are called 'Descendants'. In many stories, he appears as a positive figure.

And according to the hint of the subtitle content... there seems to be something different here.

He shot the scorching sun that brought life to all things.

Does that mean...

Descendants are also aliens?

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