A look of puzzlement appeared on Wang Hao's face, because long before he came here, he had already 'browsed' the relevant information about Gu Qingyuan.

This silly boy has not been happy in the past few years.

The Gu family's three heroes on the bright side, in fact, he is the most desolate one-you must know that this place is considered to be the most remote and even barren place in the middle of the state.

Compared with other capitals and prosperous places, Gu Qingyuan's 'Wangdong City' not only seems out of place, but even compared to his identity... it seems to be even more expensive.

The three heroes of the Gu family are the young force on the bright side of Zhongzhou today, and they are also "equal status" in the literal sense. But in the eyes of people with a heart, there is no need to say more about which of these people is more important.

In the long run, Gu Qingyuan has been in this desolate place for some years. As a matter of common sense, nothing major happens on weekdays.

What's the "guest" to speak of?

Thinking of this, Wang Hao's heart moved slightly, and then he thought of a lot. After thanking the city guard, he turned and left, and soon...

Just disappeared into the crowd.

In Wangdong City, among the big families.

I saw a man in a black robe with a sad face, shaking his head uncontrollably, as if he was still sighing.

He obviously doesn't look too old.

But at first glance, there are faintly white marks between the temples... This is obviously a sign of premature aging.

"There is no news again, how can this happen..."

He couldn't stop muttering something in his mouth, and his eyes were even more melancholy.

If there are acquaintances around this time, I am afraid that when they see it, they will not help but scream.

Gu Qingyuan, how can you look so haggard? !

But he couldn't make him wait for a while. There was a rustling movement outside, and then a knock on the door came into his ears.

"Master, the craftsman you are looking for is ready..."

The man inside heard the words, and his expression immediately became slightly solemn. He coughed twice, adjusted his appearance, and opened his mouth.

"Then come in."

Two people came in from outside, one side was the steward of his house. On the other side is a little old man with a respectful look on his face.

Seeing the restrained expression on the other's face, Gu Qingyuan chuckled twice and opened his mouth.

"Don't be too nervous, old gentleman, I am the person in charge of Wangdong City. Today I just want you to do me a favor and dye my hair to look better."

The latter heard the words, did not speak immediately, just nodded hurriedly——

Although the technology of the former Tang Dynasty was quite limited, to a certain extent, it was also somewhat different from some fixed historical processes.

It seems that the color fruit that is used for dip dyeing and then acting on the hair has been fully utilized hundreds of years ago.

It's just that this technique is relatively unfamiliar, so people who are proficient in this way are mostly refugees, and they can't do much...

The old man was even more nervous now. He leaned forward in a trembling way, and carefully helped Gu Qingyuan to dye it a translucent black.

After finishing the matter, Gu Qingyuan took a self-examination, and then nodded in satisfaction.

The two temples are black, and the spirit is really enriched. At least now it seems... he is indeed a lot more energetic than usual.

"Big, my lord. I know you have a distinguished status, and you use the most odorless juice... Although it doesn't smell much, your hair color can only last for two days at most."

Gu Qingyuan naturally knew that there were pros and cons. He instructed the steward to take the old man out to collect the money.

Go through the corridor and turn to the door.

Going out of the courtyard of his own house, Gu Qingyuan walked fast all the way, and soon... just before the discussion hall of Wangdongcheng.

The two personal guards who were guarding the door saw the person coming, and they stepped forward immediately. They were about to speak, but they were waved by their young master.

Sent out.

"Let's go outside and watch. I'll talk about business later, but don't let anyone come to disturb me."

The people who followed Gu Qingyuan this time were all the personal soldiers who fought with him in Muyun to kill the enemy in the earlier years. Now that he has opened his mouth, there is no reason not to obey the order.


The two retreated together, and in the end, Gu Qingyuan took a long breath and walked straight to the living room.

He stood in front of the door and hesitated for a moment. He raised his hand and tapped it three times... A female voice came from inside.

"come in."

Gu Qingyuan pushed open the door and entered, and as soon as he stood still, he saw a man and a woman dressed quite well, now sitting on both sides of the council hall, holding a cup of warm tea in his hand.

The woman who just spoke looked at him, their eyes met, and she smiled.

"Brother Qingyuan, we haven't seen each other for three years, right? Haha... I don't know if you are living comfortably in this place?"

Gu Qingyuan sneered twice, and stood at the door quite bewildered.

"It's okay, okay... Third sister, you can talk as soon as possible when you come over, so that you won't come to the door suddenly. Look... If there is time, I can arrange a good meal at a table..."

Gu Qingshu, her status is not high among her peers, and she is even more low-key as a person on weekdays.

In Gu Qingyuan's memory, this little girl did not show off her temperament, and her temper was also restrained.

In the early years, the family's reputation was also stable... Because compared to Gu Qingqing, who was out of her temper and always thought of making a career for herself, she was indeed not very bright.

But even so.

This Gu Qingshu is also his relatives, brothers and sisters, blood is thicker than water.

"The third sister came to visit me suddenly, but what is the important thing to talk about? Hehe... Brother, although my city is a bit remote, everything is good."

"I'll take you out for a walk later, and look at some rare things that you can't even see in the governor's mansion."

Gu Qingyuan is a brother.

Naturally, he would not show difficulties in front of the juniors of the clan, and he had previously asked his subordinates to find someone to dye their hair, for the same purpose.

And when he talked, the eyes in his eyes were full of smiles - after all, these three sisters were only two years younger than him, and everyone was together when they were young, so they were naturally impressed.

With such a relative suddenly coming to the door, in Gu Qingyuan's temper... Naturally, he wanted to entertain him.

But before he could finish speaking, the calm man straightened his head and said coldly.

"Qingshu, let's not talk about politeness, let's get down to business quickly."

His tone was rather cold.

Now that he opened his mouth, Gu Qingshu, who was smiling all over his face, slightly condensed his expression, and then nodded heavily.

It is almost not difficult to see that Gu Qingshu has a very important attitude towards this man... However, compared to these things, what Gu Qingyuan paid the most attention to was the name he just called.

Why can he call the third sister by her first name?

You must know that the Gu family is not an ordinary door, even if it is a mediocre junior, in front of some ordinary people, it is a noble family.

To be able to call Gu Qingshu by her name, and to make her look so respectful...

What's this kid from?

Seemingly aware of Gu Qingyuan's surprised gaze, the man just glanced sideways, snorted twice, and retracted his gaze to himself.

Such an arrogant gesture really made Gu Qingyuan stunned for a while.

This man... what the **** is going on?

Gu Qingshu on the side seemed to realize it later, she stood up at this moment, first cleared her throat, and attracted the eyes of this brother Qingyuan.

Afterwards, his face became straight, and the original polite appearance suddenly dissipated, and the rest of Yu's proud appearance was densely covered on his face, which made Gu Qingyuan look unfamiliar.

"Brother Qingyuan, I forgot to tell you... This is my husband, named Sun Ye."

Sun Ye.

Hearing the name, Gu Qingyuan's expression paused. He seemed to remember something, but he wasn't very sure at the same time, and in the end he had to hesitate, not knowing where to start.

In the end, it was Gu Qingshu who showed his impatience and said aloud.

"Brother Qingyuan, my husband is one of our current Shuanglongs in Zhongzhou! It's famous outside, you don't know it, right?"

She had to be the one who spoke like that.

Gu Qingyuan finally reacted.

"Understood! I remember... So Brother Sun is the famous Ssanglong?"

On the bright side of Zhongzhou, in addition to the Gu family, there are also some sect factions. And among these people, the two most outstanding cultivators are now also known as Shuanglong.

Gu Qingyuan didn't know much about these things, but it was widely spread now. As the principal of a city, he naturally heard about it.

There was no way for this kind of name to spread in the early years.

It's just that in recent years, the world has become more and more chaotic, and everyone hopes that a genius hero will be born, and then this world will be pacified.

So this kind of name will only intensify.

Gu Qingyuan was well-informed on the frontline of Muyun, so naturally he didn't take it seriously.

It's just that since he has become a member of the Gu family, being a little more polite can be regarded as giving Younger Sister Qing Shu face.

Thinking of this, a three-pointed smile appeared on Gu Qingyuan's face.

"Haha, since Brother Sun has become my family member, it's naturally a happy event."

"The third sister has a good temper, and she is a housekeeper. Brother Sun has a unique vision. He really found a treasure."

Gu Qingyuan's words continued, but the expressions of the two in front of them remained unchanged - as if the polite words had become deaf ears, they just slipped past from both sides.

The atmosphere seemed a little out of place.

Gu Qingyuan thought of this, but he didn't make any statement, when he saw Sun Ye suddenly pause the cup in his hand, raised his head, and said.

"Brother Gu, my Sun Ye is not a good talker."

"For the sake of our family, I only say this once..."

"Give me the treasure in the clan, and let me sprint to the realm of Nascent Soul."

Speaking of this.

The atmosphere of the entire conference hall froze in an instant.

Gu Qingyuan's expression froze on his face, and at this moment he showed a somewhat lost expression. He didn't seem to believe it, and at this moment he couldn't help but let out a small sigh.

"This this……"

"Brother Qingyuan, this is why I came to you."

Gu Qingshu's expression was as cold as her husband's.

"We know that there is a treasure in the clan, and it is said that it can help the cultivator to achieve the realm of Nascent Soul. Logically speaking... this treasure should naturally be taken over by you."

"But it's been six years now."

"Brother Qingping has already made a breakthrough, but you still stop at forming pills, doesn't this don't have the qualifications in this area?"

She didn't speak in a hurry, and now she seems to have confidence, and even her head is slightly raised.

"Brother Sun is very capable. He walked outside in the early years, and his reputation is even more extraordinary."

"Among people like him, the dragon and the phoenix are the most suitable people for that opportunity. Brother Qingyuan, you..."

But he didn't wait for Gu Qingshu to finish speaking.

Gu Qingyuan already frowned, and then said coldly.

"Gu Qingshu, you put some away... I'll ask you one question."

"Is this the result of the decision of the Gu family's elders?"

Hearing this, Sun Ye seemed to be a little confused, but Gu Qingshu was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned red.

"Brother Qingyuan, why bother the clan elders about this matter? Since you and I have been friends from generation to generation, it is natural to be private. As long as that..."

"shut up!"

Unexpectedly, Gu Qingyuan suddenly let out a loud voice, which really shocked Gu Qingshu for a moment.

Seeing the anger on the face of the older brother, who had a friendly face, he opened his mouth to the two of them at this moment.

"Hutu, Qingshu, you really are Hutu! How dare you and I distribute the things in our Gu family clan at will? This matter is very involved, but you are treating it as a child's play, and even thinking about stepping over the clan?!"

Gu Qingyuan was really so angry that his face turned red.

Years of military career made him not a very friendly temperament.

Now that he is full of anger, Gu Qingyuan is even more hot-headed, and his energy bursts out directly, lingering around his body!

Not far away, when Sun Ye saw this, his face couldn't help but turn pale - he originally thought that this Gu Qingyuan was just a famous person.

But now it seems...

This Gu Qingyuan is truly a virtuous person under his reputation.

The couple looked at each other, and Gu Qingshu's eyes turned slightly red in a hurry.

"I, I said it earlier... This matter can't come casually..."

What she said was But Gu Qingyuan heard it clearly. His eyes widened in anger, he reacted immediately, and finally glared at Sun Ye fiercely.

"Good boy! You are afraid that you lied to my third sister's feelings, and you came for that thing?!"

Under the words, Sun Ye did not defend, and even his eyes were cold.


This kind of reaction made Gu Qingyuan roar, his whole body was full of energy, he stepped on it, and was about to capture the 'Shuanglong' directly!

But he didn't wait for him to take two steps.

Gu Qingyuan suddenly felt cold all over!

I saw that the window on one side was suddenly smashed into pieces, and a black shadow came out of it, and finally hit him straightly behind him.

Enemy attack? !

Gu Qingyuan's mind was not slow to react.

Those hands were just facing the front of him, even blocking a tricky kick.

"Who dares to trespass on my Wangdongcheng?!"

Under the roar, the other party laughed, and then replied.

"Double dragons and double dragons, naturally walk in pairs, catch the right ones and move."

"Sun Ye, still don't do it?!"

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