Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 51 Tell me, what will happen if we take advantage of the opportunity to attack the United St

At the Information Testing Center, the information staff identified the Eastern Indian Ocean, where the United States definitely has problems.

However, there is interference from US military satellites in strong frequency bands over the eastern Indian Ocean.

This prevents their "agricultural satellites" from penetrating the opponent's defenses.

"It must be reported immediately!"

The information officer believed that the matter was serious. The East Indian Ocean was connected to Malacca.

This is the lifeline of East Asia.

There must be no mistakes.

The thought flashed through his mind, and he immediately dialed the command post's communication line.


"Information Testing Center? What did you find?"

The call was quickly connected. The other party's voice was loud and without delay, and he immediately asked the reason.

"It's the information detection center, satellite J5614. It has been observed that a US military satellite is emitting shielding signals in the eastern Indian Ocean. The location is sensitive and a 'visit' is requested."

The information officer immediately explained the situation.

"Over the eastern Indian Ocean?"

The voice on the other side of the phone was surprised, and without any hesitation, he immediately responded: "Allow 'access', and immediately find out the reason for the other party's cover-up!"

"Connect the data link of the testing center to the command center and we will follow up personally!"


After the information officer responded, the operation began immediately.

The first step is to transmit the data link to the command center, which will check the situation here in real time.

After that, the information officer will start the operation.

To start "visiting" the blocked areas in the United States, what exactly is there!

"I want to see if there are any good things hidden."

The information officer sneered.

A Chinese "agricultural" satellite that was originally flying in space suddenly ejected a large net.

Subsequently, the satellite continued to maneuver and flew in the direction of the American satellite.

Soon, the "agricultural" satellites caught up with the US spy satellites.

At the moment when it was about to pass by, the "agricultural" satellite suddenly turned.

The large net that was originally dragged behind quickly covered the US spy satellite.

The big net covers your sack!

It's not over yet.

After covering the opponent's satellite, with the help of the remaining fuel, the "agricultural" satellite pushed hard.

He spun around a few times and then suddenly unbuckled the big net.

As a result, the US spy satellite was thrown towards the earth like an iron ball.

"Okay, successful!"

A set of combos to kick the opponent's satellite away.

The informant immediately stabilized his satellite and placed the observation port in the eastern Indian Ocean.

The picture kept zooming in and out, and the agricultural satellite, which was accurate to several centimeters, observed the ocean unscrupulously.

"Found it!"

It is indeed difficult to find the opponent's aircraft carrier fleet in the vast ocean.

But after unremitting efforts, he finally found it.

However, when he saw clearly the position of the opponent's fleet.

The information officer's face froze and his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Why, why are you here!"

United States, Space Force station.

Elalariel is anxiously dealing with various issues with the space agency.

Now that China has successfully landed on the moon, the pressure has been put on their side, and he has been busy all day.


At this moment, rapid footsteps came from outside.


The office door was opened, and employee Michelle ran in. His face was panicked, and he gasped in horror:

"Director, the Space Force's spy satellite was attacked and forced to lower its orbit. Our cover of the Eastern Indian Ocean has failed!"


Elariel started up with a start, panic written all over his face.

This is something that the Ministry of Defense and Fred asked him to ensure.

"Quick, pick up the president!!"


The emergency meeting of the three armed forces was held online.

The South China Sea Information Detection Center sent the latest detected location of the US fleet to various headquarters.

"Judging from the location, Eisenhower's two fleets are about to arrive in Malacca. Together with the fleet in Yokosuka Port, the US military is about to assemble four aircraft carrier fleets in the Western Pacific."

The air force boss frowned.

"No, it's five. You all forgot about the fleet that is returning to the United States. The fleet is lingering in Guam and refuses to leave."

The navy general's face was gloomy. He made gestures at the map and his eyes gradually narrowed.

"Do they really want to start a fight with us?"

Army Big Brother has a headache.

Come on, they are a little passive.

"Not necessarily, but we have to guard against it."

The navy general seemed to have thought of something, his expression softened slightly, and he said:

"Start preparing for war, even though we can't figure out the opponent's purpose."

"But this time the visitor is evil."

"Even if the other side really wants to get into a fight with us, so what?"

"The space agency has broken the American space myth, so what can we do?"

"This is at our doorstep, why are we still afraid of them?"

"That's right! I'm afraid of you!" The Air Force boss was also furious.

I couldn't help but curse.

"Damn it, I've been putting up with this for a long time. If the other party wants to hit me, hit him!"

"At my doorstep, I have more than a hundred airports along the coast. I'm afraid of just a few aircraft carriers?"

"If the opponent really wants to take action, not only must they fight this time, but they must also fight beautifully and in an inspiring way!"

After the Air Force boss finished speaking, he turned his head and stared at the comrades of the Army and Rocket Force, and shouted:

"You, any rockets, any hypersonic missiles, aim at the aircraft carriers."

"If they dare to do it, just bomb them."

"Let's blow up an aircraft carrier first for fun!"

"Don't worry, I've wanted to try the power of anti-ship missiles for a long time."

The generals of the Rocket Force were also excited.

The enemy is coming to bully them, and it's time for them to make contributions to the country.

"By the way, I have a better idea, to fight this war with the might of China."

The Army boss did not respond to the Air Force boss's words, but smiled mysteriously, looked around, and chuckled:

"What do you think the United States will do if we use a crushing attitude and directly destroy these five aircraft carrier fleets at the moment of encounter?

"Directly destroy these five aircraft carriers? At the moment of encounter? "

The Air Force boss lowered his head thoughtfully, and after a few breaths, he said in surprise:

"I will try it with the US military first, and then use kinetic electromagnetic pulse weapons."

"Big Brother means that as soon as the other party takes action, we will use it directly?"

"Why not?"

The Army boss chuckled.

"If the other party comes to East Asia and really wants to force us, they will definitely bring the fleets of Liben and South Korea."

"At that time, use bait to confront the other party, as long as they open fire."

"We will take action directly!"

"Quick, accurate, and ruthless!"

"Destroy their ships and seize them all directly!"

"What do you think, what changes will happen to this earth after that?"

The eyes narrowed slightly.

The Army boss raised the corner of his mouth.

They are confident in kinetic bombs!

"Maybe this time, we can directly destroy the United States!"

"What do you think?"

Looking around again, the Army boss expected the consent of others.

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