Original War

Chapter 224

Chapter 224 The Change of Sacrifice

The tribe’s winter is still endless snowflakes and extremely cold weather.

Yanzhi and the others were all on the mountain. It was impossible for them to survive this kind of weather on their own. Fortunately, someone was taking care of them.

The people of the tribe have never looked forward to the end of winter so much.

In the sacrificial ritual after the end of winter, not only the newly arrived tribesmen who were living outside participated in the awakening, but also all the most anticipated fire crystals.

Each of the soldiers is gearing up, and they have not forgotten to exercise in winter. Even if they can’t run far, there are many people who move stones to practice at home. They just want to maintain their best condition during the sacrifice, and don’t let the winter go by and the body will become weak. .

Shao Xuan often ran up the mountain. Wu He and the leader had been planning to return to their homeland, and they would call Shao Xuan there every time. In his free time, Shao Xuan went to the medicine store to help Guize sort out the medicinal materials.

The bastard who specializes in the treatment of medicine waste in the medicine shop has grown up a lot, and the tortoise shell is two meters high. I don’t know whether it is the reason for the successful engraving or because of the regular consumption of medicinal materials. This bastard grows fast and The more sturdy, the vertical ridges on the tortoise shell are more prominent, which is more difficult to provoke than those big crocodiles of the Enemy Tribe.

Every time Shao Xuan passed by, the turtle had to bite Shao Xuan, but Shao Xuan took a knife to the side every time.

When the moon that disappeared in winter came out again, the tribe boiled.

Old Ke, who had been raising a winter, looked red, and he looked much younger.

On the day of the sacrificial ceremony, Shao Xuan took out a leather jacket made of the giant bear skin he hunted last year. This is what he will wear on the sacrificial dance this time. In order to hunt this giant bear, Shao Xuan worked with it for more than ten days before finally succeeding.

“Are the clothes ready? Have the bugs on the bear skin been removed?”

“All but, hey, Old Ke, don’t you really need to remove this bear paw? Wearing it is a hindrance.” Putting on this bear paw glove, Shao Xuan couldn’t see where his finger was. To the big black bear claws.

“No! Only with claws is prestige!”

“All right.”

“There is also a bear tooth necklace! Don’t forget this!” Old Ke quickly put the finished bear tooth necklace on Shao Xuan.

Bear teeth resembling large white radishes are strung together, and they are a little weird on their necks, and those with slender necks can’t hold this thick necklace. This is not abrupt among the tribe beings.

“Then I will go up the mountain first, you will go up with Caesar later, and you will find a place to play by yourself, don’t run far.” Shao Xuan shouted at the eagle in the sky.

“Okay, you hurry up the mountain, maybe Wu and the leader have something to tell you.”

Shao Xuan was driven out of the house by Lao Ke and walked up the mountain.

Everyone is dressed up today, and you won’t be able to recognize who is who if you don’t look carefully.

Although he has participated in many sacrificial rituals, Shao Xuan still inevitably feels like a beast gathering every time.

Looking around, there are skin-wearing, horns, bone ornaments, snakeskin belts, animal bone masks… everything!

When he arrived on the mountain, Shao Xuan met several people who were watching Yan Zhi around him eagerly.

The few Yan Zhi who participated in this ritual for the first time were quite cautious, but their faces were also filled with uncontrollable excitement and excitement.

“True majesty!” They didn’t awaken, naturally they didn’t have their own sacrificial animal clothing. They are now wearing only the ones given to them by the tribe to keep them warm. The nature is different, just ordinary animal skins.

Shao Xuan posed “bear claws” toward Yanzhi and greeted them. The bear claws on the bear’s paw gloves were too big and too obstructive, but the tribe was looking at these obstructive things today, and Shao Xuan couldn’t get it off.

Yan Zhi looked at Shao Xuan’s body enviously, “It’s great!”

“Are you talking about that boy A Xuan? You haven’t seen the thorny black leather jacket he used to wear. I still think that one looks more prestigious.” A person passing by joked.

The giant bear is not inferior to the thorn and black wind, but the thorn of the thorn and black wind is indeed much more ferocious than bearskin.

“Don’t envy other people. When you wake up, go hunting with the hunting team, then you will have your own sacrificial animal clothing.” The person said.

“In the future, will we be able to hunt something like the one worn by A Xuan?” Jiao Wu shook a fist.

“That depends on your strength. After all, there are few people like A Xuan. No matter what, you have to awaken first.”


They are about to awaken and become real totem warriors! This year, they are wearing clothes prepared for them by others, which is not as good as others, but next year, the year after, and every year from now on, they will wear the best trophies they have hunted to participate in tribal ceremonies!

Shao Xuan first went to Wu’s place, and along with other people who danced the sacrificial dance, drew lines on his face before going to the fire pond.

“A lot of people participated in the awakening this year,” Shao Xuan said.

“Yeah, seven of them failed to awaken last year. This year, with the addition of Yanzhi, they are all over a hundred.” Tuo put on the beast bone cover and said. Just now he wanted to draw lines on his face. He took off the hood first, and now put it on again.

The beast bone mask is made by cutting off the head of the beast, boiling, and peeling the flesh, leaving only the bones and the teeth inside the mouth after modification. Those sharp teeth are also the most important part, which is recognized by the tribe. A good beast bone cover cannot have broken teeth, not to mention that the things worn by the sacrificial dancers are more demanding.

Shao Xuan could only see Tuo’s face from the fangs in that mouth.

The night gradually fell.

The whole mountain, all the people who fell, have been concentrated on the top of the mountain.

After the leader finished his words, Wu walked to the fire pond.

The witch curse began.

In the fire pond, the fire that was originally a small flame suddenly volleyed up, blasted the ground, and filled the entire fire pond. This posture was much more intense than before.

Not to mention the other people around, even Wushu was momentarily astonished and paused.

With the sound of music, the sacrificial dancers have to start.

Shao Xuan was wearing that heavy bear skin, and then jumped up. Together with the dressed-up people around, he jumped with his teeth and claws.

Jumping and jumping, Shao Xuan once again entered the mysterious state that seemed to be separated from reality.

He seemed to see the barbaric and exaggerated people by the firepit, swinging their hands and feet, jumping around the firepit, and the surrounding, farther away, were tall stone houses…

The flame in the fire pool doubled again, and the double-horned totem in the flame seemed to be rushing out.

The entire top of the mountain was covered with a fire-colored light.

The flames flying out of the fire pool were denser than ever before.

At the same time, in another place far away from the Yanjiao tribe, the hometown of the Yanjiao tribe.

Where the former fire pond was, the veins of fire appeared again.

First, there is a shining light spot in the center, and then, from this light spot, it is divided into six fire-colored branches, extending in six directions.

The birds nesting in the surrounding trees just fell asleep and awakened, flocks of birds flew out of the tree nest, screaming in exclamation, and flew away from the fire pond.

A ferocious nocturnal beast that had just stepped into this area gave a low growl and turned his head and walked away quickly.

On the ground, where the veins of fire spread, the bloodthirsty vines that had captured countless creatures were struggling feebly and quickly withered.

This place was silent as the birds, insects and beasts left.

There is no music, no dancers, no one. Under the black night sky, only the veins of fire on the ground illuminate the ruins.

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