When Zhang Yang came out of the supermarket, he turned around and looked at the supermarket where nothing happened, and he was relieved.

Sure enough, not

Before the thoughts in his mind fully appeared, a familiar spatial fluctuation came again.

Foyego looked at the black line that appeared on his master's forehead, and lowered his sense of existence very seriously.

Ancient city, Secret Service.

"Director, the arrival of a secret realm has been detected again!

Members of the Secret Service tasked with detecting spatial fluctuations sent reports to it.

And Lao Zhang glanced at the location and found that this place was very familiar.


It's the biggest supermarket near Zhang Yang's house!

"Did that one go to the supermarket again?"

The old man made his own judgment.

According to the previous few secrets, the Secret Service personnel made an unbelievable inference.

A special magnetic field is generated between Shang Chao and Zhang Yang.

This magnetic field will induce the arrival of the secret realm.

Moreover, it is still the kind of very dangerous secret realm.

After this conclusion appeared, everyone thought it was a fallacy.

But only Lao Zhang has some doubts.

Lao Zhang called the nearby related monitoring and found Zhang Yang's figure, and finally confirmed this inference.


There is some relationship between this supermarket and Zhang Yang.

When Zhang Yang comes to this supermarket, it will greatly increase the chance of the secret realm coming.

"Go to comfort the common people" ~.

Lao Zhang arranged for his people to go to the supermarket and arrange for people nearby to evacuate.

"Others, what to do.

Big supermarket.

Zhang Yang looked at the rapidly forming secret realm, his face was speechless.

When the secret realm was fully formed, a purple light suddenly erupted.

at the same time.

The entire Blue Star, all creatures infected with the power of the void, flashed purple brilliance in their eyes at the same time.

No matter where they were, they all turned their attention to the direction of the ancient city at this moment.

Beyond the Blue Star, within the Milky Way.

A huge purple portal suddenly appeared.

A terrifying figure appeared inside the door.

"Is this the world?"

The voice of nothingness came from the portal: "My people, go.

"Devouring this world!

As the sound fell, the endless swarm of void insects, accompanied by various terrifying races, swarmed out of the door.

This scene happened to be seen by an astronomer on the blue star through the instrument, and an alarm was immediately issued.

Half an hour later, the federal parliament.

All five high-ranking members gathered here.

Eagle sauce shared the information and put it on the table.

"|| Let's take a look and give us your opinion.

When everyone saw this information, their eyes widened.

"This is a crisis for all of humanity."

The member of the flower grower said in a deep voice: "This monster, everyone has information, and it comes from a place called Void."

"So far, there are still many creatures infected by the void left in the blue star. 35

"I propose that from now on, the entire Federation will start a (money) level security!


The proposal of the florist was approved by everyone.

Another half hour later.

An emergency order was issued, and the entire Federation and the entire Blue Star were in a state of intense combat readiness.

Traffic is regulated, living materials are regulated, and everything seems to be the tranquility before the storm.

These, Zhang Yang does not know the rules.

He is just now about to enter the secret realm.

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