Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

209: About the distribution of the footpen chicken refugees!

It hasn't even started yet. The leader of the enemy is a little cowardly because of his summons. What should I do? Wait online, hurry up!

Sometimes, Zhang Yang really thinks that the summons are too powerful and not good.

No, Andariel was dating Tageo, but he completely forgot that Zhang Yang was Tageo's master.

So Zhang Yang looked at Andariel's pitiful appearance, and coughed twice.

"Mortal, I'm talking to the great Aspect Dragon, you—what?"

Obviously, Andariel has not yet realized what state the guardian dragon he fears is in.

Otherwise, just flatter Zhang Yang directly, and don't have to flatter Tageo, okay?

How dare you yell at people?

Zhang Yang glanced, and Tagao gave Andariel a helpless expression before returning to Zhang Yang.

"Senior, you..."

Until now, Andariel had discovered something was wrong.

She wanted to say something, but was interrupted directly by Zhang Yang.


Zhang Yang was not interested in saying something to the guy who wanted to kill him just now, or negotiating conditions or the like.

So the battle begins again.

Only this time, the powerhouses in hell are a little timid, especially after playing for a while, they have to take a look at Tagao on Zhang Yang.

It was originally a big deal, and now it is still distracting, which has also led to the killing of the powerhouses of hell one by one.

In the end, only Andariel's direct descendants remained.

Ashes, blacksmiths, and old popes.

Facing these old rivals, Zhang Yang, in order to express his respect for them, directly exerted all his strength and sent them away.

Now, only Andariel is left.

"Die in your hands, I admit it!"

Andariel took another look at Tageo, and finally gave up resistance.

The giant dragons that guard the world are all attached to their opponents, so what's the point of her resistance?

Can't beat it anyway.

Looking at Andariel who was slaughtered by the neck, Zhang Yang wanted to kill her directly, but after thinking about it, he felt that keeping her might be more tormenting than killing her.

Since then, he took out the original dark gold staff again, and took control of the demon with one move, and directly brought Andariel under his command.

In this regard, the eighth floor, customs clearance!

Of course, Zhang Yang now only has the qualifications to go to the ninth floor, but in terms of level, Zhang Yang needs to practice by himself.

...for flowers »

Blue Star Federation, Five Permanent Council.

"How do you arrange the refugees of the foot pot chicken?"

Eagle sauce, as the former father of the foot pot chicken, is still very concerned about the refugees of the foot pot chicken.


Gallic Chicken and John Bull looked at each other: "Are you going to swallow it alone?

"Didn't think so.

Eagle sauce shook his head.


He looked in the direction of the bear and the rabbit: "I suggest that the bear and the rabbit should be divided equally.


"Agree! Years


Before the bear and the rabbit could react, the distribution plan for the footpen chicken refugees had already been prepared.

For the two of them, there is nothing wrong with this plan.

Especially for rabbits.

Although Bear and Rabbit didn't know what medicine these three were selling, they were happy to accept these refugees.

Not for anything else, but for the elite among these refugees.

Especially for Mao Xiong, although their current social form seems not bad, even a little enviable, but in fact, they have a lot less vitality.

In this regard, the foot pot chicken can help him widen.

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