Just after Andariel sent a message, Zhang Yang was studying the physically immune zombie in front of him.

What is he researching?

Research whether it can use the divine power in the body to deprive the rules of this zombie, and then digest them.

Zhang Yang wants to condense his own rules as soon as possible, not just possess divine power.

Although there is no essential difference between the two, in terms of Gong En's surname, the rules are still a little easier to use than divine power.

The experiment begins.

Zhang Yang first condensed a seed from the divine power of death, and placed it on the immobile Zombie that was held down by the Death Knights.

The seed of divine power took root and sprouted on the body of Wu Free Zombie, and after swallowing all its power, it fell to the ground.

Zhang Yang picked it up and found that the seeds had some changes.

It carries a trace of the characteristics of [Physical Immunity Rules – Rules].

Obviously, the experiment was successful.

This time, Zhang Yang was overjoyed.

It's just that because of the upcoming update, Zhang Yang can't continue to find those law monsters for the time being, so he has to go offline.

Just offline, the updated content of the endless tower is displayed.

Update content: The lock demon tower is open, and the integration of players has been improved. "

"Monster Lock Tower: The tower is 9 floors high, and a BOSS is randomly refreshed on each floor. After defeating it, you can get a lot of experience and high-quality equipment. You can challenge it 3 times a day. After death, you can resurrect in the tower."5

This time the update has very little content, it is nothing more than the opening of the lock demon tower, which gives ordinary people the opportunity to challenge the BOSS.

Of course, those who are really muddy and can't support the wall, there is nothing they can do, it's rotten.

The update time is not long, at noon, it will be updated.

Zhang Yang felt the almost incomparable power in his body and nodded with satisfaction.

Hurry up and go online, Zhang Yang is anxious to cultivate the seeds of divine power.

After going online, start frantically looking for these special monsters in the blood wasteland.

These strange rules that ordinary people can't avoid, in Zhang Yang's eyes, are experience babies one after another.

However, the amount of refreshment of this experience baby is very small.

Zhang Yang searched the entire blood wasteland, and only found three. In addition to the zombies, the other are the flame-enhanced Sinker, the speed-enhanced Hard-skinned Rat, and the Dark Rogue Hunter, which is close to the Frozen Plain and frozen. .

Absorbing the power of the four rules, the Divine Power Seed gives people the feeling of being more energetic.

Since there are no regular monsters in the bloody wasteland, Zhang Yang will target the evil cave.

Just now Zhang Yang ran all over the bloody wasteland, and the location of the evil cave has been found.

He is now returning to the same path, and after coming to the entrance of the evil cave, he walked in directly.

This time, Zhang Yang directly summoned the undead army and swept the entire evil cave.

It has to be said that in places where such monsters are denser, the number of regular monsters has also increased.

・・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

Especially when the corpse of the BOSS gets angry, he carries three laws on his body.

Physical enhancement, elemental attack, summoning.

Zhang Yang was also welcome, and placed the divine power seed directly on the body that was angry with the corpse.

"Damn human, are you plundering my laws?"

The corpse on the eighth floor got angry and obviously had intelligence. After realizing Zhang Yang's actions, the rotten face was full of horror: "You know, this is a violation of the rules, and Lord Andariel will not let you go. of!"


"Then let her come to me! 39

Faced with the threat, Zhang Yang didn't care at all, just watching the powerful corpse in the eyes of others get angry and become the nourishment for the seeds of divine power.

After picking it up, Zhang Yang glanced at it, this divine power seed was already full of the power of the law, and it was time to harvest it.

Zhang Yang released the divine power of death from his body, and the divine power seed dissolved in an instant and returned to Zhang Yang's body.

It also brings the power of ten laws.

Under the action of the power of these laws, the law of death that belongs to the supreme law in Zhang Yang's body has begun to conceive.

This is a good start.

But if the law of death is to be successful, more law power is needed.

Zhang Yang raised his head and looked into the distance.

"Andariel, what will you do?" Guang

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