The young man took out a tortoise shell he didn't know what to make, put a few copper coins made by himself in it, and after a few wiggles, sprinkled the copper coins on the ground.


Looking at the hexagram, the young man jumped up and down angrily: "That damn guy actually took my chance, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, a finger suddenly appeared from the void and pressed it down towards him.

"I go!!!

The young man wanted to dodge, but found that the space around him was locked, and he couldn't move.

"My life is over..."

The young man closed his eyes in despair, he didn't think he could survive such an attack.

Even if it is now in the Tower of Infinity, it is the same.

From this power, he noticed several rules, one of which was equal to or even surpassed the Infinity Tower!

That kind of rule is called death.

It was only half a day later that he did not feel death coming, but a contract was sent to him.

After signing it, he was given the power of a contract, and he was also promised a divine position!

In return, he will forever be a member of the god of death.


The young man knew how important the power of this contract was to him, so he decided to sign this contract.

"Hey, from now on, does this count as getting on the boat or going ashore?"

After the dark fingers disappeared, the young man babbled for a long time, finally shook his head and continued his journey.


After returning, Zhang Yang told Mara and Anya not to worry about Nilasek's threat in the future, but the two of them did not show any joy.

Although Nihlathek betrayed the interests of the entire Harrogath, his purpose was for the entire Harrogath.

So, although he died and hurt Anya, Mara and Anya did not hate him.

"By the way, adventurer."

Mara told Zhang Yang that Qualkek was waiting for him in the center of the city.

Zhang Yang nodded, indicating that he understood.

When he came to the center of the city, Zhang Yang saw the big man who was bigger than Rasuk.

"Look, isn't this our hero"~?"

Qualkek saw Zhang Yang and laughed boldly: "What you have done recently has become famous throughout Harrogath!"

"I heard that you have something to do with me?

Zhang Yang felt the big hand that kept hitting his back, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Hurry up and say.

"Your footsteps have already reached the holy mountain of Arreat. 99

Hearing this, Qualkek turned serious: "The ancient souls want to see you.

"it is good."

Zhang Yang did not refuse, but agreed directly.

Because if you want to go to the Temple of the World Stone, the Atri Mountains are a hurdle that must be crossed.

Don't think that with a flying mount, you can ignore this mountain that the barbarians call the holy mountain.

The last person who wanted to fly over the Atri Mountains was shot into a hedgehog and fell to his death on the mountain.

The soul of the ancient barbarian, even angels and demons would not dare to provoke them, but just avoided it from afar.

Zhang Yang has no interest in challenging the spirits of these stubborn ancients. Since people want to see him, they should meet him.

Seeing that Zhang Yang agreed, Qualkek nodded and started packing.

Only barbarians know how to take the correct route to the Atri Mountains, and only under the leadership of barbarians, those ancient souls will not shoot you into a hedgehog.

"The journey will take about half a month, and we have to prepare some dry food first.

Qual-Keek found the logistics in the city, and after drawing the jerky for a full month, he said to Zhang Yang: "On the top of the Atri Mountains, we need to be in awe to pass there safely. "

"Now, let's go!"

Qualkek was fully prepared, but when he turned around, he found that Zhang Yang had summoned Malygos and greeted him to come up with him.

"We... ride the dragon?"

After Qualkek came up, his tone was a little cowardly: "This is a proud dragon, he is willing to carry me?

"and me.

Zhang Yang smiled.

The same is true for the third girl and the second child.

Although they were used to sitting, they did not forget the apprehension when they rode the giant dragon for the first time.

Of course, it was still a bone dragon at that time.

The group followed Qualkek's guidance and flew towards the Atri Mountains.

Four days.

At the speed of Malygos, they also flew for four days before they came to the foot of the Atari Mountains.

"This is our holy mountain!"

Qual-Keek looked up and looked at the towering mountain range with a proud face: "Even angels and demons dare not set foot on the ground!


Zhang Yang's mouth twitched.

He was embarrassed to tell Qual-Keek that it was not that angels and demons dared to set foot in this place, but that it was unnecessary.

The combat power of the three ancient barbarian souls is still quite strong, ordinary angels and demons are not opponents, and as the boss, both sides must sit in their respective base camps.

This is the fact that the Atri Mountains have not been captured.

After that, Baal's strength was completely unblocked, and the whole world was under his terrifying rule. Even three ancient souls could only be forced to join in exchange for the survival of the barbarian family.

Of course, this is the story behind the world.

Following Qualkek, the group took another full day to reach the top of the mountain and saw the soul of the barbarian who had already shown his body.

""|| Dear ancestor, I have brought this adventurer.

Qualkek frantically looked at the three ancient barbarian souls exuding golden light, with an excited expression, like a groupie seeing a star.

But the three ancient barbarian souls just nodded slightly to him, and their attention was all on Zhang Yang.

"Yes, it is this power!

"It stands to reason that it shouldn't. Ten thousand years have passed, but his strength is much stronger than before."

"Don't you feel the power of the contract? If it wasn't for him, how could this be?"



The three ancient barbarian souls whispered and looked at Zhang Yang with strange eyes.

Because their voices (Wang Hao) were relatively low, Zhang Yang didn't hear what they were saying, only saw their lips moving.

Too lazy to think about what they were talking about, Zhang Yang began to study the composition of the three ancient barbarian souls.

In the past, he didn't think that these three had anything to study, but they were just stronger souls, and they would still be defeated in the end.

But after possessing the power of death, he now looked at the three again, but found something wrong.

They are not undead!

To be precise, they are not ordinary undead, but the kind that belong to heroic souls.

Subconsciously, Zhang Yang began to analyze the man.

"The golden energy wrapped around the soul body, if nothing else, should be the power of faith."

"With this power, they can exert a combat power that is not inferior to, or even surpassed, their previous life!"

"Not much, these are not the core!

"Inside the soul body, that power... is the power of death?"


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