Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

114: Reality layout, back to Lu Gaoin!

Zhang Yang remotely outlined the anti-summoning circle through the summoning link.

So, Vivian suddenly disappeared into Secret Service's guest room.

It wasn't until Leng Bing came over to find Vivian for dinner that she didn't know when she was gone.

The cold ice was reported to the bureau at the first time.

While waiting for the order, Neng Bing carefully searched the entire room, but found nothing.

"What's the matter?"

Sunshine otaku single apartment.

After Zhang Yang sent Vivian back, sweat continued to seep from all parts of the body.

Because of the distance, the cost of casting spells this time is far greater than the cost of summoning Morena to come here.


Morena wiped the sweat from Zhang Yang's head in distress.

"I'm fine.

Zhang Yang shook his head: "It's just that after this time, I'm afraid it will attract the attention of the authorities."

"Blame me."

Morena blamed herself: "If I had been more careful, these things would not have happened."

"It was just an accident.

Zhang Yang was also helpless.

God knows why Vivian bumped into Morena at such a coincidental time.

However, if there is no such collision, maybe the next thing will not happen, or it will happen a few days later.

597 A drink and a peck are all fixed numbers and cannot be forced.

It's just that Zhang Yang knows that he needs to make some arrangements.

Summoning the invisible lich, Zhang Yang instructed him a few things, then looked at Morena apologetically: "Next, I need you to guard me for a while. 99

"no problem."

Morena nodded without the slightest hesitation: "Master, please give your orders."

"Just keep me safe and it needs to show up."

Zhang Yang pointed at the lich who had transformed into him: "In this case, it should be able to dispel some people's guesses.


Morena didn't ask Zhang Yang to dispel anyone's guess, but was just ready to firmly complete the task Zhang Yang explained.

"When I'm online, you can go out. 99

Zhang Yang handed the only 100 cash in his room to the Lich's transformed self: "Do you know how to use it?

"Don't worry, Master."

The Lich patted his chest: "During this time, I also absorbed the souls of many dead people and learned the rules of this world.

"well done."

Zhang Yang glanced at the lich: "What's your name?" (cjfe)

"Little man, Foyego..."

This lich is also a clever person. After hearing some potential meanings from Zhang Yang's words, he turned into his own body and threw the ground toward Zhang Yang's five bodies: "See my god, my lord!

"very good."

Zhang Yang nodded to Foyego: "Go.


Foyego knew that he had left a deep influence on Zhang Yang's side, and his future fate was hard to say, but it was definitely much better than now.

Watching that Foyego's transformation left here, Zhang Yang also lay down in the game compartment and entered the game.

"Report, Yongye has entered the game!

The report of the secret service members in the 833 line of Rogge Camp came to the ear of the cold ice, who had already reached the Sunshine Otaku's single apartment.

Looking at Zhang Yang, who had already walked out of the door and bought a pack of cigarettes, a bucket of instant noodles, a ham sausage, and a marinated egg from the nearby canteen, Leng Bing dispelled a certain bold idea in his heart.

"Is Yongye still in the game?

But before leaving, she still needs to make sure of one thing.


After the affirmative statement came from the headset, she quietly left.

It's just that she didn't notice that after she turned around, Zhang Yang, who had just left the canteen, looked in the direction she left.

Camp Rogue, Line 833.

After Zhang Yang returned, he saw Ellie, Redna, and Xiao Xiao with anxious faces.

"Master, Morena is gone!"

As Redna's sister, Ellie is very anxious about her sister's sudden disappearance.

Although the camp elder Akara had told her that perhaps Zhang Yang had summoned Morena to his world through some means, Ellie was still worried.

Seeing Zhang Yang now, but not her own sister, she almost cried.

"It's okay, Morena is watching over me now. 35

Zhang Yang patted Ellie on the back: "in a while... um, wait a minute, I'll call her back now.

After releasing Ellie, Zhang Yang spread out his hand, reversed the summoning circle, and summoned Morena back.


Morena noticed that she had returned to the Rogge camp, and the first time she saw Zhang Yang, she said eagerly: "The lich hasn't come back yet, you still need my protection!

"It has come back. 39

Zhang Yang sensed Foyego's return and the news it reported, and summoned Morena back: "Don't worry."

"That's it.

Morena breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's brush today's dungeon first, please explain to them on the way."

Zhang Yang glanced at the time, there were still 5 hours before the next dungeon refresh.

And he wants to finish all the dungeons of Rogge Camp, and then finish the dungeon of Lu Gaoyin, as well as the cow level, the tower of death, the endless battlefield... The time is tight, the task is heavy!

In a non-stop hurry, at 11:58, Zhang Yang finally finished everything, and his level reached level 32.

Seeing that more and more people on the leaderboard reached level 25, and even many people rushed into Lu Gaoyin impatiently after defeating Andariel in simple mode, the corner of Zhang Yang's mouth rose slightly.

Unlike Rogge Camp, Lu Gaoyin has only one map, and all players who pour into Lu Gaoyin will become their potential customers.

Naturally, he hoped that as many players poured into Lu Gaoyin, the better.

From the forum, he knew one thing, Azu from Yingjiang entered Lu Gaoyin yesterday, and tossed 100,000 gold coins, ready to wrap up all the remaining shops and houses that Zhang Yang picked.

But it was rejected by the native Jace who was in charge of the matter.

Azu, who had a bad temper, was about to get angry on the spot, but was killed by Jace's finger.

After the resurrection, Azu was imprisoned in Lu Gaoyin's prison, and I heard that he was imprisoned for at least one day!

This kind of encounter calmed down the other forces who were also rejected and abide by the rules. Each force won at most 1 shop and 10 houses.

This makes them very uncomfortable, but there is nothing they can do.

And Jace also had a headache.

Since the last time he sold nearly half of his shops and houses to Zhang Yang, Jay Hein scolded him, which is why he doesn't do it anymore.

In Lu Gaoyin's palace, Jay Hein looked blankly at the slaughter of the female family members below, without any action.

He is used to it.

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