Zhang Yang took a closer look and received three tasks.

"I'm going to get the job done. 99

Only the people from the Adventurers Guild here issued a task to Zhang Yang, and in the next second, Zhang Yang said that the task was to be completed.

This made the staff stunned, thinking that they had encountered trouble.

But looking at Zhang Yang's serious expression, the staff member didn't dare to make his own decisions, so he simply invited the supervisor to come.

Not long after, a well-built barbarian professional came down from the second floor.

"Is it that you took the task and you are about to complete the task?

This barbarian named "Grom" had a very loud voice. As soon as he opened his mouth, the entire guild turned their heads to see who made such a loud noise.

"It's Lord Grom!"

"Grom? Grom the Dragon Slayer?"



Obviously, this Grom is one of the more famous among the indigenous "Five Ninety Seven" adventurers.

"Yes, it's me."

But Zhang Yang didn't care about this kind of existence.

Because this Grom, although known as the Dragon Slayer, actually only defeated a flightless lizard, the so-called "Dragon Slayer" is just a misnomer.

"Let's see, C-level, A-level, S-level..."

Grom looked at the reward order in Zhang Yang's hand with a solemn expression: "Boy, do you know what the punishment will be if you lie about the result of the mission?

"I know.

Zhang Yang nodded: "So, can we start now?"

"let's start.

Grom nodded.

"Let's start with the C-Class!""

Zhang Yang looked at Grom with a faint smile in his eyes: "The three largest gangs of robbers have received orders from Jay Hein and are preparing to move towards Lu Gaoyin.

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

Grom's expression became serious: "Also, do you know who Jay Hein is? 35

"Master Lu Goin, the second king of the entire Infinity Tower!""

Zhang Yang shrugged: "Who doesn't know this."

"Since you know, then understand, this is absolutely impossible! 35

What Grom said, it was a firm call: "As a king, everything here belongs to him, why should he form a band of robbers to plunder his own people?"

"The specific situation, you should be very clear.

Zhang Yang knocked on the table: "I don't need to elaborate? 35


Grom's face showed a look of surprise.

On the surface, he is quite well-known among the adventurers, and has joined the Adventurers Guild. Although he is currently only a deacon, his power is not small, and many people follow him.

But inside, he still has an identity.

Royal spy.

Commonly known as...Kingdom Eagle Dog!

He is a chess piece that Jay Hein holds up in one hand and prepares to infiltrate the Adventurer's Guild.

Moreover, he is not the only chess piece, as far as he knows, there are three deacons who have the same experience as himself.

At a higher level, he has no ability or qualifications to understand.

Suppressing his inner emotions, Grom prepared to skip this topic and said: "We will verify this matter, then, you can talk about the next thing! 99

"About the ecstatic excitement of the monsters on the dry highlands. 39

When Zhang Yang heard Grom's words, the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "Alright, then, let me talk about this.

"The dry highlands, the strangeness of the monsters, are closely related to the person in the S-rank bounty.

"I'll say it together."

"Remember the hero who sealed the great demon Diablo decades ago?"

"He is conceited, thinking that he can be compared to Ta Rasha, but he overestimated his own will and underestimated the power of the devil."

"The former hero, now incarnate as a black wanderer, is running on the road to rescue his brother.

"Remember who Ta Rasha sealed?"

Grom was fascinated and asked subconsciously, "Who?"

"God of Destruction, Baal!

Zhang Yang said word by word: "Now the black wanderer is setting up, preparing to step into the canyon and save the God of Destruction!


This name, even an ordinary person, is familiar.

The legend about Baal has been circulating here for an unknown time. Grom remembered that his grandfather's grandfather had told him stories about Baal.

After hearing the news, Grom stood up directly, his face gloomy and uncertain.

"That's what I understand.

Zhang Yang looked at Grom: "As for whether you believe it or not, it's up to you. 99

"These things, I will report it like the above, and wait for someone to check.

Grom stabilized his mind: "The reward will be given to you first.

"Thank you so much.

Zhang Yang stood up: "Bring it. 39

"Go and get him eleven gold coins.""

Grom motioned to the staff next to him to get gold coins for Zhang Yang, and he himself came to Zhang Yang and said in a low voice, "I'll make sure again, what you said is true?


Zhang Yang pointed to his Rogge Camp Honorary Elder Medal: "You should know this!"


Looking at the medal, Grom's eyes widened.


Looking at the youthful face of the young man who was under 25, a storm surged in Grom's heart.

Over the years, he has been running around, and even with Jay Hine's support, he has no chance of taking the elder's seat.

Now, a young man has the identity equivalent to the elder of the Adventurer's Guild?

It made him hate and jealous.

At this time, the staff also took the gold coins and handed them over to Zhang Yang.

"Very good. 35

Zhang Yang put the money in his backpack and left contentedly.

Left behind Grom, who doubted his life, and the native adventurer who ate several large melons.

"Next, is the distant oasis. 99

Zhang Yang walked out of the highland city and looked towards the south: "I hope to catch up with that guy and put..."

I was just going to try it out here, can I encounter Dark Wanderer 5.4 in advance, and kill the opponent before they regain their strength, and the next second, it will be dark.

The sun was covered with a layer of darkness, blocking the light.

"Looks like I can't catch up.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yang knew that in the distant oasis, the reckless Sharp-clawed Viper had already surrendered to the power of the Dark Wanderer.

Going now will not help.

However, now the most crucial props to open Ta Rasha's tomb are in his hands, I believe that the dark wanderers will find him sooner or later.

There must be a battle between the two.

Now, all Zhang Yang needs to prepare is to combine the scattered keys in advance, go to Tal Rasha's tomb first, and kill the God of Destruction Baal!

"I am waiting for you!"

Zhang Yang looked into the distance and flew towards the maggot lair on the skeleton dragon.

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