[Lethal Elixir Tier 2·Bite 1]

Cooldown: 0.1 seconds

Mana Cost: 200

Throws out a deadly elixir with burning flames, and spreads the impact on the ground, forming a 10-meter-diameter circle with fire poison for 10 seconds, causing 1590 (+100% spell bonus) spells to enemies within the range every second damage and reduce its movement speed by 50% for 5 seconds.

1 Deadly Elixir can be made every 2 seconds, up to 5 copies can be stored.

"Similar to the diagnosis of good and evil, it also increased the damage by 200 points, and changed from an ordinary poison circle to a poison circle with a burning effect of fire."

Lin Hao was not surprised at all.

But the 200-point spell hurt him here.

That's 300 points.

50% increase in spell damage, the effect is great.


id: poison doctor

Level: 20

Occupation: Unbounded Law God

Health: 6000 (Correction, Chapter 10, 4200 at level 17, not 5200, typo)

Mana: 5660

Attributes: Strength 45, Physical 72, Dexterity 144, Intelligence 188

Talent: Poison Doctor Descends lv2 (Passive: Evil Virtue Medical Level 2; Active: 1, Deadly Elixir Level 2, Eat 1; 2, Good and Evil Diagnosis Level 2, Eat 1; 3, Life Domination Level 2.)

Available Skill Points: 2

"There are still two skill points that have not been used. If you don't use them now, you can save them until the level is high, learn those powerful skills, and then perform poison bite, and the increase will definitely be greater."

"So, there is no need to worry about these two skill points."

"Huh, that's not right."

Lin Hao noticed an obscure prompt.

If the number of poisonous bites of the talent skill is too small, the skill level of the poisonous bites that can be used will not be high.

Wasn't the idea you just thought not working?

"Got it!"

"It seems that I still need to learn some low-level skills, and first increase the number of poisonous bites."

There is no excessive delay.

Lin Hao unloaded his equipment, exited the apocalypse, and cleaned it up.

Then walked towards the school.

Enter the top three of the school.

You can get a Ziwu, a skill book.

Won the first place in the college competition.

You can even get red weapons.

Lin Hao currently has no plans to join any party.

Therefore, it is impossible to obtain rich apocalypse resources.

These rewards are for him.

Still very tempting.

"Brother Hao, this way!"

Yang Bao waved at Lin Hao and shouted.

Lin Hao walked over with a smile.

"Brother Hao, I heard a very important news. Did you know that this competition jointly organized by several universities is to select outstanding students for the elite training camp."

Yang Bao looked excited.

Lin Hao frowned: "Elite training camp? What is it?"

Yang Bao stared blankly at Lin Hao.

"Brother Hao, you don't even know about the elite training camp? That's the best place to train Apocalypse prep soldiers. As long as you enter the elite training camp, 20% of them can become Apocalypse God of War!"

Lin Hao looked surprised.

"20% of people can become the God of War?!"

That's kind of amazing!

It is already difficult to prepare soldiers from the apocalypse and become the official soldiers of the apocalypse.

And from the apocalypse warrior to the apocalypse god of war.

Even more difficult!

Even if it is the apocalypse of s and ss-level talents.

Not to say that it will be successful.

Under normal circumstances, the apocalypse who are lower than the s-level talent have less than 1% chance of success.

Up to a 10% chance of success at rank s.

ss is also only 30%.

There has even been an Apocalypse with sss-level talent, but he has not been able to become an example of Apocalypse God of War.

And the elite training camp can increase this probability to 20%, which is absolutely amazing.

Take Tianyuan Base City as an example.

There is currently only one junior Apocalypse God of War sitting in town.

Its status is very high.

Even the leaders of the base city have to listen to him.

And some base cities don't even have an Apocalypse God of War.

"Brother Hao, let me tell you, as far as I have heard, the training resources provided by the elite training camp are countless times better than those provided by the big financial groups."

"This is a huge opportunity."

"You must grasp it."

Yang Bao was very excited.

He has always regarded Lin Hao as his best brother.

As long as Lin Hao can be good.

He was happy.

Lin Hao nodded: "Okay, I see."

"Okay, Brother Hao, then I can go to class, you have to do your best, you must get the top three in the school, and represent our Longwu University to participate in the competitions of major universities."

"Don't worry, I will definitely."

After Yang Bao left.

Lin Hao went straight to the school's No. 1 training hall.

"Lin Hao, you wait here first, Xue Qianqian and Li Yang haven't arrived yet. The trials will not start for a while."

Lu Chunqiu said with a smile.

"Don't be nervous, although other Apocalypse's talents are higher than you, it does not mean that they are necessarily better than you. You have to fight calmly, understand?"

"Teacher Lu, don't worry, I will."

"Okay, the teacher will wait to see your performance."

Lu Chunqiu patted Lin Hao's shoulder lightly, looking like a kind teacher.

There is still some envy in his eyes.

He also wanted to be the Apocalypse.

But without awakening his talent, he can't be an apocalypse at all.

But can watch his students become apocalypse.

He also felt relieved.


Li Yang, who looked exhausted, came to the No. 1 training hall, swearing incessantly.

"Asshole! Asshole!"

"That damn poison doctor, he actually played with me like that!"



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