I saw a strange-looking aircraft floating in the sky, which looked a bit like a cicada without wings.

The thing making the loud noise is this aircraft.

"This is?" Lei Ming looked at the giant mechanical cicada floating in the sky solemnly, and asked in a murmur.

Chen Qing took a deep breath, and softly spit out four words: "Space Battleship..."

Space Battleship!

In the previous life, Chen Qing had seen countless times of behemoths, and in the past they had only seen them in the starry sky of the universe. At that time, he felt that there was nothing unusual about them.

But when he stood on the ground, looked up at the battleship, and felt the strong sense of oppression from the space battleship, he felt for the first time that this cosmic level war weapon was actually so terrifying!

Although this space battleship is estimated to be the lowest level among space battleships.

But for a surface-level civilized war, space battleships are already powerful enough to dominate the battlefield.

In layman's terms...the Liko tribe's dispatch of this weapon of war is no different from a dimensionality reduction strike.

Chen Qing felt a little unbelievable, how could such a level of war weapon be deployed at this stage?

Moreover, it is usually not so easy for space battleships to cross the space channel, and a large amount of resources and materials need to be used to maintain the stability of the space channel.

In the previous life, the Liko tribe only dispatched this level of war weapons when they faced the support army at the end.

Why is it now that they have been fighting for less than a year?

It's like... the opponent directly came to a wave of Wang Bo at the beginning of the game, who can stop it?

Chen Qing looked at the behemoth in the sky in bewilderment.

There is a huge gap between the galaxy-level civilization and the surface-level civilization. The dispatch of space battleships means that no matter how hard the Tucker civilization persists, it will only end in failure.

Magic crossbow? Magic light strike array? Magic Cannon?

Chen Qing didn't know what other war weapons the Tucker Civilization had yet to reveal, but facing the power of space battleships, the Tucker Civilization was still a younger brother even if all the cards were fully revealed.


The space battleship sailed rapidly towards the hinterland of the Tucker civilization.

The upper echelons of the Tak civilization also saw the huge monsters in the sky. Chen Qing could see that the main city of the Tak civilization was constantly being activated with colorful magic weapons, and dense attacks were soon directed at the space battleships.

But beyond Chen Qing's expectations, these attacks hit the space battleship's energy shield, causing ripples like raindrops falling in a pool.

But this huge "pool" didn't collapse at all due to the density of raindrops.

Although the magic crossbow is powerful, it is also effective for non-cosmic level wars.

At the level of the space battleship, if it is counted as a personal level, it is no more than a 180-level existence.

As for the surface weapons such as the magic crossbow, the energy level is about 120-130, and the difference between the two is more than 50 levels.

The later the stage, the greater the improvement brought by each level. After level 100, there is a difference of 50 levels, which is basically the difference between heaven and earth.

Chen Qing even suspects that these magical weapons can only cause the lowest damage of 1 point on this space battleship, and they may not be able to keep up with the speed of self-healing.

Russell and the others were deeply shocked by the scene in front of them.

The magic crossbow is the most powerful force that Russell and others have seen in the past. In front of the magic crossbow, basically no one can survive.

In the hearts of several people, the magic crossbow represents invincibility and unstoppability, and is synonymous with absolute power.

But now, the magic crossbow that used to be like an artifact in the hearts of the people, now hits the space battleship in the sky, and there is only a little ripple. In front of the space battleship, the magic crossbow is as immature as a child and powerless.

"Why are space battleships so strong? Is this something from the mechanical system? Why do I feel that even powerful fighters are vulnerable in front of space battleships?" Lei Ming muttered to himself, looking at the behemoth in the sky. The faith in my heart was directly crushed by the scene in front of me.

"Not only fighters, magicians are not powerful enough to shake this space battleship. This is a power that only gods can match." Russell also shook his head and sighed.

Although Desna and Du Hua didn't say anything, they couldn't hide the despair and bitterness in their eyes no matter what.

Chen Qing looked at the four people so sad, opened his mouth, but still didn't speak.

He really wanted to tell them that you will all be big bosses in the future, and a space battleship of this level is no different from a toy in your hands.

After the individual's ability grows to the extreme, the weapon of war becomes a joke.

but now…

After all, Russell and the others haven't grown up yet, and their growth environment is relatively backward, and they haven't seen real cosmic powerhouses and cosmic wars.

For several people, this space battleship is enough to represent the sky and God.

Although Chen Qing knows that this space battleship is nothing, but it is undeniable that this space battleship now has the ability to decide the life and death of himself and others, and to dominate the battlefield!

Facing this kind of situation where people are fighting for the sword and I'm for the fish and meat, if Chen Qing tells a few people that this battleship is nothing more than that, in the future when you get stronger, you can blow it up casually.

It is estimated that a few people will also be regarded as fools.

The mentality of Russell and others can be regarded as being completely collapsed by this space battleship this time. If they want to recover, they can only find a strong man who can match the space battleship with personal strength, and stage a wave of man-machine battles for a few people. Faith in personal power will be rekindled!

but now…

Chen Qing glanced at the space battleship in the sky, and saw that the gun barrels of the space battleship were quickly lined up when they reached the main city of the Tak civilization.


Terrifying energy gathered in an instant, and the space battleship's attack almost didn't need energy storage, and it blasted to the ground in an instant.

Chen Qing's complexion was pale.

This cannon blasted at the barracks of the Tucker civilization magician.

Tens of thousands of magicians were turned into ashes in an instant under this cannon, and the location of the barracks was also turned into a dark pothole, with nothing left.

One-third of the military power of the Tak civilization evaporated directly in this blow!


The second attack fell quickly like a punishment from heaven.

This blow fell on the main city of the Tak civilization.

The magic shield of the main city shattered like glass under this blow, and the remaining aftermath turned the buildings in the entire area into ruins.

Countless civilians of the Tak civilization also died under this blow.

In fact, the power of the space battleship can be even stronger, but in the war of invasion, there is no need to use the equipment of destroying stars.

The Liko tribe invaded the Tak civilization, and what they needed were benefits, resources, and slaves of the human race, not a planet that was beaten into cosmic dust.

But even so, this attack is still not something that the Tucker civilization can resist.

This blow was also due to the shield, so it didn't cause much damage, but when the next blow came, there would be no magic shield!

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