Online Games: The Strongest Race Was Selected At The Start

Chapter Forty-Three: Growth After One Year

The boy and the little girl were Chen Qing and Desna, and the person who threw the spear was Lei Ming.

Several people took advantage of the deceptive appearance to set a trap for the three Liko hunters.

Soon these three people were killed one by one by Chen Qing and others.

"Mission settlement +2000"

"Mission settlement +2000"

"Mission settlement +2000"

Chen Qing looked at the settlement prompt on the panel, and silently added experience to the level.

"Drip... level up to level 34, get 11 free attributes"

That's right, level 34.

It has been a year since the war between the Liko tribe and the Tak civilization.

And the battlefield has already expanded from the small town of Mok to more areas.

The location where Chen Qing and others are now is called Jinghao City, which is not far from the hinterland of the Tucker civilization.

With the outbreak of the war, the Liko tribe sent soldiers in a steady stream, and the magician troops of the Tak civilization have gradually begun to show signs of fatigue.

Not enough troops! Not enough weapons of war!

A large area of ​​territory was occupied by the Liko tribe, and the town of Mok, which was originally a battlefield, had long been reduced to the Liko tribe's garrison.

Under the suppression of absolute strength, the magician troops of the Tucker civilization kept retreating. Now the battlefield of the two armies is not far from the hinterland of the center of the Tucker civilization.

Chen Qing sighed. I don't know if it was because of him, but the pace of the Liko invasion this time was much more ferocious than in the previous life, and it had already advanced to this level in just one year.

But don't wait for the support, the Tucker civilization was directly wiped out by the Liko tribe!

At that time, players will lose a novice village for mages.

In fact, what Chen Qing didn't know was that the reason why the Liko tribe advanced so slowly in the previous life was because wars broke out between the Liko tribe and other civilizations on other battlefields, and most of the power was drawn by the other side.

But in this life, because of the existence of Chen Qing, the Liko tribe invaded the Tak civilization in advance. At this time, the Liko tribe had not started any war on the other side.

Chen Qing, the butterfly, flapped his wings constantly. The butterfly effect was much more serious than he imagined!

But apart from these relatively bad situations, there is no entirely bad news for Chen Qing.

In the course of this year, the team led by Russell and others has made great progress.

The Russell scale reached 33.

Du Hua is level 30.

Desna is level 31.

Lei Ming is level 38.

As the level of everyone increases, more and more experience is required. In the early stage, the improvement is very rapid, but it becomes very difficult to upgrade to a level in the later stage.

And according to Chen Qing's estimation, Russell and others need more experience than other ordinary people to upgrade to a level.

Chen Qing is also not clear what mechanism this is, and only attributes this phenomenon to the fact that geniuses always need to comprehend something more than others.

Indeed, Russell and the others are much stronger in fighting power than those of the same level, and several of them have also competed with Chen Qing during this year.

Although they were still crushed by Chen Qing, the oppression they gave Chen Qing was no worse than that of a level 45 Liko tribe.

Especially Lei Ming, who is the most talented among them, his attributes and abilities have begun to have the strength of a small boss level in Chen Qing's view.

As for why Chen Qing's level is still at the same level as several people after he has double experience and panel task experience bonus?

Because after Chen Qing reaches level 30, all primary skills will automatically grow into intermediate skills.

Inside is another very huge level black hole waiting to be filled by Chen Qing.

[Intermediate Ancient Origin Technique], [Intermediate Space Distortion], [Intermediate Space Mastery], [Intermediate Demonic Sword Qi]

Originally in the tense stage of the war, the improvement of combat power is very important, but these skills are all core skills for Chen Qing, and must be filled up, otherwise there is no way to upgrade to advanced skills after reaching level 70 .

The experience black hole for intermediate skills is terrifyingly large. Chen Qing hasn't filled up these skills yet, and most of them have only been raised to half.

Chen Qing made a balance between upgrading and increasing skill proficiency, so that the level would not fall too far, and the skill proficiency could be raised.

Otherwise, if Chen Qing kept increasing his proficiency, he might have to stay at level 30 for a year.

But adding these skill proficiencies is not without help for Chen Qing, which has led to Chen Qing's terrifyingly strong combat power among people of the same level, and many methods have also become very terrifying.

The intermediate ancient source technique further reduced the cooling time of his skills.

The mid-level space distortion gave him the ability to hide his body and solidify his attacks.

Intermediate space mastery allowed him to comprehend the ability of short-distance teleportation. At the same time, if the passive effect is triggered, the imprisonment time for the enemy will be longer.

And the power of the middle-level magic sword energy became stronger and stronger.

Of course, in addition to these skills, Chen Qing also comprehended several ancient mage attack skills, including [Magic Poison], [Ancient Curse], and [Diamond Formation].

Mana poison is a DEBUFF that directly applies a continuous poison to the enemy. The duration depends on skill proficiency, and the damage is linked to intelligence.

The ancient spell is an instant damage skill, and the damage is linked to the spirit.

Compared with these two skills, the diamond formation is a skill that traps enemies, and it is actually a bit useless for Chen Qing, who has a high explosive rate.

A person who can Chen Qing quickly does not need to trap the enemy, but a person who is difficult to hit Chen Qing can't actually trap the enemy.

Therefore, Chen Qing temporarily chose not to add the proficiency of the diamond formation, but to add the proficiency of the other two skills.

In addition to the skills of the ancient mage, the skills of warriors also comprehend the [Battle Body] that increases the fleshiness, [Wujie] that increases the status resistance, the charge skill [Brave Charge], and the attack skill [Two hit again].

Except for the combat body and Wu Jie, which are worthy of investment in the warrior-type skills, Chen Qing has temporarily given up on the other two.

Now he has no shortage of charging skills, but the attack skills are not as high as the burst of magic skills.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Qing got a chance to get a random professional skill after completing a task before. What made Chen Qing dumbfounded was that this time the random professional skill also came out with the magic swordsman's skill [Magic Wing Slash] .

This skill is quite powerful. It creates a magic wing on the back, and slashes at the enemy when charging rapidly. With Chen Qing's comprehended use of space, it is like a tiger with wings added.

It's just that after randomly generating this skill this time, it snuffed out the next trace of luck in Chen Qing's heart.

Well... It seems that because of his special panel, he was directly judged as a magic swordsman by the system.

After thinking about it, even if I get a random chance again, it should be the skill of the magic swordsman...

In desperation, Chen Qing could only accept this fact. It seems that the career transfer direction of future fighters should be relatively moderate magic swordsmen.


Suddenly a huge mechanical start-up sound resounded through the heaven and earth, Chen Qing, Russell and the others were taken aback, and raised their heads to look towards the sky.

This is…

After seeing something in the sky, Chen Qing's pupils shrank violently!

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