Originally, Chen Qing thought that the mild magic power perception was useless, but it helped Chen Qing a lot on the battlefield.

Now the battlefield is a mess of various energy and magic elements, but Chen Qing's mild magic perception allows him to sort out where the magic elements are stronger and where the energy concentration is higher.

Although it was a bit vague, Chen Qing still had a picture of the distribution of the battlefield in Mok Town in his mind.

It is equivalent to a small radar that is not very advanced.

With the guidance of a mild magic perception, Chen Qing easily found a place where the magic element is not very strong, but the energy concentration is moderate.

This kind of area also means that the battles that broke out are not the strongest, and the power of the Tucker civilization is inferior in this area, but it will not be too inferior.

It is very in line with Chen Qing's psychological expectations.

Because they all lived in the small town of Mork, Chen Qing and the others were familiar with the terrain, and they successfully avoided the area where the battle was intensive.

These areas are not yet available for their level to participate in!

During the journey, Chen Qing was surprised to find that Russell and Desna also had the ability to perceive light magic, and even had a higher level of energy and magic perception than Chen Qing.

The two soon understood Chen Qing's intentions, and were more able to cooperate with Chen Qing's progress.

Chen Qing sighed inwardly. It can be seen from this small detail that although Du Hua's talent is also at the cosmic level, it is inferior to Russell and Desna.

Sure enough, his future achievements can be seen from his youth!

Throwing away these thoughts, Chen Qing brought a few people to the area he perceived very quickly.

Coincidentally, this area was originally the place where Aguer taught Chen Qing and others, but now the classroom has already been turned into ruins.

Chen Qing looked around and saw that there were about a hundred magicians in the Tak civilization defending against the attack of the mechanical soldiers of the Liko tribe.

The intensity of artillery attacks is obviously higher than that of magical attacks. In this case, most of the magicians of the Tucker civilization chose to defend.

Eggshell-like magic shields stood in front of the magicians of the Tak civilization.

Chen Qing squinted his eyes. There were about 150-180 soldiers of the Liko tribe on the opposite side, half more than the magicians of the Tucker civilization.

Under such circumstances, it was still very dangerous for Chen Qing's team. If these Liko soldiers sent out a team of more than 30 people to attack Chen Qing and others, they would absolutely be unstoppable.

You have to rely on the power of the Tucker civilization magician to have a chance of winning!

At this moment, a group of Liko soldiers noticed Chen Qing and the others and flew towards Chen Qing and the others.

"Child, run!" A magician about 30 years old saw this scene, his complexion changed, and he shouted at Chen Qing and others.

He couldn't help but feel anxious, this area is at a disadvantage, and the Liko tribe has enough combat power to free up their hands to kill the residents.

Some residents had already been massacred before, but I didn't expect that a few more children appeared out of nowhere, which made the magician feel a strong sense of powerlessness!

He could already foresee that these children who were less than ten years old were buried under the guns of the Liko tribe.

A race war is not a national war. For the residents of other races, the invaders will not show the slightest kindness, and they will not be merciless in killing them, nor will they have any psychological burden.

Chen Qing also saw this group of Liko soldiers flying towards him and others. He counted them. This is a standard 12-man team, and there are no particularly powerful soldiers in it, basically 20 soldiers. - Level 30 range, even the elite monsters of the Liko tribe who lead the team are only level 40.

I was secretly happy in my heart, it was indeed a weak team that came, and there was really no need to send a stronger team to kill civilians.

This is basically the weakest configuration of the Liko tribe. Chen Qing compared the strength of the two sides.

Gotta fight!

There is no problem fighting the captain and 2-3 soldiers by himself, but for the other soldiers, Chen Qing does not believe that Russell and others will not have the strength to crush them at the same level after receiving Wanteng's training. Soldiers are just the most common mobs in this level.

As for the Russell level, at this stage, it is basically measured according to the elite template in the same level. It is no problem for one person to fight two soldiers of the Lico tribe, although Desna and Du Hua are even estimated to be suppressed by the level. But there was also Lei Ming, who had more combat experience and level than the others. According to Chen Qing's estimation, Lei Ming's combat strength was just enough to fight four Liko soldiers by himself.

This was Chen Qing's calculation that several magicians participated in life-and-death battles for the first time. They had no experience and could only display about 60% of their combat power.

Chen Qing put his hands behind his back and gestured towards several people.

As a result, Chen Qing and others turned around and ran away as if they were frightened by the Liko soldiers.

This is the gesture Chen Qing told several people on the way here.

Damn it!

Pull the monsters out to fight, otherwise, as soon as I contact this team and explode into combat effectiveness, other Liko soldiers will rush to help and it will be over.

It must be ensured that this Liko team is far enough away from the main force, so that Chen Qing and others have plenty of time to kill them.

Seeing Chen Qing and others turning their heads and running away, the Liko soldiers were not surprised.

It is right to run, it would be strange not to run!

The Liko soldiers had long been used to this, so they chased after Chen Qing and the others without thinking too much.

The distance between the two sides is rapidly narrowing.

In order to make the acting more realistic, Chen Qing even ran at the speed of a normal ten-year-old child.

Naturally, they were quickly overtaken by the soldiers of the Liko tribe!

But it doesn't matter, this distance is just within the calculation range of Chen Qing.

Just as energy was accumulating in the gun barrel of one of the Liko soldiers, Chen Qing suddenly turned around and shouted:


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