Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1367: Goguryeo's plot

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The current Sima Yi is still in the Wei state, but now he is officially out of the mountain, and he doesn't want to wait any longer. If he waits, then perhaps there is only this destruction.

He was actually very clear about this, he didn't want to perish anyway, and even if he encountered difficult things, he would definitely have to find a way to overcome it.

Many things in themselves feel that there are some headaches. If you continue to do this, there may be big problems.

If these problems can't be solved in time, they will probably drag them bigger and bigger, and in the end they will expand into a problem that they can't solve at all.

Now the Sima family actually has a lot of power, and even now it is half of the Cao family.

Although he thinks about the size of his country, he can still be regarded as his territory anyway.

Now more and more officials are also fleeing. The most news he receives every day is probably that the official XX has escaped, but he doesn't care about these issues.

After all, everyone has everyone's ideas. If they think this place is not good, then they can naturally go, but this premise is that they can escape his palm.

The current Wei State actually has a lot of talents. Some of these talents are very loyal, but some are half-hearted. After all, not everyone is unconcerned.

If everyone has nothing to worry about, maybe there will not be so many traitors in the world. Instead of letting those people stay in the Wei state, it is better to let them go directly. , I still save a lot of things for myself, at least I don't need to clear those traitors.

Of course, he was able to say these things, in fact, it was more of a kind of comfort in his heart, because he knew that the current situation had become like this, and even if he wanted to change now, it would not be changed at all.

Now, with the development of time, there are more and more problems. In many cases, these problems will make people feel that there are some headaches.

If these problems really continue, it is estimated that more and more problems will occur. These are not major problems, after all.

The current Sima Yi also directly replaced Cao Pi and began to manage the palace. Although his current name is still the sovereign of the entire country, his actual power has been directly crushed to zero!

Even many members of the Cao family dare not stand up at all. If they say that once they stand up, they will definitely become the target of public criticism. Even if they want to get out, it will be very difficult to get out.

The current problems are just so many problems. If you want to solve them, they are not so simple things. So many people have different ideas.

Sometimes time is the best medicine, but now time is completely a poison for them, and now Qin Shuo doesn't seem to want to attack them anymore.

But there is a good saying, not afraid of thieves, but afraid of thieves. Now they have such a mood in their hearts. They are not afraid of Qin Shuo's move. What they are afraid of is that Qin Shuo will not make it now, and then wait for them to make it.

Many people now have a complicated feeling in their hearts, but everyone feels resentful towards Qin Shuo, no one will like him, after all, it is in such a situation.

Now Qin Shuo is already working towards Goguryeo. After all, he had delayed for so long before, and now he finally had a chance to rest, and he was completely able to deal with it.

But when Qin Shuo was about to move troops directly, the King of Goguryeo already knew about this, so he was directly sending envoys.

Someone must have told the King of Goguryeo about such a news, or he guessed it himself. After all, this incident is not difficult to see. Since he has defeated their sternness, then it must be now. To completely disintegrate them!

It has to be said that the players in Goguryeo are not very powerful. Even in such a small kingdom, it is not the players who are in power now, but the current aboriginal king is still in power.

Even now they are all in the period, so if you want to truly establish the player's status, there may still be a long time to go.

If they didn't provoke Qin Shuo, then according to Qin Shuo's temper, they should have been let go, but they provoke Qin Shuo now, so how far away they will die.

The current problem has also become more uncomfortable, especially for the current Goguryeo, if Qin Shuo wants to attack, then they will have no resistance at all.

Now Qin Shuo is also swift, sending troops directly to completely occupy the five cities in the north, which is simply effortless.

After all, they are also the most powerful navy. To develop the navy is to spend a lot of money, so they must also put a lot of money into the navy.

Although they have already thought of the vital issue of sea dominance, they must have never thought that Qin Shuo’s fleet is not known how much stronger than them, and now Qin Shuo’s side is also successfully developed. A battleship.

This time Qin Shuo directly killed all the envoys sent by the opposite party. Although the envoys on the opposite side were not too many, it was also a sign of a declaration of war.

This time the trouble itself was not caused by himself, but because the opponent was afraid of the strength of his country, he said that he took the initiative to attack.

The current self is just a counterattack, but this counterattack strategy is definitely to kill the opponent.

In the current Kuaiji Shipyard, Qin Shuo also dressed up lightly, but he didn't alarm anyone, nor did he want to alarm anyone.

This time, he can be regarded as sneaking here, in order to see how far it has developed, and he has not paid attention to it for a while.


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