Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1337: Yin Yang Theory

Some of the opinions put forward in the past are all constructive. This is a big change from Qin Shuo’s thinking. So if Qin Shuo has something to do, he will find him or Discussed with Zhuge Liang.

"I think it's better to ask Mr. Zhuge for this kind of question. After all, he and the current Sima Yi also learned from the same school, so I definitely know some Sima Yi better."

After hearing these words, Guo Jia also spoke directly, and he could see that he was quite familiar with Sima Yi.

After hearing this sentence, Qin Shuo also nodded. Before, he felt that this was a little inappropriate, but now he feels that this is the best way.

Zhuge Liang is still in the palace now. Although Zhuge Liang is not a prime minister, he can exercise the rights of a prime minister in many situations.

These powers were all given to him by Qin Shuo, because Qin Shuo also trusted him very much, and believed that he had such a kind of strength to hold such a position.

After all, Zhuge Liang's current situation is like this, and many things Qin Shuo don't understand will be the first to ask him, basically he can give a good explanation.

With the development of time, many things will become like this, but if you think about it, this is normal, at least it is more normal than other things.

At this time, Qin Shuo directly brought Zhuge Liang over to the residence. In fact, he had such an idea before, but he felt that there was something inappropriate.

Anyway, no matter what, only the right is the best. Zhuge Liang is indeed very suitable now.

"I feel that this matter is definitely not a simple matter that can be viewed separately. I don't know if the Lord knows the Yin and Yang family?"

After Zhuge Liang glanced at Qin Shuo, he asked.

"Naturally, I have heard of this name, but the Yin Yang family has already been perished?"

Qin Shuo had some doubts and asked.

"How powerful the Yin and Yang family was at the beginning. If they want to be destroyed, it is not that simple at all. Not only are they not perishing, but they are also living very well. There are also many yin and yang families here."

Zhuge Liang also shook his head at this time, it can be seen that he is also very clear about these things.

The Yinyang Family is actually a genre that prevailed from the end of the Warring States Period to the beginning of the Han Dynasty. The original founder was Zou Yan, a native of Qi.

The knowledge of the Yin-Yang family is called "Yin-Yang Theory", and its core content is "Yin-Yang Five Elements". This is actually a simple dialectic.

"Yin-Yang Theory" actually regards "yin" and "yang" as two kinds of coordinating forces that grow and fall within things, and thinks that it is the law of generation that nurtures the world and all things.

This kind of thinking is actually very similar to Taoism, so they can also be called part of Taoism, but now Taoism doesn't seem to recognize this kind of yin and yang. In the last years of the Han Dynasty, in fact, this kind of statement has completely disappeared. There are many reasons for this. In fact, the biggest reason is the power of Taoism.

Because of the power of Taoism, it is said that Yin and Yang school gradually returned to Taoism again, and gradually merged with Confucianism, as well as the doctrines of other schools of thought.

Of course, rather than saying this, it is actually better to say that the current yin and yang theory has been integrated into other theories, and it is not that other theories have been integrated into the yin and yang theory.

Therefore, the current orthodox yin and yang doctrines should have completely disappeared. The yin and yang doctrines that currently exist basically do not belong to the orthodox doctrines, but are created by the latter.

Just like Fusang’s Yin-Yang Dao, they actually created this by themselves, but they only slightly used the Yin-Yang theory, but it is not the orthodox Yin-Yang theory.

In Fusang, the theory of yin and yang combines applications such as divination, sacrifice, astronomy, calendar, etc. It can be used to explain things from the emperor's fate to the common people.

But in the traditional theory of yin and yang, these things are simply not available. These things were created by them.

So if you have a lot of mastery and can use the Yin and Yang Tao, the Japanese Yin and Yang family will also be called the Onmyoji.

Among all the onmyojis, Abe Seimei should be regarded as a very powerful onmyoji, otherwise he would not be the national teacher of Fuso now.

"Actually, I haven't met Abe Seimei before, but I have met his grandson, but I feel that his grandson is not so powerful."

Qin Shuo also had some doubts after hearing this sentence, and then he said directly.

"His grandson is completely different from him. Although his grandson is considered to be better, his son is also better, and he is the strongest among all Yin and Yang families. That’s why we can’t underestimate him.”

Zhuge Liang shook his head and said.

It can be seen that he also has some fear for that Abe Seimei, but it is more of a special feeling than fear.

On the one hand, he is very disdainful of this kind of onmyoji, and on the other hand, he has some admiration for this kind of onmyoji.

When he was young, he was "fascinated" by Yin-Yang Dao, but then he gradually realized that this Yin-Yang Dao would not bring them any benefits at all, but almost led him astray. So he changed it in time.

However, Sima Yi seemed to have always been very obsessed with this Yin-Yang Dao, so even if he knew its harm, Sima Yi never changed his practice.

The current Sima Yi should be able to surpass Zhuge Liang in this respect, and this is the only one that can surpass Zhuge Liang in all his things.

So Zhuge Liang now understands these issues very clearly. Although he doesn't attach too much importance to Sima Yi, he doesn't want Sima Yi to succeed.

In fact, it's not just the peers who are enemies. Sometimes when they are the same, they are also enemies.

Their contradiction itself is very deep, not only because of that one thing or because of other things, anyway, it is because these kinds of things are superimposed that he can feel those situations.

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