Looking at the time, I found that Han Yarou sent me this message at 7 o'clock in the evening, after the Skeleton King BOSS was defeated!

At that time, Zhang Yi was slaughtering players in the King's World, no wonder he didn't notice the message.

And now the time is already past ten o'clock!

I didn't want to care about her anymore, and after hesitating for a while, Zhang Yi still sent a message back:"Where are you?"

"Ding Dong~"

Soon, Han Yarou replied to the message, as if she had been waiting on the message interface all the time.

"I'm at the Hope Hotel, 302."

Zhang Yi was stunned for a moment: Is the room ready yet?

So, after dinner, Zhang Yi got up and left the restaurant and came to the Hope Hotel in the town.


Just after knocking on the door, it opened soon and a beautiful figure ran out of the room.

Then, Zhang Yi felt a warm and soft feeling, mixed with a faint girl's body fragrance, and fell into his arms. And this smell made Zhang Yi feel familiar.

"Zhang Yi, please don't abandon me again……"

Zhang Yi's heart was shocked, but he pushed Han Yarou away mercilessly.

"Don't do this……"

Han Yarou looked at Zhang Yi with tears in her eyes and said,"I have nothing left. I have nothing left!"

As if realizing something, Zhang Yi looked at the empty room behind Han Yarou and asked,"Where are Haozi and your brother?"

Han Yarou just cried but didn't say anything.

Zhang Yi understood that when Guan Hao and Han Feng were killed by Liu Xing in the afternoon, they had no chance of resurrection!

He didn't think too much before because Zhang Yi thought they would definitely have a chance to revive and could be resurrected even if they were killed.

Zhang Yi really didn't expect that Guan Hao and Han Feng had rushed into the encirclement of the King's World to support him without a chance of resurrection!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi's eyes were wet and he didn't know what kind of feeling it was.

It seems that Liu Xing is also dead. Of the three brothers in Taoyuan, only Zhang Yi is left.

Zhang Yi felt a little regretful because it was him who killed Guan Hao and Han Feng.

But in fact, even if there was no Zhang Yi, according to the historical development of the previous life, what should come would still come, because the root of the matter was Liu Xing's betrayal.

Without what happened today in the City of the Dead, Liu Xing would have been killed by Guan Hao and Han Feng because of other people's betrayal.

Zhang Yi has been pushing the historical progress of this life, making this happen faster.

Han Yarou cried and said,"Zhang Yi, I only have you.……"

Han Yarou helplessly approached Zhang Yi and embraced him again. This time, Zhang Yi did not push Han Yarou away.

When Han Yarou had cried enough, she let go of Zhang Yi.

""Why didn't you want me three years ago?" Han Yarou said to Zhang Yi with tears in her beautiful eyes.

Zhang Yi was silent for a moment, and before he could speak, Han Yarou continued,"It's my dad, right?"

Zhang Yi was stunned for a moment:"Yarou……"

"I knew it!" Han Yarou said,"It must be my dad who found you, otherwise, you would not be so cruel to leave me!"

Indeed, Zhang Yi left without saying goodbye three years ago because Han Yarou's father, the chairman of the well-known domestic company [Han's Enterprise], once found Zhang Yi privately and offered 1 million to let Zhang Yi leave his daughter Han Yarou.

Because in the eyes of Han Yarou's father, Zhang Yi, an orphan without any background, was not worthy of his daughter.

Zhang Yi certainly also had self-knowledge, because when he was with Han Yarou at the beginning, he didn't know that Han Yarou's family was so wealthy. By the time he found out, he had already fallen deeply in love with Han Yarou.

So later, Zhang Yi agreed to Han Yarou's father, hardened his heart, and left Han Yarou, as well as Guan Hao and others, silently.

However, Zhang Yi did not accept the 1 million given by Han Yarou's father, although he couldn't help regretting it every time he thought of it later...

Zhang Yi sighed:"It's over"

"But I still like you!" Han Yarou said:"You are the only person I have ever liked, Zhang Yi, I can't forget you!"

"You still like me, right?"

Han Yarou raised her head from Zhang Yi's arms, looked at Zhang Yi, and started crying again:"Zhang Yi, please don't leave me again, okay?"……"

Zhang Yi's heart was moved.

After all, Han Yarou was his first love.

But Zhang Yi restrained himself:"You are tired, I will help you go back to rest."

After that, Zhang Yi supported Han Yarou, who was so weak that she seemed to be blown away by a gust of wind, to the bedside and settled Han Yarou down. Just as he turned around and left, Han Yarou suddenly grabbed his arm.

Just as he turned around, Han Yarou's soft lips suddenly came close to him, hugged Zhang Yi with both hands, turned around, and threw Zhang Yi on the bed. Zhang

Yi, who was a little difficult to control himself for a while, couldn't help but reach out and gently touch Han Yarou's hair. He turned over and pressed Han Yarou's soft body under him...

When the morning sun shone into the room through the window.

Zhang Yi, who was sleeping soundly, woke up.

Opening his eyes, Zhang Yi found that he was the only one on the bed. His arm resting on another pillow next to him was a little numb, and his arms were full of the fragrance of a young girl.

Han Yarou was gone.

Zhang Yi quickly sat up from the bed, as if he realized something, and pulled back the quilt, only to see a touch of red on the white sheets...

Unexpectedly, Han Yarou was still a virgin!

So, after breaking up with Zhang Yi three years ago, Han Yarou really didn't have a boyfriend again!

Han Yarou's conditions were so good, there must be countless boys pursuing her, but they were all rejected by Han Yarou.

Just like Guan Hao and Liu Xing said before, Han Yarou's eyes and heart always have only one person���That was Zhang Yi.

Apart from Zhang Yi, there was no room for anyone else.

Zhang Yi swallowed deeply, looking at the empty pillow, and suddenly felt empty in his heart. He quickly opened the friend list and was about to send a message to Han Yarou to ask where she was, when Han Yarou sent a message.

"Sorry Zhang Yi, I promised not to bother you again, but I couldn't help it yesterday.……"

"Thank you for staying with me one last night. I am already very satisfied. I will never bother you again, let alone drag you down. Goodbye...never again."

Zhang Yi quickly edited a message and was about to send the four words"Where have you been?", but received a system prompt:"Ding~ The other party is not your friend yet, and private messages cannot be sent!"

Han Yarou deleted Zhang Yi as a friend!

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