The old man was so angry that he almost ignited the air.

Alita saw that the scumbag wanted to escape, so she chased him with her shoes in her hand!

You chase me and I run, we can't escape even if we have wings!

"You can't run away! Qi Kang! Explain yourself to me!"

At this time, an even more angry voice came: "What have you done, [Deceiver] Alita!"

The person who came was Smoker who chased him alone, and his anger almost ignited the air.

Although the water needles made by Qi Kang did not cause much damage, the number was really large. For his weak chicken subordinates, it was simply a disaster.

This time, he will have a headache for a long time for the medical expenses and clothing expenses! It is not known whether his subordinates will get the disease of "being afraid of rain" later.

His body turned into smoke and rushed towards Qi Kang!

The real Alrita hit the smoke that Smoker turned into with a stick and roared: "Open your dog eyes, I am the real Alrita! You stupid navy!"

Smoker didn't even look at this beauty, and a smoke tied Alrita.

When passing by, he left a look: Do you think I am stupid?

Alrita found that the slippery fruit couldn't bounce off the smoke, and saw the way Smoker looked at the fool, and she was so angry that she trembled all over.

Qi Kang, who had just run a few steps, turned back helplessly and said to Alrita: "Hey! Are you a fool? This is a natural fruit! Can't you hear me when I tell you to go?"

He estimated the chakra and clapped his hands.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique!"

Instantly, several tiny but hot fireballs burst out, and Smoker dodged them flexibly, but...

The target of the fire was not him in the first place, and the fireball melted the smoke shackles that bound Alrita.

"Ah! Asshole Qi Kang! You wait!"

Alrita screamed in pain, and her hatred for Qi Kang burned like this raging fire.

It took some time for Qi Kang to stop saving people, which also allowed Smoker to approach quickly.

As the distance between the two of them closed, Smoker took a deep breath of smoke and raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "[Deceiver] Alrita, you can't control the sea water on land, right?"

White Snake!

Instant Body Technique!

Shave + Smoke Lock!

Substitute Technique!

White Fist!

Water Array Wall!

After the two of them made a dazzling operation.

Qi Kang couldn't stand it anymore, and asked breathlessly: "Are you a dog? Smoker! Why are you always staring at me!"

Smoker's face was gloomy, and he responded coldly:

"Don't you like to be the last one? Catch you! They will definitely come back to save you! I will end your evil pirate group here!"

Qi Kang pointed at Tashigi who was pinned against the eaves by Zoro!

"It's not just me! Your little brother and Zoro are in love over there! Don't you care?"




At this time, Smoker looked at Tashigi, then at Zoro, with a gossipy look on his face.

"Three Swords Style·Tornado!"

After Zoro's attack, the scene changed to Qi Kang and Zoro running side by side!

Zoro: "You idiot fisherman! Why did you drag me along!"

Qiankang: "I've run out of mana, so you have to take it! Stop talking nonsense! Run! You lost swordsman, without me to lead the way! You might have run to the naval base!"

Smoker turned into a jet, with ten weapons in one hand and an iron fist in the other, his arms turned into smoke, and he attacked the two people from the left and right.

"Do you think you can escape?" he roared.

At this time, the voice of the real Alrita cut through the battlefield:

"Damn navy, stop it! Otherwise I will kill this guy!"

She held Tashigi's neck, with the big stick in her hand hanging, and the threat was obvious.

Smoker turned around after hearing the voice, and turned into white smoke and rushed towards Alrita.

"Stop it! What do you want to do to my deputy?"

At this time, Smoker was furious.

Qikang and Zoro also frowned.

Alrita's behavior was obviously forcing hatred! His fruit power can't escape Smoker at all!

Seeing this scene, Qi Kang stopped again and gritted his teeth!

Alrita, you are poisonous!

You are ruining my brother's relationship! You are making me feel guilty for the rest of my life!

What a vicious heart! What a vicious woman!

Qi Kang turned around and asked:

"Hey! You woman, I told you I won't do anything! What do you mean? Let go of that female navy!"

Alrita said lightly:

"I don't want to owe you a favor! Otherwise, I won't be able to crush you to death next time! Cool·D·Qi Kang!"

Alrita hasn't finished pretending yet,

A white smoke trapped him tightly, and the stick fell to the ground. It seemed that Smoker was going to strangle Alrita to death.

"Hey! Fisherman! Do you want to turn back?" Zoro said lightly.

Qi Kang did not answer, but pointed in a direction.

"Zoro, have you seen the location of the Merry!"

Zoro looked in the direction of his finger, but did not see Merry, but saw a bald man approaching quickly, which was Qi Kang's shadow clone.

As the clone turned into smoke, Qi Kang instantly replenished his blue, turned around and rushed towards Smoker.

Seeing this, Zoro also turned around and drew his knife: "Humph! I just want to try it, can I hit the smoke man now?"


At this time on the Merry.

Usopp anxiously reported the chaotic situation:

"Damn, why did Zoro and Qi Kang turn back again? What's going on?"

What the hell are these two doing?

Everyone was also anxious and puzzled. If they waited any longer, the navy would surround this place!

Luffy might have realized something. He suddenly raised his hands and shouted willfully:

"Boys! Go pick up Qikang and Zoro! Without them! I don't want to go out to sea!"

The idiot captain gave the order.

Sanji lit a cigarette silently. Although Nami was afraid, she still picked up the weather stick with a firm face, and Usopp trembled to set up the cannon.

When everyone was about to attack, a hurricane hit!

The strong wind blew Smoker away gently, and blew Qikang, Zoro and the companions who came to rescue people back steadily, and destroyed all the cannons at the coast.

Everything seemed to be fate, everything was God's will...

Smoker looked at the sky with a confused face.

A voice sounded beside his ear: "What reason is there to stop a man from going to sea? Smoker!"

Smoker did not dare to act rashly, and said lightly: "The government has always wanted your head."

The voice: "The world is waiting for our answer."


The Straw Hat escaped successfully.

Sanji took a puff of cigarette and said with an unhappy face: "You two bastards, what happened to the two ladies! What did you do to them?"

Nami pushed away Sanji, who had become unrecognizable because of jealousy, and cursed: "Hey! Zoro and Qi Kang, are you stupid? What happened in the end?"

Usopp weakly interrupted: "No one wants to express an opinion on Raiden and Feng?"

Zoro did not speak, and drank the wine calmly. This wine was sent by Dashiqi.

Qi Kang was nestled in his little nest, thinking about Luffy's father's wind, how much chakra he had to invest.

What a terrible man.

Qikang felt that if Luffy hadn't gone to save him, Luffy's father wouldn't necessarily care, and of course it was not ruled out that it was some kind of test for the two of them.

"Thanks! Luffy, I'm glad you're here."

Luffy didn't understand, and thought Qikang was thanking him for rescuing them, so he said happily:

"Me? You're welcome, because we are partners! You will save me too, right! Since we have successfully escaped, let's have a party! Haha!"

At this time, Nami raised her fist, as if on the verge of exploding.

"Bang!" ×4

Idiot Luffy, as well as Zoro and Qikang who ignored her, including the unrecognizable Sanji, each of the four people was hit by Nami's iconic "tyrant" attack.

Usopp, the only one who escaped this disaster, is now trembling in the corner!

"Dumb! Dumb!"

"Ah, ah! Let's have a party! Sanji!"


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