The two of them were eating together.

Xiluobu Village, restaurant.

"How about it? If you want to recruit people, I can do it too!" Usopp pointed at himself.

"I can be your captain!"

"No!" ×3.

"Hey! Zoro! Why don't you refuse!" Luffy pouted.

Zoro has developed a habit now.

Don't talk while eating, just eat quickly!

"Hey! Don't you think about it? Do you think I'm a coward?" Usopp asked.

Unfortunately, no one paid attention to it suddenly.

Because of Zoro's example, others also started to eat seriously.

"No! I think you are very brave. If it were me! If I met an enemy I couldn't defeat, I would run away decisively! But you stood up and boasted so much that even Luffy believed it."

Qiankang raised his head and replied seriously. To be fair, he really admired Usopp. He had led the Straw Hat Pirates out of danger many times.

However, after Qikang finished speaking, he looked at the empty plate and burst into anger!

"Idiot Luffy! This is my food!"

Qiankang also started to eat in silence.

Protect the food and stay away from Luffy!

It is yours only when it is in your stomach.

After hearing Qikang's words, Usopp put his hands on his waist and looked like he was so awesome!

"Humph! Even if you say that, I won't be happy!"

Suddenly Usopp looked at the watch.

"By the way! It's time! I'm still cooking whales at home! Goodbye everyone!"

After saying that, Usopp ran away.

"Woo! Goodbye! Usopp! Thank you for treating me to dinner! You are a good person!" Luffy, with his mouth full of oil, held out a fork and waved.

After eating and drinking, Luffy announced loudly: "Let's go! The eldest lady's house! Trade ships!"

Everyone stood up, but was stopped by the boss!

"Dear guests, you haven't paid yet!"

Luffy was stunned and asked in confusion: "Did Usopp forget to pay?"

The boss looked at him like a fool and wanted to say: You actually believe in a bragging king!

Helplessly, everyone looked at Nami!

"You still owe me money! Bastard!"

So, Nami took out a bucket from the treasure chest she carried with her...

Suddenly, golden light shone everywhere.

"This golden koi king is for you! The market price is 3 million Baileys, and you can pay the rest of the money as you see fit."

Nami looked at the boss with a money-grubbing look, ready to spend more time talking.

"What... When! No! Don't do it! Nami! Please!" Qi Kang panicked. How did Xiao Jin end up in Nami's hands!

"Luffy! Zoro! We agreed! Why don't you do it! Do you have money?" At this moment, Nami turned into a devil!

Upon hearing this, Luffy and Zoro held Qi Kang on the left and right and ran out!

"I'm sorry! Qi Kang!" ×2.

"Xiao Jin! How can I live without you!" Qi Kang screamed in pain! The sound gradually faded away.

Not long after, the three of them brought Qi Kang to a mansion.

Luffy and his men broke into the house without permission. Qi Kang took out his fishing rod and threw it out in anger.

Usopp was very surprised by the arrival of everyone!

At this time, a butler wearing glasses appeared after hearing the sound. After knowing the cause and effect, the butler angrily scolded Usopp.

The general meaning is: My lady is of noble status, and you are the son of a pirate, are you worthy?

Take the money and get out!

Usopp was furious.

Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west... Oops, this is a mess.

Under the instigation of the butler, Usopp couldn't help but punch the butler, and his image in Kaya's heart has been greatly reduced since then.

"Please leave! And friends over there, this is a private lake, no fishing is allowed." Kuro said coldly.

"Let's go! My friends! I've made a fool of myself."

Usopp's face was gloomy, and he left the scene angrily. After walking a few steps, he found that Luffy and the others didn't follow him. He turned around and saw that they didn't move.

"Hey! What are you doing! Let's talk about the boat later! Okay! I'll find a way."

Qi Kang, who was fishing, took out a yellowed wanted poster and slowly opened it.

"Does this person look familiar?"

Usopp looked at the portrait that appeared on the wanted poster and was stunned for a while.

"This... Isn't this the housekeeper Crabatel?"

Qi Kang looked at Clo with a smile on his face.

"Bai Ji Clo! The captain of the Black Cat Pirates... cunning, ruthless, and unscrupulous. He has killed the navy and massacred the village. It is even said that he has a homosexual relationship and is a pedophile. He doesn't even let the pigs in the village go."

After hearing this, Clo was expressionless.

, as if he was not talking about him.

Qi Kang was speechless: How good is his psychological quality, he didn't get angry?

Helplessly continued:

"It is said that he was arrested and executed by the navy three years ago, and the guy who executed him was the colonel of Shelzi Town-Monka."

"What a coincidence, Monka's hypnosis was accidentally broken by me! I also know that Captain Clo faked his death to escape!"

After Qi Kang finished speaking, he looked at Ke Ya!

"Three years ago!?" Ke Ya covered her mouth and seemed to be unbelievable.

"Impossible! Crabateer can't be this vicious pirate!"

Ke Ya looked at Ke Luo.

"Butler Crabateer! Tell me! This is not true!"

Three years ago! Is there really such a coincidence?

It was three years ago that the butler was attacked by pirates and came to Ke Ya's house.

In these three years of getting along, Ke Ya thought she knew the butler very well, conscientious, sunny and handsome!

Now they actually told me that this kind housekeeper is a pirate!

Is their love and concern for me all fake?

In response to Miss Kaya's questioning, Cloe was silent for a short time, and his glasses reflected the light, making it impossible to see his expression.

After a moment, he held up his glasses with a strange gesture.

"Usopp, there should be a limit to lying! Don't think that you can make up rumors just because you used your artistic cells to draw a picture of my bounty!"

"If you want to forge this kind of thing, I can do it at any time! Get out of the manor with your friends! This way I can let bygones be bygones."

Cloe cleared the relationship with a few words, and even turned the tables!

Cloe looked at Qi Kang jokingly, Usopp's character could not be cleared here.

This made Qi Kang not know how to refute for a while.

In addition to bragging, Usopp also has three good skills: drawing, shooting, and manufacturing!

Isn't this just being used, it's normal that this bounty is considered to be drawn.

Qi Kang was determined to do it.

His eyes turned into Sharingan, and his two magatama rotated at high speed, and the hypnotic eye ability was activated.

"Magic Naraku Vision Technique"

Kero is not Bellemer, and it is difficult for him to control this guy with Sharingan, so he chose an illusion that breaks people's defense.

"It's hypnosis!"

Kero's subordinate Zangao is also a hypnotist. He instantly realized Qi Kang's method.

Immediately keep your mind focused.

He said disdainfully: "You want to hypnotize me! Dream on!"

In the illusion space, Kero was being questioned by Kaya, Meili and others at this time. They discovered Kero's true identity.

This is what Kero fears the most.

And Kero sat on the lawn, constantly pushing his glasses, but sweat oozed from his forehead!

His psychological activities at this time were very intense.

"What's going on! How did I get discovered all of a sudden!"

"No! I was hypnotized just now!"

Even though Kero had seen a lot of storms, he was shocked by the real picture!

Compared with Zangao's hypnosis, this is something completely different.

"My dream is about to come true! How could my plan fail!"

"Fake! Fake! Break it!"

Kro's veins popped up! The powerful mental will directly caused the space to vibrate, but the NPCs around him who were constructed by illusions were completely unaware.

In reality, Qi Kang's forehead was sweating!

"Sure enough! He's still too weak!"

Qi Kang had expected it, but he was still shocked.

Kro broke free from the illusion with his will alone! Is this the strength of a great pirate?

The collision of two power systems! Sparks flew, and in the end, Qi Kang's strength was slightly inferior and he failed.


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