One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 114: Frequent Incidents

The news, of course, was inevitably spread.

Most of the forces in the new world have their own intelligence network, and soon, all the forces, large and small, knew about this matter!

"Big news! This time, I must be on the front line! I will record the battle between the king of the dark world and the big mom pirate group star in detail, and spread it! This must be the fall of Beumite More sensational news!"

World Economic News Morgans was the first to get the information, and set off immediately, sitting on a special hot air balloon, and drifting towards Moon Night Island!

Although he is a bird fruit capable person, he doesn't seem to be able to fly...


Doflamingo couldn't help laughing loudly: "Hey hey hey... If you just go to a general, it won't work! That fellow Quincy is very strong! However, with the character of that guy Quincy , it is impossible to let Snug go easily, when the time comes, things will become more interesting!! 咈咈咈..."

The other kings of the dark world also cast their gazes over. After learning the news, they also showed inexplicable expressions.

Have you offended your aunt Charlotte Lingling just after ascending to the throne? What a pity...

Stuci immediately passed the news to the world government, and then stood still.

As for Moon Night Island, martial law has already begun.

When it was known that the big pirate Charlotte Lingling was coming, the situation on the island, which had recovered a little, became chaotic again.

Countless people began to flee for their lives.

Compared with the previous civil war in deep ocean currents, he escaped completely.

But Yun Ye didn't care, those were just civilians, even if they stayed on the island, they wouldn't be able to play any role.

In addition, I have just settled in Moon Night Island,

On the contrary, none of the old fellows in Ai Lien ran away, saying that they were coming to help Yun Ye resist the Big Mom Pirates...

However, Yunye rejected it very speechlessly.

With your strength, don't trouble me.

Yun Ye waved his hands and said indifferently: "Master, you should go train your next generation, and you don't have to worry about the rest, I will take care of it."

After Yun Ye supported them to restore the country, Alion began to train the next generation, hoping that they could become the pillars of the country.

It can also be said that it is cultivating talents for Yun Ye.

Yun Ye supported them to restore the country, and at the same time was the master who protected the island, Ai Lien was still very grateful to Yun Ye.

Alion smiled wryly: "We old things can't help you, it's still really useless."

"This is a crisis, so why isn't it an opportunity? After I became the king, none of the other kings came to say hello. They waited and watched. After I solved this matter, I see if they dare How dare you ignore me." Yun Ye said lightly, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

Up to now, none of the kings of the dark world have contacted him.

They are waiting for themselves to come to the door in person!

Yun Ye could also guess the thoughts of these kings.

When I take the initiative to come to the door to propose cooperation, I will inevitably fall behind, which is a kind of bowing my head.

Is it possible for Yun Ye to do this?


After becoming the king, when he guessed Doflamingo's "conspiracy", Yun Ye didn't come to question him.

Taking the initiative means showing weakness!

It might be possible at other times, but not when Yun Ye is on the king's throne!

The first fire he entered into the new world burned enough to directly succeed a king of the dark world, but it was not enough, Yun Ye still needed to light the fire again, so that everyone in the dark world would know his strength!

In this way, they will recognize who should be respected in the dark world!

Alion is also an old fritter, so he naturally knows the truth. He said: "Although this is the case, the people of the Big Mom Pirates are not so easy to deal with."

Yun Ye said: "It's okay, it's just a general who came, I haven't paid attention to it yet."

After a pause, Yun Ye continued: "By the way, old man, is Charlotte Lingling fighting against the Whitebeard Pirates now?"

Yun Ye valued Alion's ability and asked him to be in charge of the intelligence network.

Alion used to be a legendary general in a country with top-notch combat ability, but he is not weak in other aspects and is qualified for this position. He nodded and said: "Yes, but now it should be just friction with the forces under his banner, and he has no relationship with Kaido. The red-haired two fought so fiercely. But a few days ago, Charlotte Lingling fought against White Beard, but the situation of the battle is unknown, no one knows."

Yun Ye said: "Do you know which sea area they clashed in?"

"The Wabel sea area is also a sea area where the two forces are adjacent to each other. We don't know the reason, so the fight started out of nowhere." Alion took down a lot of information and spoke directly.

Yun Ye nodded again, and wrote down the matter, and snorted coldly in his heart: 'Charlotte Lingling, do you think I'm another king of the dark world? If you dare to attack me, I will make you pay the price! '

The two exchanged a few more words, and Alion went down.

Now that the island is under martial law, he still has a lot of things to deal with.

'The manpower is still not enough. Ye Qi and the others don't know how they are developing. Now that they have their own territory, maybe it's time for them to go to the new world. '

"As for Germa..., Charlotte Lingling seems to value external forces very much, otherwise Germa's technology would not be favored, maybe it can be manipulated..."

Yun Ye was still sitting on his own throne after Ailion left, with various thoughts popping up in his mind, and a sneer from time to time, if someone saw it, he would definitely be horrified!


Ten days passed in a blink of an eye.

During this period of time, many important things happened.

The battle between Kaido and the red-haired two big pirates was decided. At the cost of destroying an island, the red-haired repelled the menacing Kaido, causing Kaido to suffer another defeat!

It was also this war that made everyone aware of the strength of the Red Hair Pirates!

Completely stabilized the position!

No one dares to underestimate the red-haired Shanks, a pirate who has climbed to the top step by step!

At this moment, some people began to refer to the four top pirates as "Four Emperors"!

Four emperors standing at the top of the sea!

On the other side, the friction between White Beard and Charlotte Lingling became more and more intense!

Even the generals and captains of both sides are gone!

Seeing that a great war is approaching, all major forces in the New World are panicking!

And it was at this time.

Snug's ship finally arrived in the Walit Sea area, and headed for Moonlight Island where the Wangxu Palace, the headquarters of the Quincy Division, is located!

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