"I, Celebrity Cloud, Destroy the Holy Land Today!"

The sound resounded all over the world, and the momentum was huge!

It was like a shocking thunder, exploding in everyone's ears.

Under the watchful eye of everyone, Qin Luo's expression was indifferent, and his figure was free and easy!

An invisible momentum erupted from Qin Luo's body, and its power was like a raging wind and tsunami, crushing towards the world.


He's like a god in heaven!

"Liuyun?'s name is Liuyun??"

"Who is this Liuyun? I have never heard of it before!"

"His power has long gone beyond the realm of man! I'm afraid he can't be called a human anymore! This is simply a god!"

"God, is it really God?"

A violent quarrel erupted in the Chambord Islands.

All the pirates were shocked by the appearance of this cloud!

What makes them mad the most is that the clouds are going up to destroy the Holy Land!

It's simply the ultimate dream of all pirates!

They used to be One Piece, and being One Piece is just the first step, and their ultimate goal is to overthrow the world government!

And the person who has never appeared, today, stands in the most eye-catching place in the world!

Declare the world!

He will destroy the Holy Land!!


"Liuyun!!I've become a big fan of yours!!"

"God!Is there a pirate group??Do the pirates still need people??I want to go in!!"

"Fuck you? With the same kind of force you are, can you still enter the god's pirate group? Even if you have a white beard, you may not be qualified!!"

"Damn! This is simply non-human! Dare to destroy in front of the five old stars and destroy the Holy Land! I am really not afraid of death!!"

"What do you know, wastes, since the Flowing Cloud God dares to challenge, he must have confidence! Destroy this holy land!"

"It's terrifying! It's beyond the limit!"

"Hehe, do you want to destroy the world government? Very good! The government is destroyed! The world is dominated by pirates!!"

"Think too much! The world will be destroyed! God will rule the world!"

"Is the world ending, or the pirates are reborn, this is an opportunity!"

All the pirates in the Chambord Islands were excited, and their blood was pumping, and they didn't dare to think of what they did!

The five old stars have never appeared in this history!

This is a precedent!

Liuyun is the originator of the precedent!

Headquarters of the Navy.

Looking at that indifferent and arrogant figure, the steel bones were empty and pale, the object of their protection, the world government!

And in front of the whole world!

Destroy the Holy Land!

This is simply a slap in the face of the Navy!

Slap the world government in the face!

"Damn, who the hell is this person!" The steel bones stared at the huge meteorite that was bright red above the holy land!

Such a huge meteorite is extremely dignified, and looking at the people below the holy land, it is like ants, incomparably small.

The Celestial Dragons in the Holy Land looked up at the sky completely obscured by meteorites, which were as vast as the sun, shining brightly and fiery!

As far as the eye can see, the boulder is not visible at all, and the top of the head is completely covered by meteorites!

The sun, the sky, and everything are overwhelmed by the astonishing sheer size of the meteorite!

With this thousand-meter meteorite falling, I am afraid that there will be no more world government!

A heavy sense of depression erupted violently, and deep despair rose in their eyes!

Only now do they realize how small they are! Vulnerable to natural disasters!

Inside the Holy Land, the wind howls, the earth shakes, and the meteorite falls!

The earth cracked, and the vicious and rough cracks quickly appeared, which were torn apart by the tremendous crushing force of the meteorite.

All the Celestial Dragons trembled, and fell to their knees trembling.

There are even the faint ones, who have long been scared to pee their pants!


The meteorite violently oscillated.

The world government collapsed under this invisible crushing momentum!

The world government, under the watchful eye of the public, was completely crushed and crushed!




The Celestial Dragons in the Holy Land were slammed to the ground by the huge crushing momentum, and they had no power to resist.

The force of the impact rushed into their bodies domineeringly, as if they had been slapped by someone.

All the Celestial Dragons were without exception, all the seven orifices were bleeding, and their faces were hideous!

"Damn it! Protect the Draconians!"

One of the five old stars standing in the void had a face full of anger and yelled at the other four!

"I'll go!"

A bald head withdrew his hands, and then the figure disappeared, and in an instant, all the Heavenly Dragons who were originally in chaos in the Holy Land gathered in a wide area under the Holy Land.

When the Celestial Dragon Man saw this person, he immediately shouted angrily: "Bastard! I'm only here now! Do you know that Ben Sheng almost died!!"

"Damn it! What are you five going to eat! The Draconians are dead! Don't even want to live!!"

"Let's die!!"

All the Draconians are crazy, there is no way.

The meteorite that covered the sky and the sun, it was difficult for them to breathe, just the momentum, it almost killed them, so if it really fell and smashed down, it was not thorough to die?

Being insulted like this, the bald old man did not get angry, but said with a flat face: "Don't worry, I won't let you die!

It's just that there is some indifference in this tone, it's not that the bald old man wants to save them, but he has to save them!

"What are you doing then? My people are dead! You're going to pay half of the responsibility!"

"Yes, you don't want to live even if you're dead!!"

All the Celestial Dragons' eyes were red, and they had obviously been driven to the point of exhaustion!

The bald old man was speechless, and then raised his hands, and a terrifying energy fluctuation erupted from the palms, and in the end, this energy directly enveloped all the Tianlong people, and everything outside seemed to be completely isolated.

"Huh, this old man still has some skills! I don't feel the slightest oppression!"

"Yes! Fortunately, this bald head knows how to save people, and the other four damned old men, if Ben Sheng does not die, they will definitely make them pay!" In his heart, the Celestial Dragon people are the most noble, even the highest power in the world, the five old stars, must listen to their orders!

And the great enemy is current, the selfish Tianlong people only want five old men to protect them, one, it's not enough at all!

"Terror !!!"

The empty fingers of the steel bones trembled, and even he, in the face of such a vast and majestic meteorite, couldn't help but feel a sense of despair in his heart.

If you are hit by this meteorite, even if you don't die, I'm afraid you will have to pay a heavy price!

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