When Qin Luo heard this, his eyes widened directly, the overlord of the sea was already awesome enough, but he didn't expect that the skill attached to this was even more against the sky!!

"The last question, when Poseidon the king of the sea appears, who is the master?


"In this way, Poseidon the king of the sea loses its effect, right?"

"Not really, as long as it is not summoned at the same time, there will be no conflict, if the host is summoned at the same time, the Sea King is also summoning, then the Sea King will listen to the host, and even, the host can even be summoned by the Sea King!"

"Damn, such a dick?" Qin Luo was dumbfounded, this system was too fucking powerful.

"Aquaman is the future White Star, and White Star is the mermaid clan, so does it mean that the mermaid and the mermaid will obey my orders?"

"Host, only Shirahoshi can, and the other members of Fish-Man Island, won't listen to you. "


Qin Luo listened to the system's narration and felt a little lost, but this loss was only a moment's effort, and then he was resurrected with full blood.

"Forget it, since the mermaid chicks don't listen to me, this is also an alternative to increase the difficulty, but this is more interesting. "


"Host, do you want to redeem?"

"Redeem, what's the use of saving if you don't exchange it?" Qin Luo directly waved his hand, it was very generous, there was no way, Roger was simply a 487 fortune boy, twelve devil fruits, this was enough for Qin Luo to exchange several times to the full level!

"Ding, the exchange is in progress, the exchange is successful!Spend 3,600 points!The overlord of the sea is at full level!The host can control the ocean at any time, calling for wind and rain!Dispatch troops!"

"Beautiful!" Qin Luo snapped his fingers, and the whole person became excited, completely ignoring the number of consumption points!

"Didi, I found that a certain element can be upgraded to the full level, is it improved?"

"What's it this time again?"

"Full level of flesh!"

"Full level of physical body?"

Hearing this, Qin Luo raised his head and thought about it, it doesn't matter if this physical body is full or not, anyway, he has repulsion, as long as Qin Luo is willing, no one can get close.

"What can this flesh body do at full level?" Qin Luo thought for a moment, but still asked.

"Ding, the flesh is full level, first: you can resist any attack, no matter how strong the enemy is, no matter how many knives you cut the host, you will not feel the slightest pain, even if you go up the knife mountain, get off the oil pot, jump off the empty island, and fall to the ground, you will not feel any pain!"

"Is this pain a paralyzing nerve?"

"No, it's that your physical defense (affg) is ridiculously strong, and these attacks only give you a slight and almost negligible feeling. "

", no, won't I be unhappy in the future?" Qin Luo immediately came up with this idea.

"Well, this won't affect the host's pleasure!"

"That's okay....."Qin Luo relaxed slightly, and then asked, "Except for this ability, there is nothing else?"

"Yes! After the physical body is fully leveled, you can also control the pain. "

"Control the pain, how to the pain" Qin Luomeng, this system is too good!

"To put it simply, as long as the enemy cuts at you, you can completely transfer the damage of this knife to other people, the attribute is a bit similar to fighting cattle across the mountain, but it is far beyond fighting cattle across the mountain, completely rebounding, who you want to fight, it all depends on the host's will!"


Qin Luo smacked his tongue!

It turns out that the full level of the flesh can still be operated like this? It's just 6666!

"Anything else?"


The conscience of heaven and earth, Qin Luo definitely said casually, these two things alone were enough to make Qin Luo invincible, so he didn't think that there were other operations at the full level of the flesh!

"The host can also completely change its body, for example, if you want to be bigger, you can get bigger, if you want to be smaller, you can be smaller, it's ridiculously strong!"


Hearing this, Qin Luo almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

Nima, according to that, wouldn't he be able to put this ability on his own.... The bigger and longer it gets, the happier the girls are!!

Wha! Artifact! Artifact!!

Although Qin Luo felt that he was not small, he could manipulate the length and size at will, which was fucking fun!!

"Anything else?"

"There is !!"

"What else?"

At this moment, Qin Luo completely looks like he has seen a ghost, damn it, this flesh is too rebellious!

"The flesh is invincible, the shadow that appears from above your flesh!


Qin Luo was overjoyed.

It can be said that the full level of the physical body has raised all the sub-attributes on his body to the peak.

All in all, there are four sub-attributes of the full level of the flesh body!

"First: Completely ignore any attacks!" (not immune to pain, but because the protagonist's physical body is too strong, and the enemy's damage is too weak, and there is no power at all!)"

"Second: You can completely transfer the enemy's attack to others!

"Third: change the size of your body at will!"

"Fourth: Shadow is invincible!"

It can only be said that the full level of the flesh is really too strong!

I thought that it was useless to be full of flesh, but who knew that it was my short-sightedness!

"Has the host increased the full level of flesh?"


"Ding!Upgrade successfully!Flesh full level!Unlock four sub-attributes!Spend 7000 points!Remaining points: 0 points!"

"What the hell?"

Qin Luo, who was in the middle of the beauty, suddenly widened his eyes, looking at the mysterious numbers on the system interface, he was dumbfounded!

"Hey, system! You came out, did you secretly deduct labor points?"

For Qin Luo, this point is simply life, he has only improved to two full levels, and it cost him 10,600 points!

When the system was upgraded, Qin Luo fell asleep, and took this opportunity Qin Luo extorted a sum of money from the system, extorting five hundred points, although it was not much, but this was also a point, and after exchanging all the Devil Fruits, he obtained another 10,100 points, a total of 10,600 points???

Qin Luo really couldn't believe such a result.

"System!You give Lao Tzu out!!"


"Say, are you deducting my points?"

"Nope. "

"Then last time I increased my repulsion, I only used 1800 points, this time I only improved twice, why did it cost me 10600 points?"

Qin Luo was like an aunt in the vegetable market, arguing fiercely with the system.

"Every time the host is upgraded to a full level, the points will almost increase exponentially, for example, the first time you use 1800 points, the next time you redeem it, the points will be around 3600 points, and the next time, it will be around 7200 points!"

"Is it such a pit?" Qin Luo stayed where he was, and it took a long time for such a word to pop up. _

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