One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 421 Fisher Tiger, the owner of the magic sword

At the dinner, Iron Hammer sat alone and tasted the food. His color radar was fully activated. While eating, he felt that Smoker and Sanji were being beaten.

Seeing that the two of them couldn't even touch the corners of Jaka and Bell's clothes, Iron Hammer suddenly felt that the training he had arranged for them was too easy.

Forget it Sanji, he is still young after all.

But what happened to Smoker? He was obviously about the same age as Gaka and Bell, so why was he beaten so badly?

Smoker: I'm afraid you forgot that I still have the Sea Tower Stone with me!

Hammer: Sea Tower Stone? Doesn’t that just limit capabilities? What does your training have to do with it?

Smoker: .....I...

Looking at the dinner again, kings from surrounding countries continued to come. I have to say that Alabasta is indeed a superpower.

"Polo, wave, wave, wave..."

Suddenly, the phone on Tie Hammer rang. He thought it was because his subordinates had found some good ore, but unexpectedly, when he answered the phone, it was not the case.

"Hey, Hammer, are you in Alabasta now?"

"Huh? Lance, what's wrong?"

"According to intelligence, there is currently a murderous maniac in the Great Continent. If you see him, pay attention."

"Murderer? What's going on?"

"Well, he's a red-skinned fish-man. He kills people and then leaves, but most of the people he kills are pirates and criminals. I just got the news and called the Warhammer. Tina told me that you went to Aru Bana.”

A red-skinned murloc?

Iron Hammer couldn't help but start searching through his memory, and soon he found the target person, no, the fishman.

Fischer Tiger...but how did he become a murderer?

Is this wrong?

"Lance, is he really a fish-man?"

"Well, the most important thing is that he had a knife in his hand."

A knife and a hammer suddenly made his eyebrows jump. It couldn't be the one he thought.

"Hong Ming..."

Cao, really, how could he get Hong Ming.

"Damn it, how did he get it!"

"Where is he now?"

Iron Hammer is well aware of the dangers of Hong Ming. If an ordinary person gets such a magic knife, he will turn into a demon, let alone a strong murloc.

"I don't know. I only know that he should be on the Grand Line. After all, he is only one person, and his whereabouts are very difficult to confirm."

Iron Hammer's heart sank, what a worst-case scenario.

The sea is so big, want to find a fishman? This is harder than climbing to the sky. After all, if you want to escape, you can just jump into the sea.

"Does the headquarters know about this?"

"I know, I was told by the headquarters to inform you. I want to ask you if there is any way to track it. After all, although the other party has not killed civilians yet, you know the situation of Demon Sword Hongming. If he starts to take action, then The consequences are huge.”

The hammer was silent once again, and the magic knife Hongming was obtained by a fishman. This was the worst of bad situations.

"I understand. I'm going to call Warring States now. If this matter isn't handled well, it will really have a big impact."

"Okay, then I'll wait for your news."

After hanging up the phone with Lance, Iron Hammer walked straight out of the banquet hall.

Looking at the moon in the sky, Iron Hammer dialed the phone bug and called the Warring States Period.

"Hey, old man from the Warring States period, it's me."

"I already know the situation of the magic knife, but I don't have any good way to track him. After all, it's just a knife and a person."

"But since the other party is a fish-man, can you put pressure on Fish-Man Island and let them communicate?"

"Is that so...Then we can only keep an eye on him and block him as soon as possible."

After hanging up the phone, Iron Hammer looked serious.

Damn it, how can a free fishman pursue this?

The old man from the Warring States period just said on the phone that there is not much contact between Fishman Island and the Navy. Unless he visits in person, it will be difficult to get help from the other party.

Visit Fishman Island in person?

When he thought of the 10,000-meter seabed, Iron Hammer felt numb. He had claustrophobia, deep-sea phobia, and the tendency to die suddenly if he left the ground.

He must not go down. Once he goes down, if the membrane breaks, he will be gone.

And regarding Fischer Tiger, the Hammer thinks he still knows.

This is an adventurer who originally loved freedom, but was caught by human traffickers and turned into a slave.

In the end, he climbed up the Red Earth Continent with his bare hands and freed a bunch of slaves. It was a heroic moment.

No matter how he got Hong Ming, at least for now, Hong Ming has not caused any greater killings in his hands.

After all, what Fisher Tiger hates in his heart is the world government and those human traffickers.

As for killing pirates, let alone killing them. Is it completely out of anger?

And such wanton killing should be to make Hong Ming drink blood...

Hey, trouble, how could such a sword be made back then?

Just when Iron Hammer looked at the moonlight and was irritated, little did he know that on the Long Chain Island of the Grand Line, the Fisher Tiger he was talking about slaughtered a group of pirates again.

The blade of Hongming's blade shone with a strange red light, dyeing Fisher Tiger red.

Oh, he was originally red.

"Hahahaha, come on, come on! I feel like my power is about to return!"

"When that happens, no matter what you want to do, you will be successful!"

"Hahahaha...well...this breath..."

Hong Ming, who was frantically sucking blood, suddenly let out a sigh.

He felt a sword energy, no, it should be said to be sword pressure, the pressure from the sword itself.

Just like Hongming, he can use his own magic to exert pressure.

This sword pressure is very domineering and full of fighting spirit.

Fisher Tiger also discovered this breath, and the reason why he could detect it was entirely thanks to the magic knife Hongming.

As the owner of the magic knife, the magic knife can feel it, and he can feel it as well.

"Isn't the distance very far..."

"There are sounds of fighting..."

"Go and have a look!"

Fisher Tiger made a decision quickly, and dived into the sea and swam towards the breath.

The speed of the fish man in the sea is very fast, and he soon arrived at the place where the two sides fought.

I saw a golden figure fighting with people on a pirate ship.

The majestic sword intent came from him.

"One-handed sword Sibek, your sword intent is not solid enough."

"The so-called swordsman realm is just so-so!"

A very sarcastic voice slowly sounded, accompanied by a golden slash and soaring into the air.

Pirate One-handed Sword Sibek, bounty of 110 million.

And his opponent was Tangka of G88 branch.

Bai Zhan defeated the opponent with absolute suppression in Tangka's hands.

"Damn... you bastard navy! You destroyed my ship!"

The golden slash directly split the huge pirate ship into two, and Sbek's face suddenly turned black.

But he couldn't move, because the slash just now had already injured him. At this time, he could only vent his impotent rage.



The new book [I am not a human being, cholera the entire ninja world] has been released. The Naruto I wrote before was a little insufficient, so I learned from the lesson and wrote a new one. It is currently updated steadily. Friends who support me are welcome to read it.

I ask for likes every day, write a paragraph review, and if possible, give a five-star praise.

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