One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 410 Tiechui, you are not a Celestial Dragon, are you?

Holy Land Mary Joa.

As luxurious as ever.

"I haven't been here for a long time. I wonder what happened to my palace?"

"Old Kong, tell me later, should we go take a look?"

Iron Hammer and Old Kong passed the gatekeeper and slowly walked into the Holy Land. Looking at the luxurious buildings around them, Iron Hammer couldn't help but joked.

"Come on, forget it. You're not suitable for this place. You should go back to your G88 branch to forge iron."

"By the way, because you've been missing for three years, the entire Holy Land is now scrambling for the various auction items you left behind."

"No, not just the Holy Land, but also the sea."

Anything created by a famous artist is always the most valuable after death.

This is the same no matter where you are.

Unfortunately, he, Tie, is not dead! ! ! !

"Let's go, let's go directly to Pangu City."

"I have notified the Five Elders in advance."



Pangu City.

The Five Elders have already taken their seats, waiting for Iron Hammer and Kong to arrive.

"Iron Hammer is back this time. Do you think we should keep him in Mary Geoise?"

"I don't want to be scolded by Lord Yimu again."

Shepard ten Peter touched his yellow hair, a trace of fear on his face.

Although they are the supreme five elders, what are they in front of that person? It's nothing!

"Let's not do it. Lord Yimu's idea is to let Iron Hammer grow to a state of true awakening."

"He has taken that step now."

"It is written in the battle report of Beehive Island that Iron Hammer is forged in the battlefield above Beehive Island."

"This has already shown signs of Tianchuang."

When Topman Wouchuri Saint spoke, his beard bounced, which was quite funny.

But his words caused several people to nod repeatedly.

Just as they were chatting, the guard outside the door suddenly came in to report.

"Master Five Elders, Marshal Kong and Lieutenant General Tiechui are here."

"Yes, let them in."


As Kong and Tiechui walked into the conference room.

The Five Elders all looked at Tiechui, ignoring the Navy Marshal beside them.

"Master Five Elders, the battle records of Beehive Island have all been submitted."

"This battle was a very significant victory for the Navy. For this, I think I can retire gloriously."

"Can the application for Zhan Guo to take over as Marshal be approved?"

Old Kong also found that the Five Elders' attention was all on Tiechui. Although he knew that the Five Elders had taken a fancy to Tiechui, was this a bit exaggerated?

But he came here with a mission this time, so he still had to ask the Five Elders for instructions.

"Well... Sengoku's succession is a foregone conclusion, and the Navy has won a comprehensive victory."

"It is indeed a good opportunity, you can arrange it yourself."

"But, Kong, don't forget that although you resigned as the Navy Admiral, the position of the Three Armies Marshal is still waiting for you."

Topman Vochuli Saint retracted his gaze from the hammer and said very coldly.

Ganggu Kong has been dealing with the Five Elders for half his life, and of course he knows their tempers and doesn't care about his cold tone at all.

On the contrary, he was very satisfied to hear that the Five Elders finally agreed to the replacement of the Navy Admiral.

"However, although the Navy has won a victory, don't relax too much. The sea has become more and more uneasy recently."

"The sea needs to be calm, do you understand what I mean, Kong?"

"Pay more attention to the affairs of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and use pirates to check pirates. It seems to be successful at present."

Jaigolucia Satan Saint suddenly spoke, and he looked very cold while leaning on a cane.

"Well, I know that the matter of the Seven Warlords of the Sea was handed over to Vice Admiral Iron Hammer before."

"He will continue to follow up in the future."

Old man Kong is so cunning that he will not face the difficulties of the Five Elders and directly transfer the fire to Iron Hammer.

Iron Hammer, who was wearing a mask on the side, almost couldn't help kicking Old man Kong.

He had gained the collective attention of the Five Elders as soon as he entered the door. He finally recovered, but now he was pushed out again.

"Ah, yes, I will continue to be responsible for the affairs of the Seven Warlords of the Sea and fill the remaining vacancies as soon as possible."

Seeing Iron Hammer speak, the eyes of the Five Elders all turned to him again.

"Vice Admiral Iron Hammer, in order to deal with the Red Earl, he ended up missing for three years. He just returned recently and helped the Navy win a big victory."

"Really good, take the award."

Izambaron V. Nasujuro held the first generation of Kitetsu and spoke slowly.

His words were recognized by the others.

"I heard that you forged a famous sword on Beehive Island? Hundred Battles?"

If you ask what Izambaron V. Nasujuro is most interested in, it must be famous swords.

After all, he is a great swordsman. He has the first generation of Kitetsu and wants to compete with any famous sword, or even cut it off.

"Well, Izambaron V. Nasujuro is interested?"

"Yes, I hope to compete with various famous swords. If you come next time, bring your sword."

I don't know if it's true or not, anyway, he said so, and Tiechui just listened and decided whether to bring it or not.

"Okay, Kong, is there anything else?"

"If not, then leave."

"By the way, since Tiechui has returned, the auction house will be normal."

"Resume regular supplies as soon as possible."

After issuing the order to expel them, Old Man Kong and Tiechui left Pangu City.

When the two left, the Five Elders did not disband.

"Izambaron V. Nasshoulang Saint, do you want to see the sword made by Tiechui to confirm Tianchuang?"

Faced with the question of Saint Macas Maz.

Izambaron V. Nasshoulang Saint nodded.

"If Tiechui has really touched the threshold of Tianchuang, then the weapon he forged using the entire Beehive Island as a furnace must have some ability."

"We will know after a try."

"In this way, we can report to Lord Yim earlier."

Everyone nodded.



"Tiechui, have you noticed that the Five Elders seem to have a different attitude towards you?"

Old Man Kong frowned slightly, and Tiechui beside him did the same.

"Don't tell me, it's true that the five of them are very ruthless to you, but why do I feel a little polite to me..."

"It's unscientific... I'm just a blacksmith..."

"Even if I have dealings with the Celestial Dragons in Mary Geoise, they are the Five Elders."

Iron Hammer was also puzzled. According to the personalities of the Five Elders, is there anyone in this world that they care about?

"Strange, in all these years, this is the first time I've seen the Five Elders pay so much attention to someone."

"Iron Hammer, are you a Celestial Dragon?"

Iron Hammer: ??? I don't know if it's true or not.



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