The two of them were talking happily, and the two of them looked curiously.

On a big tree in the courtyard of the villa, Usopp was saying something to the girl

"Kaya, the story I want to tell you today is about my fight with a giant goldfish in the South China Sea when I was five years old."

Just as the two were chatting happily, a wailing sound suddenly came from the sky and penetrated the air. Just as the two looked curiously, accompanied by screams, a green-haired man fell from the sky like a meteor. His body rolled in the air and finally fell heavily to the ground.

"Wow, Zoro," Luffy said as he slowly landed and looked at the embarrassed Zoro.

Zoro climbed up with difficulty and spit out the grass in his mouth. He looked at Luffy who was slowly landing with three women in the air, and gritted his teeth and said, "I will definitely chop you, Luffy."

Luffy grinned and laughed heartily. He looked at the two stunned people with a bright smile on his face, and greeted them enthusiastically. Then, he went straight to the point without hesitation and asked Kaya for a ship to be his future pirate ship.

"Hello, beautiful lady, my name is Luffy, I am the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, and I came here to buy a ship from you to use as my pirate ship."

Before Kaya could respond, a man in butler's clothes suddenly appeared in front of her. He had a serious face, and his eyes revealed obvious disgust. He stared at Kaya tightly, as if she was a dirty existence.

"Pirates are not welcome here! Especially you, Usopp, your father is a bastard who abandoned his wife and children, and you also have his dirty blood flowing in your body." His voice came coldly, with undisguised contempt. Every word was like a sharp sword, piercing Usopp's ears.

"Don't say it anymore, Mr. Bartel", Kaya in the house wanted to stop the butler named Bartel, but Bartel didn't seem to hear it. He leaned forward slightly, crossed his hands on his chest, further emphasizing his position. That condescending attitude made people feel that he seemed to regard himself as the owner of this land and had the right to give orders to anyone.

"What did you say? You are not allowed to insult my father." Usopp, who came down from the tree, angrily punched the butler who was talking, and the butler covered his face with a loyal look, which made Luffy almost believe that this guy was really for Kaya's good. Kaya in the house couldn't believe that Usopp, who had been with her all the time, actually beat her butler. When she was about to drive Usopp away angrily.

"Should I call you Bartel or Kuro? You tell me, captain of the Black Cat Pirates, Kuro"

Luffy, who had been silent, suddenly asked. Kuro on the ground shrank. He didn't expect that he would be discovered by someone he didn't know after hiding his identity for so many years. But he thought Luffy didn't have any evidence. Even Kaya in the house didn't believe that the housekeeper who had been following her was actually a pirate who disappeared a few years ago.

"I advise you not to talk nonsense without evidence, and leave here quickly. I said pirates are not welcome here," Kuro got up from the ground and pushed his glasses and said.

Luffy knew that his words alone were not enough to convince everyone. He immediately took out the wanted order that he had prepared long ago. A breeze gathered in Luffy's hand and floated in front of Kaya with the wanted order. When Kaya saw the person on the wanted order clearly, she trembled all over, and the wanted order in her hand fell down and floated in front of Kuro.

When Kuro saw this, his eyes shrank. Seeing him still being stubborn, Luffy punched him. Kuro subconsciously dodged quickly when seeing the fierce fist. Before Kuro could react, Luffy's rubber machine gun came one after another. Kuro had no choice but to dodge continuously. When the attack stopped and he saw the smile on Luffy's face, Kuro knew that he was exposed, so he simply stopped pretending and showed his cards directly.

"Yes, I am Kuro who disappeared a few years ago. I didn't expect that after such a long time, someone could recognize me. Who are you, kid?" Kuro took out his spare weapon, the Ten Blades Cat Claw, from the flower bed beside him and put it on his hand, staring at Luffy and said, Zoro came to Luffy and drew his weapon to wait seriously.

Luffy pressed down Zoro who was about to attack, and his eyes revealed confidence and determination. He looked straight at Kuro and said with undisguised contempt: "If you want to know who I am, wait until you defeat me!" Kuro looked at Luffy's contemptuous expression and the anger in his heart was instantly ignited. The proud Kuro could no longer tolerate such an insult and decided to

Let Luffy know how powerful he is.

Kuro spread his arms, and a strong aura emanated from his body. His speed, which he was proud of, burst out in an instant, and he rushed towards Luffy like lightning. His movements were vigorous and swift, and every step was accompanied by unparalleled strength and agility, as if he was going to tear Luffy apart. Seeing that the situation was not good, Zoro immediately protected the few people watching the battle outside the battlefield and retreated to the house to hide, while he and Kuina held knives and were ready to support Luffy at any time.

"Silent Step"

Kuro's figure quickly swayed around Luffy without making a sound, and he was looking for an opportunity. When he got behind Luffy and saw that there was no defense, he raised his weapon and slashed at Luffy. Just as Zoro was about to help


Luffy's figure disappeared in an instant, making Kuro's fatal blow miss. Just as Kuro was looking for Luffy in shock, someone patted him on the shoulder. Kuro felt his scalp numb instantly, and he jumped away from his original position several times, looking at Luffy vigilantly. He didn't understand when Luffy came behind him

"You forced me to do this, and I don't want to use this But there is no other way, Shao Si"

After the words fell, Kuro disappeared again, and his speed was several times faster than before. Wherever his figure went, the ground was cut open, but this speed was extremely slow in Luffy's eyes

"Storm Kick. Ice Blade Dance"

Luffy jumped into the air, swung his feet at high speed and kicked out ice blades all over the sky towards the ground. The ice blades that touched the ground were quickly frozen, and Kuro couldn't control himself and fell to the ice. Shao Si couldn't control himself and was forced to touch it. The whole person fell to the ground in embarrassment. Before Kuro could get up, four vines suddenly emerged from the ground and tightly wrapped around his limbs.

Kaya in the house heard the sound of the end of the battle outside, and felt nervous. She ran out impatiently, ran to Clo with tears in her eyes, and asked in a sobbing voice: "Mr. Bartel, why did you do this? Is my parents' death a few years ago related to you?" Clo's eyes were lonely. He looked at everything in front of him silently, and he knew in his heart that his failure was inevitable. His voice was flat but with a hint of helplessness, as if he was justifying his behavior: "The death of your parents has nothing to do with me. I did this just to inherit your property so that I can enjoy my retirement life. The reason why you have been in poor health is because I have been mixing chronic poisons in your medicine. In this way, your body will become weaker and weaker until you die. Before you die, I will let my men hypnotize you and let you make a will and choose me as your heir. It was obviously going to succeed, but it was destroyed by this kid at the critical moment. I am unwilling to accept it."

After hearing this, Kaya was shaky. She didn't dare or even wanted to believe that the housekeeper who had been with her for several years would poison her for her property. Seeing that Kaya was not in a good state, Usopp immediately stepped forward to support Kaya, and helped Kaya into the house to rest with Kaya's servant Meli.

"I lost, kill me"

Kuro lay on the ground resigned to his fate and let Luffy deal with him. Luffy's eyes were indifferent, and the cold air wrapped around Kuro along the vines. Kuro was frozen into an ice sculpture under the cold air. Luffy used the power of wind to bring Kuro to the coast, and just saw the Black Cat Pirates on standby. After dealing with them, he threw Kuro's ice sculpture into the sea.

"This is also the best destination for you," Luffy said lightly, looking at Kuro who was gradually sinking into the deep sea.

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