One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 521: The King Arrives

Because such a flame Katie has also used.

"Damn bastard, I should have killed you in the first place!" A hoarse and low growl came from Sakaski's mouth.

It was visible to the naked eye that his body was trembling, and he was really extremely angry.

The failure of the Dingshang War is not only a stain on the history of the Warring States Period, but also a stain on the entire navy, a stain on oneself!

The target Whitebeard Pirates were not destroyed, and the blood of One Piece was not cut off, but Katie became famous all over the world.

Even after so long, he still didn't let go, and looking at Ace who should have died in front of him, this humiliation made Sakaski nearly go crazy.

"Unfortunately, you couldn't do it that day." Facing Sakasky's provocation, Ace replied calmly.

He had already let go of the war two years ago, and he could not choose the blood of One Piece flowing in his veins, but he can still control how to carry out his current life.

People can miss the past, but they can't indulge in it, otherwise it will be harmful and not beneficial.

"Red Dog, my two brothers will come to play with you today!" After speaking, Marco rushed to Sakaski.

"Fight, fight, fight!"

Accompanied by Marco's actions, the entire sea area boiled instantly, and more than 100,000 people were thrown into the chessboard like a handful of chess pieces. The scale was shocking.


"Why, haven't you made up your mind yet?" Shanksbach couldn't help asking, looking at the silent man standing on the bow, not paying much attention to the large-scale battle not far away.

Hearing this, Shanks breathed a sigh of relief and then slowly turned to look at Bucky. "If I help the navy, will you stop me?"

"Who knows?" Bucky shrugged and said indifferently, Shanks couldn't figure out the calm expression.

"But if I were you, I wouldn't make a move."

Just when Shanks was in a daze, such a sentence suddenly came from his ear, and he subconsciously looked at Bucky.

"Ah, how can there be no wine in such a big show, your subordinates are too ignorant, so let me take it myself!"

After speaking, he walked towards the warehouse on his own, as if he had never said anything.

Shanks, who watched Bucky's retreating back in place, smiled wryly and shook his head, not commenting on his poor acting skills.

Turning around and staring, Shanks' face was full of doubts, because the battle broke out so suddenly that there was no warning before it.

What made him even more concerned was that the Shadow Building remained silent on this matter!

He knew the origins of the people like the white-bearded golden lion, and roughly guessed that this battle was related to the person who had disappeared for thirty-eight years, but he didn't believe that lunatic Katie would honestly sit on the sidelines.

Don't say that Lockes has been dead for thirty-eight years, even if he is alive, Katie may not give face.

So, what is the problem?

Shanks's thoughts were racing, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind, but in the end they were all dismissed.

Looking at the sea in front of him, Shanks fell into a daze and always felt that something important was neglected by him.

He had a hunch that Katie was definitely not idle at this time, and even said that he was staying in a place that no one expected, preparing to set off the biggest storm in history!

As soon as this thought appeared, he couldn't hold it back anymore, and even made Shanks' scalp tingle!

Meanwhile, the Holy Land of Marie Gioia;

Accompanied by CP0 agents, kings stepped into the meeting room one after another and sat around a huge round table.

One hundred and seventy-five kings, one hundred and seventy-five faces, one hundred and seventy-five expressions.

There are men, women and children, and there are many joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys. However, when they step into the room, everyone will look at the four old stars who are sitting at the top.

In addition to awe, there was also undisguised hatred and hatred in the eyes, but the four of them were completely unaffected, turning a blind eye to those unkind eyes.

"Hey, I'm here, you should let my children go!"

The angry roar came suddenly, but it was a certain fiery king who spoke first, with bloodshot eyes and clenched teeth, he wished he could eat the four old stars alive.

Hearing that the leader of the four old stars smiled contemptuously, he said in a calm manner: "King Sano, don't be in a hurry. It's rare for everyone to get together. Don't act like this when you come up."

"What's the matter, let's sit down and talk slowly."

The leader smiled, and he didn't care about King Sano's offense, like a kind-hearted emperor. However, in the eyes of the persecuted kings, this smile was hypocritical but just disgusting.

"Hmph, there's nothing to talk about. I wouldn't have come if you hadn't kidnapped my children! Let them go quickly, I don't want to stay in this place for a second!" King Sano said unceremoniously.

After all, the comprehensive national strength of the kingdom he ruled can be ranked among the top 15 in the world. In addition, what the world government has done during this period makes him intolerable, so it is natural for him to speak ruthlessly.

The air was suddenly quiet. Not everyone was King Sano. Most of the people present were still afraid of the World Government and the Four Elder Stars. Although they were treated extremely unfairly, they did not dare to show it.

On the other hand, the faces of the four old stars who were ridiculed in public instantly turned black and their kind smiles quickly disappeared, replaced by an extremely cold expression.

bang bang bang

The sound of body collisions suddenly sounded, and before everyone could react, King Sano had already been pinned on the table.


The sudden change made the hearts of the more than one hundred kings watching nearby tremble, and they retreated subconsciously and made eye contact with several good kings around them, trying to unite and advance together.

Such a scene naturally fell in the eyes of the four old stars, but they ignored it and kept their eyes on King Sano.

"You, you, why bother? Why bother to force us to do something if you don't listen to what you say?"

The leader had a look of embarrassment, as if he really didn't want to see things develop to this point.

Seeing that the situation was not right, King Sano kept silent in a timely manner, and he was shocked by the powerful force coming from his shoulders. He never thought that the four old stars would really dare to make a move in front of so many kings.

"Can you keep quiet?" Si Laoxing spoke again, with a sneer on his face when he spoke.

Hearing this, King Sano was stunned and failed to give an answer immediately.

The next moment, a piercing pain came from his shoulder, and the intense pain instantly broke through his defense.


The heart-piercing screams made all the kings present shudder. They, who have been pampered all the year round, have never suffered such suffering, and there is no hatred or resentment in the eyes of the four old stars.

"Yes, I can be quiet!"

King Sano, who couldn't bear the pain, resolutely confessed, but he thought in his heart that after everything was over and he returned home safely, these people would definitely regret it!

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