One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 518: The Golden Lion Appears

His eyes subconsciously looked at Warring States.

However, before Sakaski opened his mouth to ask questions, Zhan Guo said first: "Don't ask me, I don't know." After speaking, he spread his hands and his face was full of innocence.

crunch, crunch;

Teeth clenched, Sakalski hates that.

The two old guys are more unreliable than the other. They don't punch in at work and don't say hello after get off work, but they have nothing to do with them.

You must know that bastard Garp, even his boss dared to hate him, let alone himself.

As for the retired Sengoku, who has long since left the navy, the reason why he is still sitting here is because today's navy cannot do without him.

So no matter how unpleasant Sakaski was, he did not dare to drive these two away, because once they left the navy's high-end combat power, they would be cut in half, and Sakaski felt that he could not afford such a loss.

He took a few deep breaths and forced himself to calm down. He must not lose his footing before the battle begins.

"Huang Yuan, how far is the enemy from our army?" Looking at Huang Yuan, he wanted to know the latest and most accurate news about the enemy.

"The enemy's vanguard is less than 300 nautical miles away from here, and it will enter our sea area in an hour." At this time, Huang Yuan's face no longer showed the laziness of the past, and his brows were full of clouds.

The sudden and huge crisis has never been encountered in the decades since I joined the army. It is no exaggeration to say that this incident is the biggest crisis encountered since the establishment of the Navy.

If it is not good, the entire headquarters will sink into the sea, and even face the danger of being delisted.

Regarding the coming enemy, Sakaski did not say anything, but looked at the crane beside him.

"Lieutenant General He, is there any movement in the shadow building?"

Hearing this, everyone's heart tightened. Even though the person with the lowest official rank was an alternate major general who had gone through dozens of wars, their bodies still trembled uncontrollably when they heard the words "Shadow House".

Because for them, behind these three words is an unrivaled power. The team captain selection contest that just ended a week ago allowed them to see the power of the shadow building.

Not to mention the thirteen captains who won in the end, the challengers like Blanche, Urki and others at least had to dispatch lieutenant generals or even alternate generals to fight against them.

What's more, the Shadow Building also has a world-destroying weapon like the Pluto battleship. Once the Pluto's firepower is fully fired, whether Andrella under his feet can last for a minute is a question.

In addition, there are also huge deep-sea sea kings. It is no exaggeration to say that they spit casually and become huge waves of 100 meters high. Any fleet is a joke in front of them. If half of it is destroyed and then turned over, it will be wiped out. How can people beat it?

"According to the latest information, there are currently none."

Crane's cold but affirmative voice subconsciously let everyone present breathe a sigh of relief, as long as there is no movement, otherwise there is really no need to fight this battle.

However, Sakaski was puzzled again, and couldn't help muttering: "Why, why didn't they act together?"

Hearing what the marshal said, black lines suddenly appeared on the foreheads of the generals below.

People like myself have a way of life if they don't come, if they really come, everyone will die here, secretly shaking their heads in their minds, seriously suspecting that the marshal is having a brain twitch, of course, these words are just thinking about it and dare not show it.

However, Huang Yuan, Lu Niu and the others in the lead showed contemplation, because during this period of time, the shadow studio headed by Katie has never missed any major events.

And because of the personal relationship between Whitebeard and Katie, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Shadow House have always been working closely together.

Now that Whitebeard is leading an army to attack Andrea, the Shadow House or Katie shouldn't be so calm.

"Maybe it's their own business." The silent Zhan Guo suddenly spoke up, saying something with other intentions.

It is said that a light flashed in front of the eyes of those who had experienced Lockes' era, thinking of something.

"In this case, the generals will obey the order!" Sakaski shouted to wake up the depressed people. Although there are still many doubts about this war, resisting the enemy is the most important thing right now.

"Now the strength of the enemy and us is very different, so we can't defend this battle, but stand by and wait for help!" One sentence sets the general policy of this battle.

There is no objection to this decision, because in the current situation, only positional warfare has a glimmer of hope.

The incident happened suddenly. There were only 40,000 fighters in the headquarters, but there were at least 100,000 enemies.

In the case of such a disparity in troop strength, relying on the position can not only reduce the number of wounded, but also reduce the contact area so that it will not be collapsed at a touch. When the reinforcements of one's own side rush to attack inside and outside, there is no lack of possibility of turning defeat into victory.

"Fujitora and Luniu are in charge of the north and south positions, you are in charge of the west position, and I will personally guard the east side!"

The categorical order made everyone's blood boil for a while, and the battle was imminent. As the Supreme Commander, Sakaski's ability to show up at the front line naturally boosted morale.

"Each person leads an army of 9,000, and the remaining 4,000 troops form a reserve team under the command of the Warring States Period. Once the battle is tight, the reserve team must go up as soon as possible. General Hezhong, you are responsible for contacting Commander Kong to inform him of the situation here and let him Hurry up and send reinforcements."

After speaking, Sakalski's sharp eyes swept over everyone present, but everyone he saw held his head upright and showed determination.

"If you understand it, take action and don't stand here stupidly!"


Everyone stood up together, and the loud shouts wanted to lift the roof.

At this moment, they forgot who the enemy was and who they were, and only remembered the declaration under the banner of the army, vowing to fight the enemy to protect justice!

The fierce wind swept over the Yinfeng and howled, and as time passed, the weather in the entire sea area became tense and depressing, completely spreading the signal of the decisive battle.

At a certain moment, a very characteristic laughter suddenly came.

"Jie ha ha ha ha!"

"Is this the newly selected headquarters of the Navy? Let me test whether it is strong or not!"

The inexplicable provocation made ordinary soldiers confused, but the knowledgeable general officer trembled and subconsciously looked up at the sky, and a figure that he could never forget appeared in the back of his mind.

Seeing this, a group of soldiers followed the example of the officers and looked up at the sky.

"Then, what is that?"

But he found a black shadow that was getting larger and larger suddenly appeared in the sky above his head, as if something had fallen from the sky.

"Everyone, withdraw to the nearest air-raid shelter!"

When the soldiers were still confused and curious, the general who reacted teared his throat and gave the retreat order. They knew too well what that thing was.

That's a fucking small island!

Boom boom boom!

Before the soldiers started to move, the brown land was exposed first, and the whole island came into view after a while.

The huge scale made a group of naval soldiers desperate. The whole sky can be seen to be completely enveloped by the naked eye. Where can they escape?

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